Unity - Animation Loops? - unity3d

I am using an FBX 3D object file as a game object in my project which have further sub assemblies. Now i want to animate a part of the assembly.
I followed this process:
Select the part which I want to animate.
In the animation panel create one animation.
Add property > transform > position
Using pivot, i move that part to the location where I want to animate.
Animate in loop. Moreover if I Select animation file, it does not show Wrap mode
( 1. I don't want any loops in my animation, even after deselecting loop-time it does loop. - I dont know why?
It is animating in reverse. suppose if the object needs to go from position x:3 to position x:8 but it goes from position x:8 to position x:3
the above point happens in loop. just like a ping pong)
Animates in reverse.
I take the whole animation as one loop i.e Part comes out of assembly and goes back and repeating for infinite time.
I want to stop the animation till the point it comes out.
Any help will be appreciated


Move During playing Jump Animation

So the case is that I have a 36 frames long jumping animation and the jump itself starts at frame 12, where my object raises along y axis.
What would be the most easiest way to move my object forward while it's in air(during frames 12-36)?
How is jumping with animation generally done in games? I don't think my way is the best one. But I would also like to know how its usually done in my way too. Thanks
I have just read the comments and your question. Why not write this code:
Whenever You want him to jump at whatever condition:
Here I'll show you how to do it onClick of Space i.e, whenever you click space the jump animation plays whatever animation you have now the object moving in y-axis
yourPlayerAnimator.setBool("TheAnimatorCondition",true); //Bool for your animation to play if u have a idle with you.
if(yourPlayerAnimator.GetBool("TheAnimatorCondition")== true)
transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * Time.deltaTime)
All these Happens inside void update
Animation transition is your friend.
Put any condition when jumping to move to another animation. In this case i.e. when pressed left displacement key, move from "jump" to "jump&moveleft" or similar and when unpress return to jump state increasing the frames you spent moving to left.

Gradually decreasing the velocity of an object through animation in Unity

I need to create 2 animations,
one is of an object going from point A to point B at a constant velocity.
the other is of an object starting from point A but with a gradually decreasing velocity as it reaches point B until it comes to a stop.
I tried decreasing the animation speed every second to achieve this result with no luck.
Any ideas?
As you may have noticed when you work with animation in Unity there is no such thing as changing the velocity of an object. What you need to do is give your object an Animator and create a new Animation.
Then on the animation timeline press the red dot (record button) and then place your object on point A.
Next, on the time line you want to select the exact second that you want your object to come to a stop and after that move the object on point B.
Now, the more seconds there are in between the 2 keys, the more time it's going to take for the object to travel.
To make it gradually slower instead of it just travelling slowly:
On the animation panel you will see 2 tabs. Dopesheet and Curves. Hit Curves and play around with them till you have a satisfing result.
Documentation on using Curves

Flare/Flutter: How to reset the progress of an animation before starting it?

I have a Flare file with 3 animations contained within it, all in the same artboard. I understand that when switching between animations, Flare will mix the animations together by default, and that playing one animation will not reset the relevant nodes values back to what they were on frame 0 in the editor. That is the behavior I would like to achieve: when playing a new animation, I would like the previous animation to stop completely (don't mix them at all) and for the incoming animation to start at the very beginning with all its default values.
The use case is this:
Play an animation where, say, the opacity of a shape goes down to zero
Play a different animation that uses the shape from above, but in the Flare editor its opacity is 1 at the start of the animation
Desired result: the new animation resets the opacity of the shape and then begins and plays like normal
Actual result: since the previous animation changed the shape's opacity, the new animation will use the shape how it is instead of how it was created in the editor
For my question as explained on GitHub you can look at the end of the thread on this issue (has gifs): https://github.com/2d-inc/Flare-Flutter/issues/14
In the above thread, Luigi Rosso mentions "re-instancing" the artboard. Does anyone know what he means by this and how to do it? I have tried several methods of doing this such as the makeInstance methods found on classes such as FlutterActorArtboard, ActorNode and some others (there are a few variants of the makeInstance method but they are all similarly named and return a new artboard. However, I had no luck with replacing the current instance of my artboard in a FlareController implementation so far.
I have also tried to manually loop through all of the ActorNodes of the artboard and first saving their initial values and then copying the saved values to the artboard every time a new animation is played, but this seemed to break things pretty badly (the animation was unrecognizable and just didn't play correctly after that, so I must have done something wrong. Or I'm resetting the wrong values).
Any help is appreciated, thanks!
For playing a different animation on a shape and resetting its opacity, you can access the opacity of the node at runtime with:
ActorNode myNode = _artboard.getNode("nodeString");
myNode.opacity = 0.00;
As outlined here in the manual.
More simply, in the new animation, you can set a keyframe in the Rive/Flare editor for the opacity to be 1 at the start of the new animation, so that when it plays the animation from the beginning its opacity will be reset to 1.
For playing one animation, then overriding it completely when the next animation plays you can extend the FlareController and create a custom animation controller to do this in the advance method.
Here's a quick and dirty example (not best practices) to give you an idea of using advance:

How do I make an animation not reset the position of the object?

I was trying to make an animation in which the object at hand moves to the right a certain amount. However I discovered that if I animate the object at -3 and make it move to -1.5, whenever the animation is executed, the object flies back to -3 and goes to -1.5, instead of moving 1.5 units to the right (that's probably how it's supposed to work). How do I make an object move 1.5 units to the right using the Unity animation system, regardless of current position?
The simplest way to make animation do "relative" motions is to attach your object to a parent object. This way the object animates relative to its parent's transform.

Making multiple objects with the same shader fade at different times

I have a death transformation for one of my GameObjects which goes from a spherical ball to a bunch of small individual blocks. Each of these blocks I want to fade at different times but since they all use the same shader I cannot seem to figure out how to make all of them not fade out at the same time.
This first picture is the Spherical Ball in its first step for when it turns from a spherical ball to a Minecraft'ish looking block ball and to the right of it is one of the blocks that make up the Minecraft'ish looking ball shown by the red arrow.
Now this is my Inspector for one of the little blocks that make up the Minecraft'ish looking ball.
I have an arrow pointing to what makes the object fade but that is globally across all of the blocks since they use the same shader. Is it possible to have each block fade separately or am I stuck and need to find a new disappear act for the little block dudes?
You need to modify the material property by script at runtime, and you need to do it through the Renderer.material property. When you access Renderer.material, Unity will automatically create a copy of the material for you that is handled separately -- including getting its own draw call, if you care about performance. You can tell this has happened because the material name in the renderer will change to "Materialname (Instance)".
Set the material's fade property using Renderer.material.SetFloat() (or whatever the appropriate Set... function is). Unfortunately the property's name isn't "Fade Factor". You can find the property's name by looking at the shader script, or by switching the inspector to debug mode and digging through the Saved Properties array for one that looks right.