How to check the “System Spec” in Ubuntu 11.04? [closed] - specifications

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am total noob in Linux. I wanna know what is the equivalent of "My Computer" in Ubuntu 11.04. I want to check my computer specs such as Processor Speed, Memory, and etc. Whenever I check properties in Home Folder it only gives me the HD capacity... I also tried looking at System Settings but I can't find it there. Please help...

There are various GUI applications to do the tasks you want, but they're almost always less detailed, and are unnecessary fluff.
Processor clock frequency (along with features, model, etc.)
cat /proc/cpuinfo
free -m
Mounted file system sizes; total, used and free
df -h

click Dash home button on ur home screen
select more apps
select system info
in "overview tab" you can see very brief summary (e.g. Clock speed, RAM, and HD size.


Implementating command interpreter in kernel [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I was reading operating system concepts by Silberschatz and i came across
"Some operating systems include the command interpreter in the kernel"
I cannot understand how such an arrangement will be implemented. also if you cn give some examples of os which provide such arrangement.
Thank you for taking time to help.
Some operating systems do this, like vxWorks. It's just taking the shell itself, and packing it into the kernel. If you can do something in user space (ie: shell as a user space application), you can do it (with some difficulty) in the kernel. The usual caveats apply, such as not being able to link user space libraries into kernel code, etc.
It's easy, on Linux for example, to write directly to a PTY from a kernel module. You can just as easily get the stdin for a process by hijacking system calls, among other methods. Now you have your I/O mechanisms, and just need a parser to handle all the internal logic.

GWT showing low disk space [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am new to GWT. Iam using eclipse Indigo along with GWT. The moment I open eclipse and start running a simple program I have created , my system shows low disk space. I can understand it is something related to cache. But dont know how to proceed. The system becomes very slow and not allowing me to work. Again If I close my eclipse and browser , things become normal. Before starting my eclipse I have 2 GB in C. But after some time it become 100 mb and forcing me to clean or close.
What I need to do?
This is a known issue of the Google Plugin for Eclipse.
avoid relaunching the DevMode too much (you can launch it once and then reload the app at will)
clean your temporary directory regularly

Are EEPROMs one time programmable? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to erase only some part of locations to be modified in my application. Does the EEPROM supports these featrue? or they ar one time programmable?
From Wikipedia:
[EEPROM] is a type of non-volatile memory used in computers and other electronic devices to store small amounts of data that must be saved when power is removed, e.g., calibration tables or device configuration. Most components (such as RTC) uses them to store their configuration (do an interrupt everyday at eight, for instance).
You may indeed reprogram it (to set the alarm for example). The difficulty of it depends on the device and the support available for it, of which you give no information whatsoever.

Message from webpage [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Message from wepage popups in my yahoo email account. I need to x the box several times to unfreeze my computer. Then, it keeps popping up. And this occcurs before I even open any mail. exact message: "message from webp, then hi, then 40401508, then 1"
Any suggestion to get ride of it?
Run any anti-virus or anti-malware utility of your choosing on your computer. Follow any instructions that it provides on how to clean and remove whatever cruft is causing this. There are lots of free versions available online, but you should consider purchasing a subscription to a well-regarded utility from a reputable company. These days, browsing the Internet without protection is just asking for trouble!
If that doesn't work, the next step is backing up your important data, erasing your computer's disk, and re-installing your operating system from scratch. It sounds drastic, but it's really not all that bad. Plus, it will fix any other problems you've been having and probably speed up your machine noticeably.

server mail logs too large [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I have a ubuntu server which handles mail via postfix. The server has recently been caned by spam emails and the mail logs are really large as a consequence. The logs are stored with timestamps and I was just wondering if I can just clear out the old logs without consequence to recover some disk space?
Also, being none-too-clever about such things, I am struggling to see where to change the settings for log rotation and deletion... any clues from more knowledgable folks?
Is this a question for ? If not, try logrotate.
According to man logrotate:
logrotate is designed to ease administration of systems that generate large
numbers of log files. It allows automatic rotation, compression, removal, and
mailing of log files. Each log file may be handled daily, weekly, monthly, or
when it grows too large.