How to Repeat (Continuse) TileMap in Cocos 2d? - iphone

I made a game using cocos 2d.
I made a Tile based map, in which I want to repeat the map when it is complete.
My problem is in the game, the map moves completely for the first time but I want to continues repeat it.
I am using the following code to move the map.
-(void) moveMap
// Create the actions
id actionMove = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:10.0 position:ccp(-1,(-self.tileMap.contentSize.height))];
id actionMoveDone = [CCCallFuncN actionWithTarget:self selector:#selector(setViewpointCenter:)];
[self.tileMap runAction:[CCSequence actions:actionMove, actionMoveDone, nil]];
This works properly and the map moves downward till map height, after that the map will disappear. Now I want to continue repeating the map.

Separate your tile map into two smaller tile maps and put them one next to each other.
Then in your update method check their positions and when first one goes offscreen, move it after second one. When second one goes offscreen, move it after first one.

You can use a single map that's larger that the screen, then every 32px in any given direction, shift the map back 32px. This is useful for infinite maps. It requires one a single object and texture, plus is works both for vertical and horizontal motion. It can be a pain to time correctly, but so can the multiple map scenario.
(I upvoted fichek's answer because it's the most common.)


Render order according to hierarchy in Unity

I am trying to understand how Unity decides what to draw first in a 2D game. I could just give everything an order in layer, but I have so many objects that it would be so much easier if it was just drawing in the order of the hierarchy. I could write a script that gives every object its index, but I also want to see it in editor.
So the question is, is there an option that I can check so that it uses the order in the hierarchy window as the default sorting order?
From your last screenshot I could see you are using SpriteRenderer.
The short answer to the question "is there an option that I can check so that it uses the order in the hierarchy window as the default sorting order?" would be no, there isn't by default*.
Sprite renderers calculates which object is in front of others in one of two ways:
By using the distance to the camera, this will draw the objects closest to the camera on top of the rest of the objects in that same order in layer, as per the docs:
Sprite Sort Point
This property is only available when the Sprite Renderer’s Draw Mode is set to Simple.
In a 2D project, the Main Camera is set to Orthographic Projection mode by default. In this mode, Unity renders Sprites in the order of their their distance to the camera, along the direction of the Camera’s view.
If you want to keep everything on the same sorting layer/order in layer you can change the order in which the objects appear by moving one of the two objects further away from the camera (this is probably further down the z axis). For example if your Cashew is on z = 0, and you place the walnut on z = 1 then the cashew will be drawn on top of the walnut. If Cashew is on z=0 and the walnut is on z = -1 then the walnut will be draw on top (Since negative is closer to the camera). If both of the objects are on z - 0 they are both equally as far away from the camera, so it becomes a coin toss for which object gets drawn in front, as it does not take into account the hierarchy.
The second way the order can be changed is by creating different sorting layers, and adjusting the order in layer in the sprite renderer component. But you already figured that out.
*However, that doesn't mean it cannot be done, technically...
If you feel adventurous there is nothing stopping you from making an editor script that automates setting the order in layer for you based on the position in the hierarchy. This script would loop through all the objects in your hierarchy, grab the index of the object in the hierarchy, and assign the index to the Order in Layer.
I don't think Unity has such feature (
Usually you shall define some Sorting Layers:
far background
and assign Sprite Renderer of each sprite to one of Sorting Layers

How to find the center in unity 2d?

I want to create 2d game. The game is similar to the Scale Puzzle. I've already created nearly all the functionality. Only the last remains.
This is example.
And that's how I draw shapes.
I click inside a white square, and after 1 seconds a square is drawn regardless of the position of the ball. (x,y).
Square is created programmatically, and it is added to the parent element "SquaresList" with name New Game Object.
How can i do, so that the violet field becomes larger, and in the middle of the screen.
I made it so that for every 3 clicks, "SquaresList" increases Scale by 0.25f, and get negative position of the ball. Example:
SquareList.transform.position = new Vector2(-ball.pos.x, -ball.pos.y)
This does not work correctly.
What options can be? (intersections, find the max/min point, math formulas) ?
Hi NoName :) Your method
SquareList.transform.position = new Vector2(-ball.pos.x, -ball.pos.y)
would work perfectly if your object does not inherit other objects and there positions. To fix this make sure that you reset the position of all other game objects that you use as containers.

