Richtext Toolbar for GWT - gwt

Is there anywhere a ready to use "RichText Toolbar" for GWT?
It would be good if there would always be the source-code available, so that changes to the toolbar can be made easily.
Thanks for your tips

Google is your friend (second hit on google). But anyway: I'm maintaining a little project at google-code: GWT RichTextToolbar. It can be used under the Apache2.0 licence and you can download all sources from there. It is easy to modify the project.
An explanation how to use this widget you will find on my blog.
The Widget is "standalone" and has no dependencies. I think it is what you are looking for.

Google has a RichTextToolbar in his GWT code.


Porting wxPython to SWT/JFace

I use some nice controls/widgets in a simple wxPython app I developed taking inspiration from the sample demo. Call it my prototype.
I am now ready to migrate my prototype to Java/SWT.
Some controls are just not there.. or.. at least.. I could not find them.
Is there anything else in the FOSS world of SWT apart from the usual:
For a while I did not know about Nebula nor Opal at all. Now I do. At least you know I have done some legwork before coming here. Could it be that I am still oblivious to some fundamental set of extensions to the core SWT?
What I am doing right now is building a table, on the left - controls I use from wxPython, on the right - equivalent controls I'll use in Java/SWT.
The right column still has some gaping blanks..
From the screenshots in wxWidgets I didn't saw anything, that is in SWT missing. If you share the gaps, we might be able to help you to find the right tool for you. There are many frameworks that contribute specific UI, that might be used. For example GEF,BIRT or Zest.

Using uibinder with SmartGWT?

Is it possible to use UiBinder with SmartGWT at all? I've heard that at the moment it's impossible, though there are efforts to bridge the gap. How are those efforts? Have they yielded any successes yet?
Furthermore, if SmartGWT is still not UiBinder-friendly yet, are there any other GWT libraries that might be? ext-GWT, perhaps?
Not with UiBinder, but it is possible with GWT Designer which can be found here.
Then simply right click on the project or package in which you want to use SmartGWT, select Google Web Toolkit and then Configure for using SmartGWT.
Hope that gets you started!
Edit: GWT-Ext is also included, as you will see when right clicking.

Good idea / Bad idea (/other ideas ?)

I have recently been asked to make an Eclipse Rcp view that would be "pretty".
In that purpose I had fist looked at Java2D (after my boss advised me so) before the client's query turned to be more like
"It would be smooth if you could do some flash or something ..."
From there JavaFx seemed appealing to me however I never had a chance to use it before. I then were wondering if before to dive "head first" anyone (who would have preferably used it seriously) had any advice, warning or any constructive comment to do about using this product in an RCP view (so based on SWT).
I really long to know if JavaFx meets it's promises.
Thanks in advance and have a good day !
[EDIT]I dont want an Eclipse Fancy skinning or to make views appear with light effects or in a CompizFusion way,
What I want is to display fancy animations and pretty visual effects within a specific view that will be called sometimes. (Sorry I wasn't clear in the first place :s)[/EDIT]
*I'll pass on the "What's pretty and what's not ?" and other "Tastes are a personnal thing" debates, here "pretty" simply means to qualify a view containing convoluted transparancies and subtle animations ...
Eclipse RCP can also be customized in the way it looks, e.g. when you dont want to have the Eclipsi-L&F. Its called Presentation API, I saw a quite amazing UI once in a presentation but I cannot find it right now. Anyway, I just want to point you the direction, since I personally havent used this API (yet).
There are also some "skins" available for download.
MP3 Manager
EDIT: Just found the slides. It goes quite into detail, but when you have a look at the last doesnt look like the Eclipse you know :-)
JavaFX uses Swing as default layout engine, so you'll gain nothing using it rather than Java2D.
On the other hand, using either your home-grown toolkit or Swing is generally a bad idea when working with Eclipse, as it already embeds the SWT toolkit. The main advantage of SWT over Swing is that it use the OS native widgets. Using another toolkit will lead to the following issues:
Poor integration with Eclipse look&feel.
Poor integration with Eclipse views and editors management.
The answer is simple. No, you can't use JavaFX yet. The problem is that JFX script can't be embedded into Swing nor Eclipse SWT. We already know about such an issues. (The is some kind of hack how to embed JFX into Swing APP only.)

How to add iPhone SDK classes to autocomplete in TextMate?

How, if possible, can I have iPhone SDK's classes (UI*) to autocomplete inside TextMate?
Ok, after looking the link Kendall posted and some other places this is what I have found:
There is currently NO easy way to have autocomplete of iPhone APIs in TextMate.
The link on the post Kendall pointed is old, but I found it and one other iPhone Bundle on gitHub:
But none of these bundles offers autocomplete, they have some templates and snippets.
The closest I have found is on the svn repository from TextMate:
It's not official yet, and I have reported some issues with it to the developer (Joachim MÃ¥rtensson).
You can have autocomplete with this bundle, but it is working only with classes files, not headers.
Try out the link at the bottom of this thread:

How to make stack panel in GWT that looks like Outlook

The default GWT StackPanel is not enough good, i want to have functionality similar to outlook stack panel. May be there is already something exists?
If you don't mind using EXT-GWT, a much prettier fully compliant GWT UI toolkit then this might be more what your looking for.
The Example.
GXT as it is also called can do lots of good things for a GUI.
I took the TabPanel source code and modified it so it drew the tabs to look like Outlook.