Netbeans 7.0.1 can't read originally good file? - netbeans

I've been using NB for a long time, with different versions, but today something strange happened, I installed NB7.0.1 and tried to compile some old projects, but it couldn't open one file, saying :"The file cannot be safely opened with encoding GBK. Do you want to continue opening it ?" I pressed on "Yes" and it opened it with errors, lots of empty rectangles in places of the "." characters and some strange Chinese/Japanese characters, this file was a normal, good java file which I've worked on in Nb6.9, NB7.0, never caused any problem, now NB7.0.1 somehow can't open it, so I uninstalled NB7.0.1, and tried to open it with other editors like notepad,wordpad and NB6.9, now the all display strange characters. Seems NB7.0.1 changed it's encoding or the reading of it. Anyone has similar problem, and how to fix it ?

I faced similar issue before.
when I closed and reopened the netbeans the Old project opened normally.


All I get is "Client/Server JS Editor"

In XPages, when I try to open a .js or .jss file, I often get just the tab wirh "Client/Server JS Editor" and nothing else, i.e. the file doesn't load. From the Navigator Eclipse view, I can open the same .js or .jss file using any other editor without problems. And then, it sometimes works, but I don't know yet when it does and when it doesn't. The other Editors are okay by the way, .lss opens nicely.
This behaviour I get for a few weeks now. Since it started I reinstalled Notes a few times, I upgraded to FP8, I also reinstalled Windows10 and Windows10 upgraded me to the Creators Update (with the fix, in the end). There's nothing that explains to me why the file doesn't show up on the screen.
Anyone familiar with this? Could you please tell me how to repair this?
It's a bug introduced with FP8 that is fixed in FP8 Interim Fix 1. See this document for download options for FP8 IF1.
As a workaround you can do a clean/rebuild of the nsf and then use the SSJS editor.

Odd Emacs behavior OSX 10.9.2 (Mavericks)

Emacs randomly started doing strange things on my mac -- I'm not sure exactly when it started; it could have been when I updated to Mavericks in the fall. Basically, it randomly doesn't allow me to edit certain lines of text, or it will display files incorrectly (i.e. it deletes some characters).
For example:
I just typed a .txt file containing "hihihi". Upon saving and then reopening the file in emacs, it only displayed "ihihi". This is a simple example...sometimes it deletes whole lines; regardless, this is extraordinarily annoying. However, I do know that it's not actually altering the file, because if I open the same file in Vim it still displays the original content. Emacs is just displaying the files incorrectly.
Has anyone experienced something similar and found a solution?
I've been trying to just install a newer version of emacs, but I think that I'm still running the old version, not the newer version that I installed with homebrew. If anyone has any suggestions for how to fix that I would also appreciate it!

Strange eclipse display issues

I use Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers for most of my coding, html, css, php etc etc. Recently however I have noticed an issue where after doing a combination of "something" the display of my files completely screws up and does all sorts of weird things.
For example if I try and add a on starting to do it the characters just start going all over the place and giving me display issues like that shown in the attached screenshot.
It's a little tricky to explain exactly what's happening but eclipse basically becomes unusable as each keypress seems to do something random and mess up the page even more.
Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this? I'm using a mac on Snow Leopard with Eclipse Indigo.
Just to update this. To resolve this issue I ended up downloading the latest version of eclipse and overwriting the eclipse directing with this. I tried just doing an update but this did not work so I'm guessing I had some corrupt files or something.
The good thing about eclipse is that you have a workspace folder that is essentially separate, so if you replace eclipse you can just re-import your old workspace.
ALl seems to be working as normal so far!

Macro not working as expected in Notepad++

I just installed notepad++ and i am having some problems with macros in it.
i have a simple text file below:
i am here
this is the third line
i kept the cursor at the first line before "hi".Now i selected start recording macro in the menu.i typed 'hi' before 'hi'(the actual word in the line) like below and pressed [Home] key in the keyboard and then pressed down arrow.Now i selected stop recording macro from the menu
i am here
this is the third line
but when i run the macro i am getting the following output
hˆi«i am here
hˆi«this is the third line
Could anybody please tell me where is the problem?
Upgrade to, at least, version 5.8.2 where that problem was fixed. I was experiencing the same problem, upgraded to version 5.8.5 and the problem is gone.
Fix macro recording bug for the non-ASCII characters.
same here as for Matt. For language, I was in normal text.
As mentioned in my comment at top, I have also been experiencing this same issue. Strange characters inserted when playing back a macro. This worked OK with previous versions, but appears to have been a bug introduced with version 5.7
It does appear to be an encoding issue. I have been able to workaround this issue by switching to UTF-8 encoding whilst recording the macro - as mentioned in the comment of this bug report.
This has been reported as a bug several times recently. Many are still open, however, one is reported as fixed. And is reported as fixed in the current release (5.8.2) - which also introduces several new features as regards macros. However, nothing later than v5.7 is yet available from the auto-updater within Notepad++ itself. However, you can manually download the latest installer from
I turned off the auto complete feature and this fixed the issue for me.
How do I stop Notepad++ from showing autocomplete for all words in the file
I had a problem, I typed in some code and it came out wrong in macro.
Then I neglected the advice to type the code and not paste it, and so I copy/pasted the code I needed and it worked fine.
So my advice: write it somewhere else and copy/paste when you start macro.

Eclipse's WTP translation output

How can I view the intermediate translation done to JSP and JSPX pages by WTP? I'm getting weird syntax errors in my Problems tab of Eclipse in a project that has plenty of .jspx pages. They don't affect anything in the running application (Tomcat 6.0) and they appeared only over the last 2 weeks, after an update.
The reason why I'd like to view the output is that I'm using the Stripes framework at and the errors disappear for a particular .jspx file after I remove the <stripes:errors /> line of that file. At the same time, the syntax errors only appeared after I did recent fresh install of Eclipse at work, but then an update of Eclipse at home shortly therafter. I'd like to see the output to determine whose problem this should be (WTP, Stripes, or maybe just me :).
Remember that this issue is somewhat cosmetic, as it doesn't affect anything functionally. It simply spams my Problems tab in Eclipse and shows the little red X icons in the project explorer.
Right now you'd have to add the separate automated tests download to do this, and only in the 3.1 branch, but it enables a "Show Translation" command through Ctrl+Shift+9. Beware that the translation generated isn't 100% the same as the server would create at runtime--it's not intended to be executed. Also, the most recent 3.0.3 builds contain fixes to the translator that should clear up these kinds of problems (NESTED variables + self-closing tags). 3.0.3 is due in November and should update cleanly into Ganymede SR1.
I've seen the eclipse JSP editor get really confused over almost nothing. You said the problem goes away if you remove the tag. Does it come back if you put the tag back? I know that Eclipse 3.3 sometimes had some issues with JSP files where opening them, and forcing a save would clear the file of error messages (I haven't tried 3.4 yet). Maybe that's what's happening to you. Other than that, do you have all the proper includes / xml namespaces defined in the files?
I'm having exactly same problem with JSP and <stripes:errors/> tag in Ganymede. With Europa, there were no errors. Now it displays a couple of weird syntax errors on the problems pane. But as Silvaran stated it's just cosmetic, since the project builds correctly and works. It's still annoying though.