Unity - Animation Loops?

I am using an FBX 3D object file as a game object in my project which have further sub assemblies. Now i want to animate a part of the assembly.
I followed this process:
Select the part which I want to animate.
In the animation panel create one animation.
Add property > transform > position
Using pivot, i move that part to the location where I want to animate.
Animate in loop. Moreover if I Select animation file, it does not show Wrap mode
( 1. I don't want any loops in my animation, even after deselecting loop-time it does loop. - I dont know why?
It is animating in reverse. suppose if the object needs to go from position x:3 to position x:8 but it goes from position x:8 to position x:3
the above point happens in loop. just like a ping pong)
Animates in reverse.
I take the whole animation as one loop i.e Part comes out of assembly and goes back and repeating for infinite time.
I want to stop the animation till the point it comes out.
Any help will be appreciated

Multiple CCTMXTiledMaps for iPhone Game

So I want to divide my game into chunks by using several different CCTMXTiledMaps.
I am able to load the maps into my main 'HelloWorldLayer'. I am also able to detect whether the player sprite collides with a tile with the property of 'collectable'.
My problem occurs when I add several CCTMXTiledMap nodes to the game, as it doesn't do the collectible tile detection on all of them, just the first one.
Here is my working code that does the check, but only for the first added CCTMXTledMap:
CGPoint point = [self getTileCoordForPosition:position :map];
CCTMXLayer *metaLayer = [map layerNamed:#"Meta"];
CCTMXLayer *foregroundLayer = [map layerNamed:#"Foreground"];
CCSprite *metaTile = [metaLayer tileAt:point];
CCSprite *foregroundTile = [foregroundLayer tileAt:point];
if (foregroundTile)
// Remove the meta tile and the foreground tile
[metaLayer removeTileAt:point];
[foregroundLayer removeTileAt:point];
How can I make this code do the check for every CCTMXTiledMap node that has been added?
The problem was that I was calculating the tile map positions wrong, in a tile map co-ordinates to map position function.
I was multiplying by the CC_SCALE_RATIO() function, or something like that (going off the top of my head), and it was mis-calculating the pixel positioning.
Just thought I'd write in an answer since I found the solution. Hope it helps somebody!

iphone cocoa : how to drag an image along a path

I am trying to figure out how can you drag an image while constraining its movement along a certain path.
I tried several tricks including animation along a path, but couldn't get the animation to play and pause and play backwards - so that seems out of the question.
Any ideas ? anyone ?
What you're basically trying to do is match finger movement to a 'translation' transition.
As the user touches down and starts to move their finger you want to use the current touch point value to create a translation transform which you apply to your UIImageView. Here's how you would do it:
On touch down, save the imageview's starting x,y position.
On move, calculate the delta from old point to new one. This is where you can clamp the values. So you can ignore, say, the y change and only use the x deltas. This means that the image will only move left to right. If you ignore the x and use y, then it only moves up and down.
Once you have the 'new' calculated/clamped x,y values, use it to create a new transform using CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(x, y). Assign this transform to the UIImageView. The image moves to that place.
Once the finger lifts, figure out the delta from the original starting x,y, point and the lift-off point, then adjust the ImageView's bounds and reset the transform to CGAffineTransformIdentity. This doesn't move the object, but it sets it so subsequent accesses to the ImageView use the actual position and don't have to keep adjusting for transforms.
Moving along on a grid is easy too. Just round out the x,y values in step 2 so they're a multiple of the grid size (i.e. round out to every 10 pixel) before you pass it on to make the translation transform.
If you want to make it extra smooth, surround the code where you assign the transition with UIView animation blocks. Mess around with the easing and timing settings. The image should drag behind a bit but smoothly 'rubber-band' from one touch point to the next.
See this Sample Code : Move Me