Unable to connect to Ejabberd server - swift

I have installed ejabberd version 17.06 on my mac. I could connect to it using Adium and Swift. But after a while after logging out of Adium and Swift I am unable to connect. The server seems to work fine as I am able to navigate the admin panel and create users. I tried uninstalling and installing back, but no use. Tried other latest version too. Nothing in the logs too.
This same behavior happened 2 days back. The clients are unable to connect after a while.

Apparently, I had to set the host as localhost, which I did not have to do before.
Hope it helps someone.


Unable to connect to localhost, bs-local, etc on Browserstack

I'm attempting to do some development on iOS for a model-viewer web component through browserstack (using iOS 13 Chrome) and it seems unable to connect to localhost, whether I use bs-local (as suggested via browserstack), my IP, or anything else.
I went through their troubleshooting guides with no success, and their own "Debug Connectivity" test in localhost:45454 seems to return a 200 OK response for my page, but live.browserstack.com still seems unable to connect (it returns "Unable to display the page").
I'm attempting to run it using iOS 13 on Chrome.
I've set up the proxy details, enabled 'Force Local', and installed the Browserstack Local app and have verified that it is connected correctly. The URL formats I have tried are:
I am writing my code in VS Code and am using node.js/npm and npm run serve using Ubuntu (WSL) in the terminal to start the web dev server, which starts on its own correctly. Opening the page on my own machine seems to work fine, it is solely unable to connect through browserstack live.
Is there a step that I'm missing? What should I troubleshoot next? I'm a junior developer, so please explain in detail.

Eclipse/ App Engine Page load failed with error: The network connection was lost

I had a Google App Engine Standard Projects running in Eclipse in different workspaces without any problems for many weeks.
Suddenly, since today, I get an error when trying to Run any projects as an App Engine:
Page load failed with error: The network connection was lost.
I have no idea by what this was caused, as I was coding on a project during that time and a few hours ago still worked normally.
I do not get any other specific error in the Console, the processes seem to run normally at first. Any ideas that I could try?
I think for some reason the local preview in port 8080 is not available anymore, not sure if it changed its port, you can try restarting your OS and eclipse and launching the local server again. You can also Go to the servers tab in Eclipse and change the HTTP port there to something else like 9080 and try again with that new port.
I could not find the exact reason why it was caused, but my system seemed to have issues to resolve localhost. I used it with the IP instead and after some days it started working again using localhost.

Eclipse unable to connect to internet when using a VPN

Eclipse is unable to connect to the internet when I am using a VPN.
The VPN I am using is: https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/
I have no issues when I try browsing the web using the VPN.
If I try to do something like access the Eclipse Marketplace I get an error saying connection fails and it suggests I should check my internet connection and retry.
I have tried restarting eclipse many times. I have tried changing my network connection preferences in eclipse (Direct, Manual, Native).
I don't really understand why connecting to a VPN should have any effect on eclipse.
Maybe, you have not set proxy (and login credentials) in the eclipse.

remove apple server app on osx 10.8

I normally develop in ruby and serve my developement site with pow.cx.
For some client work I have to work with php and drupal. I had quite a bit of set up problems and incompatibilities between apache / php / Mamp and my pow server.
I've tried to set things up as mentioned there:
When I leave Mamp on port 888 everything is fine, but when i want to run mamp and pow on port 80 i start to have regular problems.
To try to fix the issue I have installed Apple Server app.
I now regret it.
If i turn websites on in the server app. Server takes over my pow url.
If i turn websites off, i can't access the pow url at all (says i have to turn websites on).
If i remove the Server app completely and restart, i can access Pow again, but Mamp refuse to start apache, saying that it can't resolve the domain name set up by the Server App.
So Is there a way to remove and clean the Server app setup completely?
I'm not sure what the cleanest way to remove the Apple Server app. But at least I manage to get Mamp work again.
I had ot add an alias in my /etc/hosts files with the current name of my local machine my-lovely-mac
and now Mamp Apache is all happy again

Setting up Zend Framework killed my internet

I am on debian and installing zend framework. I got to the part where you create the virtual host. It never worked for me. And now my internet is down. I've been trying to figure it out and revert all the changes I did. My hostname is back to what it was, I deleted the other entry in the etc/hosts file. I can't even ping a website. It says Cannot connect to hostname when I try to open a page in the browser. Any help?
Apache virtual host is not effect to your internet connection.
Make sure is correct your internet setting in the machine. (IP/Route)
Restart you network.