Odd Emacs behavior OSX 10.9.2 (Mavericks) - emacs

Emacs randomly started doing strange things on my mac -- I'm not sure exactly when it started; it could have been when I updated to Mavericks in the fall. Basically, it randomly doesn't allow me to edit certain lines of text, or it will display files incorrectly (i.e. it deletes some characters).
For example:
I just typed a .txt file containing "hihihi". Upon saving and then reopening the file in emacs, it only displayed "ihihi". This is a simple example...sometimes it deletes whole lines; regardless, this is extraordinarily annoying. However, I do know that it's not actually altering the file, because if I open the same file in Vim it still displays the original content. Emacs is just displaying the files incorrectly.
Has anyone experienced something similar and found a solution?
I've been trying to just install a newer version of emacs, but I think that I'm still running the old version, not the newer version that I installed with homebrew. If anyone has any suggestions for how to fix that I would also appreciate it!


VSCode Debugging with Mocha and ESM Breaking in ESM "compiled" File Instead of Original

I've been using the ESM module with VSCode and my Mocha unit tests for a long time now, a couple of years at least. Recently when I launch an individual test file in VSCode and set a breakpoint in the test file, it no longer breaks in the original file, but rather breaks in the "ESM compiled" file. I don't really know how ESM works enough to talk about it very well, but the file is compiled/transpiled/transformed in some way with all the imports converted to non-ESModule code. I'm able to step through, and it continues to step through other files as well, but each new file opened is this newly "ESM compiled" version instead of the original file, like it used to be. I only just noticed this recently. So I decided to install and older version of VSCode and see if it still happened, and it turns out it doesn't. With version 1.45.x it works as usual, but with anything newer, I get all these "ESM compiled" files opening up when I step through code.
Does anyone know why this is happening? Is there any new setting I can set in the newer VSCode versions that would cause this to not happen? It's really more of an annoyance than anything. I can still get my work done, but it's not as streamlined as it used to be. I will probably end up just downgrading permanently until I can find a way to make it not occur in the new version.
So, if anyone has experienced this, or knows of something new in VSCode that would cause this, I'd really appreciate some help. Thanks.

Emacs fails to display subscript characters (such as ₁, ₂) after upgrade to Mavericks

I've recently upgraded OS X to 10.9 Mavericks, and since this upgrade Emacs has problems with displaying unicode subscript characters (such as ₁, ₂). There are a few strange things about this behaviour:
it doesn't seem to depend on the font, as I've tried selecting several
different Unicode fonts;
it doesn't seem to affect any other unicode character, as I've tried several
uncommon mathematical operators, which display just fine. Even superscripts (¹,²)
are displayed as normal;
it doesn't affect anything outside of Emacs, as the characters are displayed by
my browser just fine.
Does anyone have a clue what could be causing this behaviour?
I just tried this in the version of Emacs you are using, 24.3, and it appears to be broken. However, I also built Emacs from a recent snapshot of the Emacs trunk, which appears to be working correctly.
You can download a prebuilt version from www.emacsforosx.com under Other versions -> Nightlies, alternatively you could wait for the next Emacs release which typically comes out around this time every year.

Emacs indentation screwed up

I recently upgraded to emacs 24.3.1 in order to use a new mode for programming in D. I seem to have introduced some problem with my other modes now (Java, C++ C I'm just using whatever comes with emacs). When I scroll up/down in a buffer, the text displayed is totally messed up. As in lines mixed together, indentation screwy, cursor not modifying where it looks like it is. If I hit ctrl-l the screen refreshes and all is good. I noticed this problem every once in a while with my previous version when editing C .h files. But now it's happening on every single buffer. I can't work with it. Every time I move up/down I have to refresh the screen. I can't find anything similar to my problem with a google search. Might end up being an issue with some incompatible version of a dependency. Here's my system stats.
CentOS release 5.4 (Final)
linux 2.6.18-164.el5
emacs 24.3.1
I don't even know what other libs emacs might depend on. I'll be happy to post versions of anything that might be relevant.
Since you say that this happens also with emacs -Q, i.e., without your init file, consider filing a bug report: M-x report-emacs-bug. For that, try to give a short, reprocible recipe, starting with emacs -Q. Emacs Dev will take a look and let you know whether they think there is a bug.
Using report-emacs-bug also automatically gathers info about your Emacs version etc., and includes it with your bug description.

Emacs org-mode is broken in mac os x lion terminal

I upgraded my emacs recently to 24.2 cocoa using homebrew, and now org-mode is pretty much useless in the terminal. The problem is more irritating than it would be if it didn't work at all, which would give me a clue as to how to fix it.
When I'm editing a list (using the asterisk), and contract or expand the elements of the list (using tab), all kinds of weirdness occurs. Some list items will suddenly duplicate. Some list items will disappear completely. Items will be pushed way down the page, and then jump back up. This is all happening as I'm pushing nothing but tab.
I've uninstalled, reinstalled emacs using brew. I've done a lot of googling but can't find anyone who has had this problem with org-mode. Anyone have any ideas?
Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5
Emacs 24.2
org-version 7.8.11
Have you tried using a different terminal emulator? They all have different bugs, so perhaps you've tripped over one in the default Terminal app. Try a plain xterm instead. I assume that emacs works fine when it's not in a terminal.

Emacs crashes when I open a specific header file

I was digging through the header files for SDL in Linux when I tried to open the file from the SDL library called "SDL_opengl.h" in Emacs. For some reason, it always causes it to crash. It opens just fine in Vim and in gedit.
Has anyone else had an issue with Emacs just plain refusing to open a particular file? What sort of things should I look for to find what is causing the problem? Mind you, I was able to open every other "SDL_*.h" file in that directory; just that one gives me trouble.
Much appreciated in advance!
I would be interested to see the exact error message, and stack trace if possible.
I suspect file encoding, special characters, file size, cc-mode parsing, or something like that to be the culprit. (emacs 22 and libsdl1.2 on ubuntu 9 with utf-8 screen works fine for me)
Converting my comment into an answer b/c the comments get cut off.
Try loading the file with
M-x find-file-literally
Since this (appears to) resolve the issue for giogadi, I think that points to perhaps the colorization of the buffer. cc-mode does its own colorization...
Oh goodness, I'm a dunce.
So I apparently underestimated both the size of the file AND the speed of Emacs in opening said large files.
I decided to sit and wait to see if it dies completely on its own (as opposed to me xkill-ing it), and after a whole minute, the file is loaded.
So that solves one problem - the file is being loaded. However, why would Emacs take so long to do it? I have no strange settings enabled that should cause it to lag more than usual.
have you hilit-mode on?
with hilit-auto-highlight-maxout and a great value?
I have had the same problem with header-files, so reduce that value.
maybe it is hs-mode (hideshow-mode)?