Are EEPROMs one time programmable? [closed] - eeprom

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to erase only some part of locations to be modified in my application. Does the EEPROM supports these featrue? or they ar one time programmable?

From Wikipedia:
[EEPROM] is a type of non-volatile memory used in computers and other electronic devices to store small amounts of data that must be saved when power is removed, e.g., calibration tables or device configuration. Most components (such as RTC) uses them to store their configuration (do an interrupt everyday at eight, for instance).
You may indeed reprogram it (to set the alarm for example). The difficulty of it depends on the device and the support available for it, of which you give no information whatsoever.


Connect PWA to retail operations [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm pretty new to everything related to hardware.
I am searching for a way to connect PWA to POS hardware, like Scanner or cash drawer. How can I access these via PWA or JavaScript?
The hardware you intend to use need to use webUSB api (for e.g. "Canon DR-M160II scanner" uses one), which will of course depend on the implementation by the hardware vendor.
You can either check if there's any compatible hardware already available and then for coding your PWA accordingly, you can refer to this article.
If you strictly need to use the existing hardware and can get the corresponding hardware vendor to customize it, you can ask them to refer to this article on

Connecting 2 phantom device in one copmter [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am working on haptic science.
I need to connect two phantom devices in the same computer. how can I identify the phantom blocks for each device in the same file?
How to identify the phantom block to a certain device?
If this is what you are referring to, the answer seems quite simple.
The phantom block contains a parameter Device Name. This parameter should be the name of the device as set up in the Phantom Configuration (outside MATLAB). So give your two devices different names and then make sure the right name is in the phantom block you are using for each.

Can I use wifi direct to find position of a device [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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If i had 2+ devices connected to a wifi direct access point would it technically be possible in theory to ascertain the devices physical position in relation to each other?
In theory it is possible to get an estimate of their directions to each other when using multiple receive antennas.
Modern notebooks and access points often have multiple antennas for MIMO communication, which increases the reliability and/or the bandwidth. Devices like these could be used for what is called Direction-of-Arrival estimation.
This is a non-trivial topic and doesn't really belong in Stackoverlow but for a mathematical introduction you could look at this paper
Don't see how; location determined via wifi is based on the location of the access point.
not really. You could connect over bluetooth to calculate this. But it's not really reliable. Because you have only the signal strenght for calculating the difference between two devices.

How to obtain iPhone info (specifically SIM lock status) from IMEI? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I mean I want to obtain some information (particularly SIM lock status) about an iPhone from its IMEI number (or serial number).
In other words, I want to reproduce a very basic functionality of any of these sites:,
Preferred languages are: Objective-C/C, bash, AppleScript, filemaker and python.
Apple does not allow applications access to information like the IMEI-number or the serial number of the phone, so there is unfortunately no way to achieve what you are attempting to do.
If you are not programming for the App Store however, you could access the IMEI-number as described by Erica Sadun here, and the serial number described here.

What is the difference between physical , main , secondary , Primary memory? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am learning Operating System but these words really confused me , i tried to search on the internet but couldnt find the exact difference between them?? can anybody help me out and clear my confusion??
Primary storage (also main memory and physical memory) are generally used interchangeably to refer to the memory that is attached directly to the processor.
Secondary storage is storage that is not directly connected to the CPU. The most common case of secondary storage is the hard disk.
You say searched on the internet without finding an explanation, however wikipedia seems to have a lot to say about computer storage