How do I add lines connecting corresponding boxes, that I've drawn on a plot? (MATLAB) - matlab

I have a matrix (Data) which looks like this:
(start) (stop) (strand) (gene number)
[ 1 29 1 1]
[ 32 38 1 1]
[ 44 60 1 1]
[ 66 70 0 2]
[ 75 80 0 2]
[ 81 88 0 3]
[ 99 102 0 3]
[ 111 160 0 3]
[ 166 170 1 4]
[ 171 188 1 4]
which I have plotted onto a graph using the first two columns as X positions, and a set Y position. This is the code I have up till now:
if nargin<4, strands = 0; end;
if nargin<3, height = 0.1; end;
if nargin<2, y = 2.1; end;
for k=1:size(cds,1),
xc = [cds(k,1) cds(k,2) cds(k,2) cds(k,1)];
if strands,
if cds(k,3), % minus strand
yc = [y y y-height/2 y-height/2];
c = 'r';
else % plus strand
yc = [y+height/2 y+height/2 y y];
c = 'b';
yc = [y+height/2 y+height/2 y-height/2 y-height/2];
c = 'b';
h(k) = patch(xc,yc,c);
What I'm trying to do is add lines underneath each 'box' which corresponds to the gene number (4th collumn of the data matrix). How would I go about doing this with the plot function?

It's not clear from your question how you want the lines to indicate the gene numbers, I assume you want different colors for each type. Here is how I would do it:
cds = [
1 29 1 1
32 38 1 1
44 60 1 1
66 70 0 2
75 80 0 2
81 88 0 3
99 102 0 3
111 160 0 3
166 170 1 4
171 188 1 4
strands = 0;
height = 0.1;
y = 2.1;
[g,gIdx,gNum] = unique(cds(:,4));
clr = 'gcmykrb';
for k=1:size(cds,1),
xc = [cds(k,1) cds(k,2) cds(k,2) cds(k,1)];
if strands,
if cds(k,3), % minus strand
yc = [y y y-height/2 y-height/2];
c = 'r';
else % plus strand
yc = [y+height/2 y+height/2 y y];
c = 'b';
yc = [y+height/2 y+height/2 y-height/2 y-height/2];
c = 'b';
h(k) = patch(xc,yc,c);
hLine(k) = line([cds(k,1) cds(k,2)], [y-3*height/4 y-3*height/4], ...
'LineWidth',5, 'Color',clr(gNum(k)));
legend(hLine(gIdx), num2str(g), 'Orientation','horizontal')


Data arrangement in vector

I have the following vector:
Here is the code to produce this vector:
A = [11 115 167 44 51 5 6];
B = [100 1 1 87];
C = [2000 625];
D = [81 623 45 48 6 14 429 456 94];
E = [89];
F = [44 846 998 2035 498 4 68 4 1 89];
G = {A,B,C,D,E,F};
[max_val, idx] = max(cellfun(#numel, G)); % Find max sizes of vectors
% Create vector with zeros filling open matrix space
LeftIndented = zeros(idx,max_val);
for k = 1:numel(G), LeftIndented(k,1:numel(G{k})) = G{k}; end
I would like to have a vector with:
Data to the right (zeros to the left)
Centered data (surrounded with zeros)
(Notice that if data cannot be exactly centered, it is ok if it is off by one vector space to the left)
How can I achieve this?
You can pad each vector with zeros:
A = [11 115 167 44 51 5 6];
B = [100 1 1 87];
C = [2000 625];
D = [81 623 45 48 6 14 429 456 94];
E = [89];
F = [44 846 998 2035 498 4 68 4 1 89];
G = {A,B,C,D,E,F};
[max_val, idx] = max(cellfun(#numel, G)); % Find max sizes of vectors
% Create vector with zeros filling open matrix space
LeftIndented = zeros(idx,max_val);
Centered = zeros(idx,max_val);
RightAligned = zeros(idx,max_val);
for k = 1:numel(G)
LeftIndented(k,1:numel(G{k})) = G{k};
l = length(G{k});
padding = max_val - l;
leftPadding = floor(padding / 2);
Centered(k, :) = [zeros(1, leftPadding), G{k}, zeros(1, padding - leftPadding)];
RightAligned(k, :) = [zeros(1, padding), G{k}];
This is equivalent to
A = [11 115 167 44 51 5 6];
B = [100 1 1 87];
C = [2000 625];
D = [81 623 45 48 6 14 429 456 94];
E = [89];
F = [44 846 998 2035 498 4 68 4 1 89];
G = {A,B,C,D,E,F};
[max_val, idx] = max(cellfun(#numel, G)); % Find max sizes of vectors
% Create vector with zeros filling open matrix space
LeftIndented = zeros(idx,max_val);
Centered = zeros(idx,max_val);
RightAligned = zeros(idx,max_val);
for k = 1:numel(G)
LeftIndented(k,1:numel(G{k})) = G{k};
l = length(G{k});
padding = max_val - l;
leftPadding = floor(padding / 2);
Centered(k, 1 + leftPadding:leftPadding + l) = G{k};
RightAligned(k, 1 + padding:end) = G{k};
but in the second code the values of the vectors are written into the correct position in a zero vector.
A solution using strjust:
A = [11 115 167 44 51 5 6];
B = [100 1 1 87];
C = [2000 625];
D = [81 623 45 48 6 14 429 456 94];
E = [89];
F = [44 846 998 2035 498 4 68 4 1 89];
G = {A,B,C,D,E,F};
data = [G{:}];
N = cellfun(#numel, G);
M = max(N);
idx = char((N.' >= (1:M))+32);
Le = strjust(idx, 'left');
Ri = strjust(idx, 'right');
Ce = strjust(idx, 'center');
LeftAdjusted = zeros(M, N);
RightAdjusted = zeros(M, N);
Centered = zeros(M, N);
LeftAdjusted(Le.' ~= ' ') = data;
RightAdjusted(Ri.' ~= ' ') = data;
Centered(Ce.' ~= ' ') = data;
LeftAdjusted = LeftAdjusted.';
RightAdjusted = RightAdjusted.';
Centered = Centered.';

Polynomial Evaluation

I read a Matlab tutorial script and I'm not sure how the function polyvalm works.
The polynomial is as follow: p(X)=X^3 -2*X -5I (where I is the identity matrix)
polynomial coefficients of p(X)is [1 0 -2 -5]
X = [2 4 5; -1 0 3; 7 1 5];
Y = polyvalm(p,X)
My interpretation is X.^3 - 2*X -5*eye(3) but my result is totally different.
Sorry for the ugly typesetting but stack overflow doesn't offer Latex so can't help it
You are using element wise cube (X.^3) which is of course different from actually cubing a matrix. So for your p the polynomial is actually X^3 - 2*X - 5*eye(size(X)):
p = [1 0 -2 -5];
X = [2 4 5; -1 0 3; 7 1 5];
% anonymous function to illustrate
f = #(X,p) p(1)*X^3 + p(2)*X^2 + p(3)*X + p(4)*eye(size(X));
y_polyvalm = polyvalm(p,X)
y_fun = f(X,p)
This results in
y_polyvalm =
377 179 439
111 81 136
490 253 639
y_fun =
377 179 439
111 81 136
490 253 639

Find the difference between positive and negative peaks MATLAB

I need to find the difference between positive and negative peaks where the difference is greater than +-3.
I am using findpeaks function in MATLAB to find the positive and negative peaks of the data.
In an example of my code:
[Ypos, Yposloc] = findpeaks(YT0);
[Yneg, Ynegloc] = findpeaks(YT0*-1);
Yneg = Yneg*-1;
Yposloc and Ynegloc return the locations of the positive and negative peaks in the data.
I want to concatenate Ypos and Yneg based on the order of the peaks.
For example, my peaks are
Ypos = [11 6 -10 -10 6 6 6 6 6 -5]
Yneg = [-12 -14 -11 -11 -11 5 5 5 -6]
Locations in YT0
Yposloc = [24 63 79 84 93 95 97 100 156]
Ynegloc = [11 51 78 81 85 94 96 99 154]
In this case, where both Yposloc and Ynegloc are 9x1, I can do the following;
nColumns = size(Yposs,2);
YTT0 = [Yneg, Ypos]';
YTT0 = reshape(YTT0(:),nColumns,[])';
YTT0 = diff(YTT0)
YT0Change = numel(YTT0(YTT0(:)>=3 | YTT0(:)<=-3));
Total changes that I am interested is 6
However, I need to concatenate Yneg and Ypos automatically, based on their locations. So I think I need to to do an if statement to figure out if my positive or negative peaks come first? Then, I am not sure how to tackle the problem of when Ypos and Yneg are different sizes.
I am running this script multiple times where data changes and the negative/positive peak order are constantly changing. Is there a simple way I can compare the peak locations or am I on the right track here?
I would check each minimum with both the previous and the next maxima. In order to do that you can first combine positive and negative peaks according to their order:
Y = zeros(1, max([Yposloc, Ynegloc]));
Yloc = zeros(size(Y));
Yloc(Yposloc) = Yposloc;
Yloc(Ynegloc) = Ynegloc;
Y(Yposloc) = Ypos; % I think you inserted one extra '6' in your code!
Y(Ynegloc) = Yneg;
Y = Y(Yloc ~= 0) % this is the combined signal
Yloc = Yloc(Yloc ~= 0) % this is the combined locations
% Y =
% -12 11 -14 6 -11 -10 -11 -10 -11 6 5 6 5 6 5 6 -6 -5
% Yloc =
% 11 24 51 63 78 79 81 84 85 93 94 95 96 97 99 100 154 156
And then calculate the differences:
% ans =
% 23 -25 20 -17 1 -1 1 -1 17 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -12 1
If you want changes of at least 6 units:
num = sum(abs(diff(Y)) > 6)
% num =
% 6
Ypos = [11 6 -10 -10 6 6 6 6 -5];
Yneg = [-12 -14 -11 -11 -11 5 5 5 -6];
Yposloc = [24 63 79 84 93 95 97 100 156];
Ynegloc = [11 51 78 81 85 94 96 99 154];
TOTAL=[Yposloc Ynegloc;Ypos Yneg];
%creatin a vector with positions in row 1 and values in row 2
%resort this matrix so the values are in the orginial order
%look at the changes of the values
if changes(1)>0
disp('First value was a Minimum')
disp('First value was a MAximum')
%same structure at the TOTAL matrix
%abs(changes)>3 produces a logical vector that shows where the absolute values was bigger
%than 3, in my opinon its rather intresting where the end is then were the start is
% thats why i add +1
hold on
'Marker','o','MarkerSize',10, 'LineStyle','none');
hold off

Matlab: Remove diagonal from matrix and reform

I would like to remove the diagonal of the following matrix;
[0 1 1
0 0 0
0 1 0]
and put this in a vector as such
[1 1 0 0 0 1]
Is there a one-way function to do this?
Most other solutions I found on Stack Overflow delete all zeros.
If two lines are fine...
x = x.'; %'// transpose because you want to work along 2nd dimension first
result = x(~eye(size(x))).'; %'// index with logical mask to remove diagonal
Here's an almost one-liner -
[m,n] = size(x);
And I will put up my fav bsxfun here -
xt = x.'; %//'
[m,n] = size(x);
out = xt(bsxfun(#ne,(1:n)',1:m)).'
Sample run -
>> x
x =
52 62 37 88
23 68 98 91
49 40 4 79
>> [m,n] = size(x);
>> x(setdiff(reshape(reshape(1:numel(x),m,n).',1,[]),1:m+1:numel(x),'stable'))
ans =
62 37 88 23 98 91 49 40 79
>> xt = x.';
>> xt(bsxfun(#ne,(1:n)',1:m)).'
ans =
62 37 88 23 98 91 49 40 79

Fast way to find the neighboor of pixel

I am programming for task that finds the neighbor of a given pixel x in image Dthat can formula as:
The formula shown pixels y which satisfy the distance to pixel x is 1, then they are neighbor of pixel x. This is my matlab code. However, it still takes long time to find. Could you suggest a faster way to do it. Thank you so much
%-- Find the neighborhood of one pixel
% x is pixel coordinate
% nrow, ncol is size of image
function N = find_neighbor(x,nrow,ncol)
i = x(1);
j = x(2);
I1 = i+1;
if (I1 > nrow)
I1 = nrow;
I2 = i-1;
if (I2 < 1)
I2 = 1;
J1 = j+1;
if (J1 > ncol)
J1 = ncol;
J2 = j-1;
if (J2 < 1)
J2 = 1;
N = [I1, I2, i, i; j, j, J1, J2];
For example: ncol=128; nrow=128; x =[30;110] then output
N =31 29 30 30; 110 110 111 109]
For calling the function in loop
x=[30 31 32 33; 110 123 122 124]
for i=1:length(x)
N = find_neighbor(x(:,i),nrow,ncol);
Here's a vectorized approach using bsxfun:
% define four neighbors as coordinate differences
d = [-1 0 ; 1 0 ; 0 -1 ; 0 1]';
% add to pixel coordinates
N = bsxfun(#plus, x, permute(d, [1 3 2]));
% make one long list for the neighbors of all pixels together
N = reshape(N, 2, []);
% identify out-of-bounds coordinates
ind = (N(1, :) < 1) | (N(1, :) > nrow) | (N(2, :) < 1) | (N(2, :) > ncol);
% and remove those "neighbors"
N(:, ind) = [];
The permute is there to move the "dimension" of four different neighbors into the 3rd array index. This way, using bsxfun, we get the combination of every pair of original pixel coordinates with every pair of relative neighbor coordinates. The out-of-bounds check assumes that nrow belongs to the first coordinate and ncol to the second coordinate.
x = [30 31 32 33; 110 123 122 124];
the result is
N =
29 30 31 32 31 32 33 34 30 31 32 33 30 31 32 33
110 123 122 124 110 123 122 124 109 122 121 123 111 124 123 125
Different neighbors of different pixels can end up to be the same pixel, so there can be duplicates in the list. If you only want each resulting pixel once, use
% remove duplicates?
N = unique(N', 'rows')';
to get
N =
29 30 30 30 31 31 31 32 32 32 33 33 33 34
110 109 111 123 110 122 124 121 123 124 122 123 125 124
Matlab's performance is horrible when calling small functions many time. The Matlab approach is to do vectorize as much as possible. A vectorized version of your code:
function N = find_neighbor(x,nrow,ncol)
N = [min(x(1,:)+1,nrow), max(x(1,:)-1,1), x(1,:), x(1,:); x(2,:), x(2,:),min(x(2,:)+1,ncol), max(x(2,:)-1,1)];
and usage
x=[30 31 32 33; 110 123 122 124]
N = find_neighbor(x,nrow,ncol);
BTW, for pixels on the border , your solution always gives 4 neighbors. This is wrong. the neighbors of (1,1) for examples should be only (2,1) and (1,2), while you add two extra (1,1).
The solution to this is quite simple - delete all neighbors that are outside the image
function N = find_neighbor(x,nrow,ncol)
N = [x(1,:)+1, x(1,:)-1, x(1,:), x(1,:); x(2,:), x(2,:),x(2,:)+1, x(2,:)-1];
N(:,N(1,:)<1 | N(1,:)> nrow | N(2,:)<1 | N(2,:)>ncol)=[];