Setting up Zend Framework killed my internet - frameworks

I am on debian and installing zend framework. I got to the part where you create the virtual host. It never worked for me. And now my internet is down. I've been trying to figure it out and revert all the changes I did. My hostname is back to what it was, I deleted the other entry in the etc/hosts file. I can't even ping a website. It says Cannot connect to hostname when I try to open a page in the browser. Any help?

Apache virtual host is not effect to your internet connection.
Make sure is correct your internet setting in the machine. (IP/Route)
Restart you network.


Eclipse/ App Engine Page load failed with error: The network connection was lost

I had a Google App Engine Standard Projects running in Eclipse in different workspaces without any problems for many weeks.
Suddenly, since today, I get an error when trying to Run any projects as an App Engine:
Page load failed with error: The network connection was lost.
I have no idea by what this was caused, as I was coding on a project during that time and a few hours ago still worked normally.
I do not get any other specific error in the Console, the processes seem to run normally at first. Any ideas that I could try?
I think for some reason the local preview in port 8080 is not available anymore, not sure if it changed its port, you can try restarting your OS and eclipse and launching the local server again. You can also Go to the servers tab in Eclipse and change the HTTP port there to something else like 9080 and try again with that new port.
I could not find the exact reason why it was caused, but my system seemed to have issues to resolve localhost. I used it with the IP instead and after some days it started working again using localhost.

Can't access my Web app running on a tomcat server from another computer in same network

here's my problem, I have a Webservice that I run in tomcat using eclipse, and I have an android app connected to that Webservice. I access to that localhost using the local ip of my computer. Yes my phone is using same network. Sometimes when I launch the server, it's like I didnt, my app cant find a route and when I restart my computer everything works again. So my question is: What could be the problem because its kinda annoying to always have to restart my computer. I need a definitive solution. Thanks

Unable to connect to Ejabberd server

I have installed ejabberd version 17.06 on my mac. I could connect to it using Adium and Swift. But after a while after logging out of Adium and Swift I am unable to connect. The server seems to work fine as I am able to navigate the admin panel and create users. I tried uninstalling and installing back, but no use. Tried other latest version too. Nothing in the logs too.
This same behavior happened 2 days back. The clients are unable to connect after a while.
Apparently, I had to set the host as localhost, which I did not have to do before.
Hope it helps someone.

Cannot install eclipse under ubuntu

I'm searching all over the internet and cannot find an answer to this,
I tried to configure but this error keeps happening
I solved the problem, I run apt-get update, and it started to work.
There isn't enough information to determine anything other than the fact that the application isn't communicating with the server. The server could be not functioning, you could have any number of things blocking your connection between the program and the server.
The best advice I can give it to check that you can connect to the internet and that you have no weird firewall settings.
You could run Wireshark on your computer to see if you can stop the destination and ports, and then re-check your firewall.

iphone app private test network

I am developing an iPhone app that relies on a custom web service I created using Ruby on Rails. I want to setup a test server on my Mac without having to change the URLs that my app is pointing to - served by the RoR service. This way I can test new features or fixed bugs more easily using the test RoR server.
I have enabled internet sharing on my Mac so I can connect with my iphone to a private wifi network. I installed dnsmasq and edited my /etc/hosts file to resolve my web service URLs to the local gateway ip. However when I use my iphone app the URLs are resolved to the production server instead of my test server (my Mac).
How do I setup dnsmasq to point to the local ip.
Have you set the DNS server address on the iPhone to the IP address of your Mac?
After playing with it some more I was able to get it to work. I needed to edit /opt/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf and change the 'address' tag. I also had to change my Mac ethernet settings, under advance->dns I had to add as the first dns server. This will automatically change resolv.conf which is not meant to be edited manually on a Mac.
After reading up a bit on the Dnsmasq solution, I found a nice step-by-step guide for Mac:
(although personally I use Fiddler in a Windows VM for all of this sort of thing - ask if you'd like some details on that..)