Blank screen with apple-mobile-web-app-capable and Facebook Connect - facebook

We've got a few pages that use the apple-mobile-web-app-capable meta tag (value="yes"), but on a login page that allows Facebook Connect, you get a blank page when you click on the connect button. I've seen this posted on the old FB developer forums, but with no relevant responses. Has anyone figured this out already?

This could be a bug in facebooks API. I don't think they've tested their API in iPhone web app mode. Issue can be followed here:
The issue have been raised here on Stack Overflow a couple of times too:
How do I get back to the iPhone web app after having logged in with Facebook Connect?
blank white screen after FB login via web app?


Meteor js facebook mobile login blank screen

I set up a Facebook login package for my meteor project. It is supposed to work on mobile, but when the iPhone app finishes logging the person into Facebook, it just shows a blank screen.
I have tried:
Meteor.loginWithFacebook({loginStyle: "redirect" }
But it still doesn't work. Any ideas?
The app takes you to the sign in page, but after you sign in, it doesn't redirect back to the app. It just shows a blanks screen.
I figured it out. Facebook now defaults to API version 2.3 and there is no way to change it to an earlier version in the Facebook App section.
2.3 is not supported by the Facebook accounts system on Meteor.
I just so happens I had an old Facebook app that was set to use API version 2.0
If I didn't have that old app then I would have been out of luck.
If you found this answer useful please arrow up the question and answer. Thanks!

Misconfigured: App Sorry, That Helps hasn't been approved for display in App Center

I have a simple Facebook App that I use to allow users of my website to login with Facebook. Recently I added a basic custom story via the open graph API, e.g.
Nick plays a mixtape via
The custom story appears in my stream as expected, however when I click the link on the story I get the following error and cannot access the actual Facebook App page:
Sorry, the details for cannot be displayed because the app is
What is strange, is that the application redirects at
despite the fact that the app is not registered as a game.
Has anyone else faced this behaviour?
On tapping on the App link, you could navigate it in one of the two possible ways
Any FB page: Add the page in Advanced settings of your App.
A website: Add a web platform

Tab App (FB) wont show on Facebook iPhone App

I created a facebook and placed it on my facebook brand page, I also created a post on the wall of that page with the link to the app.
all works well until people started calling me saying that when accessing using FB iPhone app it will redirect to an error page "the page your requested was not found"
I tried adding a link (same page) to the "Mobile Web" link of my app in the FB Developer App.
it still doesn't work..
I need people accessing the app page to get some content.. I know it is possible but cant find how..
thanks for your help
Tabs aren't supported via the app or mobile site. Best you could do is add the query parameter "ref=ts" to prevent the page from going switching to mobile. It helps in the browser but not the app itself.
So add ?ref=ts to the end of your app url and at least mobile users can see it in their browser.

Facebook mobile web OAuth issue

I'm seeing a problem requesting permissions with Facebook connect on iPhones. Everything had been working fine and then it just started out of nowhere. I can't seem to sort it out, so I posted it here to see if anyone's experiencing the same issues? I'm trying to log users into a mobile website and here's what I'm seeing:
On Android, everything is A-OK, as are regular web browsers.
On the iPhone 3, users get the login page ok, but are not redirected to the request permissions page, just to mobile facebook. If they leave and come back and click on the login button again, they are taken to the request permissions page, and after they allow/don't allow, they are taken back to our site. This is also the same for iPad users
On the iPhone4, users get the login page ok, but are not redirected to the request permissions page, just to mobile facebook. If they leave and come back, they are taken to the mobile facebook site and never are prompted for their permissions.
Everything was fine 3 weeks ago
Everything is still fine on Android using the very same FBConnect url, but it blows on iOS
What happens on iPhone 3 is different that what happens on iPhone 4
I've tried doing this with 3 different urls, but StackOverflow will only let me put 2 in here because I'm a new user:[OUR_CLIENT_ID]&redirect_uri=[OUR_URL]&display=wap&scope=email,user_location,read_friendlists,publish_stream,offline_access[OUR_CLIENT_ID]&redirect_uri=[OUR_URL]&perms=email,user_location,read_friendlists,publish_stream,offline_access";
The other URL was similar to these, but used the graph API
Anyone have any ideas?
Facebook has since removed the WAP interface and replaced that with Javascript SDK interfaces for Android and iOS, and now normal wap enabled phones have been shut out.

Facebook Connect for iPhone - Request to like a page

I'm not sure if this is possible but using Facebook Connect for iPhone, can you request to like a facebook page? If this means showing the FB dialog box that is fine!
Many thanks
If you haven't resolved this one, here is a neat tutorial: