Really Large Numbers - iphone

I'm writing an iPhone application. Say I have a whole number of LENGTH 256, i.e. 94736 has length 5, 3745, has length 4, etc. What kind of data type can fit a number of length 256?

Does it have to be a number? Will you be doing math operations with it? If not, you should just use NSString.

The maximum value for an NSInteger is NSIntegerMax, which in the iphone is 32 bit.
But you should treat a number on 256 ciphers as a NSString.
(from Foundation Constants Reference)

I think you can use double, but being limited to available precision. Or maybe you can store it as string and write your own functions to manipulate them, such as plus, minus. This could be hard.

You should look at NSDecimalNumber its a wrapper an immutable wrapper for doing arithmetic on numbers on numbers expressed as *mantissa * 10^exponent*, where mantissa mantissa is a decimal integer up to 38 digits long, and exponent is an integer from –128 through 127.
It is not a fit if your requirement of a 256 digit mantissa is a hard requirement. It is a fit if you want to be able to work on numbers on that order.
If you really have need for numbers of that size with perfect precision then look into the GNU MP Bignum Library at The limit for numbers that GNU MP can support is only limited by available RAM. It is written in C, so easily usable as-is for an iPhone application.

For a school project I worked with numbers of length 256 + . The way I got around it was to build a class to store the numbers as arrays.
For example I would store 345 as [3,4,5]. This way you are only limited to the amount of memory available.
I wrote methods for multiplication, addition and subtraction of positive numbers. Not too hard, and it works well.
I would suggest the same thing if you are looking at doing math with the numbers. Then just implement the functions you need.
This was done in c++ using xcode as compiler.

The maximum number is 10^256 - 1 (10 to the power of 256 minus 1)


Marie Simulator Multiplication of fractions

I have a task to use Marie Simulator to calculate the area of a circle
requiring its radius
I know that in Marie Language there is no multiplication operator so we use multiplication by adding numbers several times so If I wanted to multiply 2*3 I could write it down like 3+3 or 2+2+2
but when using the area of a circle there is pi which is 3.14 I can't imagine how could I get it so can anyone give me the algorithm or code for that ?
thanks in advance.
MARIE does not have floating point support.
So, should refer to your course work or ask your instructors what to do, as it is not obvious.
It is, of course, possible to do floating point in software, but the complexity is extraordinary, so unlikely to be what the're looking for.
You could use fixed point arithmetic, fractions, or decimal.
Here's one solution that might be appropriate: multiply one of the numbers (having decimal places) by some fixed constant factor, do the arithmetic, then interpret answers accordingly.  For example, let's use 100 as the factor, so 3.14 is represented by 314.  Let's say r is 9, so we can square that (9x9=81), then multiply 81 x 314 = 25434.  Now we know that value is 100x too large, so the real answer is 254.34.  (You can choose to ignore the .34, or, round it, then ignore.  254 is still more accurate than 243 which we would get from 9x9x3.)
Fixed point multiplies all numbers by the constant (usually a power of 2, so that the binary point is in the same bit position).  Additions are relatively straightforward, but multiplications need to interpret results by factoring in (or out) that both sources are in scaled, meaning the answer is doubly scaled.
If you need to measure radius also with decimal digits, e.g. 9.5, then you could scale both 9.5 and 3.14 by 100.  Then we need 950x950, and multiply by 314.  The answer will be 100x100x100 too large, so 1000000x too large.  With this approach, 16 bits that MARIE offers will overflow, so you would need to use at least 32-bit arithmetic (not trivial on 16-bit machine).
You can use two different scaling factors, e.g. 9.5 as 95 and 3.14 as 314.  Take 95x95x314, is 10000x too large, so interpret the answer accordingly.  Still this will overflow MARIE's 16-bits
Fractions would maintain both a numerator and denominator for all numbers.  So, 3.14 could be 314/100, and 9.5 could be 95/10 — and simplified 157/50 and 19/2.  To add you have to find a common denominator, convert, then sum numerators.  To multiply you multiply both numerators and denominators: numerator = 19x19x157, denominator = 2x2x50.  Just fits in 16-bit unsigned arithmetic, but still overflows 16-bit signed arithmetic..
And finally binary coded decimal is more like a string format, where numbers are stored one decimal digit per byte or per nibble (packed decimal).  Algorithms for addition and subtraction need to account for variable length inputs.
Big integer forms also use similar to binary coded decimal but compose much larger elements instead of single decimal digits.
All of these approaches require some thought, and the more limitations you want to remove, the more work required.  So, I'd suggest to go back to your course to find what they really want.

How does my scientific calculator calculate p/q ratio so accurately while the programming languages can't ? How are they programmed?

I have seen that my scientific calculator stores 99 digits after decimal. Why doesn't the programming languages use such precision ? Moreover, how can I achieve such precision if I want to ?
This is a good question!
To understand what happens, you must first familiarize yourself with how computers store floating point numbers:
Typically programming languages offer two binary representations - one that uses 32 bits and one that uses 64 bits.
If you need more precision, you need a better representation and you can implement a division algorithm to obtain the result with arbitrary precision that you need.
You can take a look at Java’s implementation of BigDecimal

Efficiently Store Decimal Numbers with Many Leading Zeros in Postgresql

A number like:
is difficult to store without a large performance penalty with the available numeric types in postgres. This question addresses a similar problem, but I don't feel like it came to an acceptable resolution. Currently one of my colleagues landed on rounding numbers like this to 15 decimal places and just storing them as:
So that the double precision numeric type can be used which prevents the penalty associated with moving to a decimal numeric type. Numbers that are this small for my purposes are more or less functionally equivalent, because they are both very small (and mean more or less the same thing). However, we are graphing these results and when a large portion of the data set would be rounded like this it looks exceptionally stupid (flat line on the graph).
Because we are storing tens of thousands of these numbers and operating on them, the decimal numeric type is not a good option for us as the performance penalty is too large.
I am a scientist, and my natural inclination would just be to store these types of numbers in scientific notation, but it does't appear that postgres has this kind of functionality. I don't actually need all of the precision in the number, I just want to preserve 4 digits or so, so I don't even need the 15 digits that the float numeric type offers. What are the advantages and disadvantages of storing these numbers in two fields like this:
1.234 (real)
-40 (smallint)
where this is equivalent to 1.234*10^-40? This would allow for ~32000 leading decimals with only 2 bytes used to store them and 4 bytes to store the real value, for a total of maximally 6 bytes per number (gives me the exact number I want to store and takes less space than the existing solution which consumes 8 bytes). It also seems like sorting these numbers would be much improved as you'd need only sort on the smallint field first followed by the real field second.
You and/or your colleague seem to be confused about what numbers can be represented using the floating point formats.
A double precision (aka float) number can store at least 15 significant digits, in the range from about 1e-307 to 1e+308. You have to think of it as scientific notation. Remove all the zeroes and move that to the exponent. If whatever you have once in scientific notation has less than 15 digits and an exponent between -307 and +308, it can be stored as is.
That means that 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000123456 can definitely be stored as a double precision, and you'll keep all the significant digits (123456). No need to round that to 0.000000000000001 or anything like that.
Floating point numbers have well-known issue of exact representation of decimal numbers (as decimal numbers in base 10 do not necessarily map to decimal numbers in base 2), but that's probably not an issue for you (it's an issue if you need to be able to do exact comparisons on such numbers).
What are the advantages and disadvantages of storing these numbers in
two fields like this
You'll have to manage 2 columns instead of one.
Roughly, what you'll be doing is saving space by storing lower-precision floats. If you only need 4 digits of precision, you can go further and save 2 more bytes by using smallint + smallint (1000-9999 + exponent). Using that format, you could cram the two smallint into one 32 bits int (exponent*2^16 + mantissa), that should work too.
That's assuming that you need to save storage space and/or need to go beyond the +/-308 digits exponent limit of the double precision float. If that's not the case, the standard format is fine.

Irrational number representation in computer

We can write a simple Rational Number class using two integers representing A/B with B != 0.
If we want to represent an irrational number class (storing and computing), the first thing came to my mind is to use floating point, which means use IEEE 754 standard (binary fraction). This is because irrational number must be approximated.
Is there another way to write irrational number class other than using binary fraction (whether they conserve memory space or not) ?
I studied jsbeuno's solution using Python: Irrational number representation in any programming language?
He's still using the built-in floating point to store.
This is not homework.
Thank you for your time.
With a cardinality argument, there are much more irrational numbers than rational ones. (and the number of IEEE754 floating point numbers is finite, probably less than 2^64).
You can represent numbers with something else than fractions (e.g. logarithmically).
jsbeuno is storing the number as a base and a radix and using those when doing calcs with other irrational numbers; he's only using the float representation for output.
If you want to get fancier, you can define the base and the radix as rational numbers (with two integers) as described above, or make them themselves irrational numbers.
To make something thoroughly useful, though, you'll end up replicating a symbolic math package.
You can always use symbolic math, where items are stored exactly as they are and calculations are deferred until they can be performed with precision above some threshold.
For example, say you performed two operations on a non-irrational number like 2, one to take the square root and then one to square that. With limited precision, you may get something like:
= 1.414213562²
= 1.999999999
However, storing symbolic math would allow you to store the result of √2 as √2 rather than an approximation of it, then realise that (√x)² is equivalent to x, removing the possibility of error.
Now that obviously involves a more complicated encoding that simple IEEE754 but it's not impossible to achieve.

Problem with very small numbers?

I tried to assign a very small number to a double value, like so:
double verySmall = 0.000000001;
9 fractional digits. For some reason, when I multiplicate this value by 10, I get something like 0.000000007. I slighly remember there were problems writing big numbers like this in plain text into source code. Do I have to wrap it in some function or a directive in order to feed it correctly to the compiler? Or is it fine to type in such small numbers in text?
The problem is with floating point arithmetic not with writing literals in source code. It is not designed to be exact. The best way around is to not use the built in double - use integers only (if possible) with power of 10 coefficients, sum everything up and display the final useful figure after rounding.
Standard floating point numbers are not stored in a perfect format, they're stored in a format that's fairly compact and fairly easy to perform math on. They are imprecise at surprisingly small precision levels. But fast. More here.
If you're dealing with very small numbers, you'll want to see if Objective-C or Cocoa provides something analagous to the java.math.BigDecimal class in Java. This is precisely for dealing with numbers where precision is more important than speed. If there isn't one, you may need to port it (the source to BigDecimal is available and fairly straightforward).
EDIT: iKenndac points out the NSDecimalNumber class, which is the analogue for java.math.BigDecimal. No port required.
As usual, you need to read stuff like this in order to learn more about how floating-point numbers work on computers. You cannot expect to be able to store any random fraction with perfect results, just as you can't expect to store any random integer. There are bits at the bottom, and their numbers are limited.