How to make stack panel in GWT that looks like Outlook - gwt

The default GWT StackPanel is not enough good, i want to have functionality similar to outlook stack panel. May be there is already something exists?

If you don't mind using EXT-GWT, a much prettier fully compliant GWT UI toolkit then this might be more what your looking for.
The Example.
GXT as it is also called can do lots of good things for a GUI.

I took the TabPanel source code and modified it so it drew the tabs to look like Outlook.


ckeditor plugin for custom links / tags

I'm using CKeditor 3.6 and find myself in need of writing a simple plugin. What I need is a button that works much like the format buttons (bold, italic, etc.) except that it will turn this:
not into, say,
but into:
I've tried looking into the various plugins that come with CKeditor, but quite frankly, they are more confusing then helpful. I've read the tutorials, I know the basics of writing a plugin, but what eludes me is the functionality itself.
You are going to have to hack the CKEditor code base, but let me tell you that hacking around ckeditor is not so difficult. Also, there are versions of the older fckeditor floating around. Compare the two and see which one would be easier to hack for your mod. I have had to use the older version specifically for creating pinholes against Coldfusion so I could use the file upload segment of the tool. And in another case to function against domain cookies, because of security issues with regular cookies. FCKEditor and CKEditor has never been a clear install for me with the base product. I hope this is somewhat helpful.

Using uibinder with SmartGWT?

Is it possible to use UiBinder with SmartGWT at all? I've heard that at the moment it's impossible, though there are efforts to bridge the gap. How are those efforts? Have they yielded any successes yet?
Furthermore, if SmartGWT is still not UiBinder-friendly yet, are there any other GWT libraries that might be? ext-GWT, perhaps?
Not with UiBinder, but it is possible with GWT Designer which can be found here.
Then simply right click on the project or package in which you want to use SmartGWT, select Google Web Toolkit and then Configure for using SmartGWT.
Hope that gets you started!
Edit: GWT-Ext is also included, as you will see when right clicking.

Easy to use GWT editable datagrid?

I need recommendations from people whom have implemented an easy to use GWT editable datagrid.
I spent 4 hours with the PagingScrollTable in the gwt-incubator-july-14-2009.jar, and would now like to try other options.
What I'm looking for:
easy to get started (ex. drop a jar, edit .gwt.xml)
advanced features once you have gotten started
documentation of advanced features
self-contained module with minimal dependencies on other modules, jars or components
low cost/free
Thats all :)
Please, for goodness' sake, stick with vanilla GWT. Just use GWT data cell tables, lists and trees.
Smart-GWT and GXT really look good in their demo. e.g., Smart-GWT has widgets that accepts xml/json datasource directly that would save you time.
But, you find that your application requirements would "just need that tiny tweak" in the way the widget eats the datasource. Both GXT and Smart-GWT have attractive convenient widgets, but you find you need "just a little" tweak to make them suit your requirement.
Is your "little" tweak "important" enough? So, you resort to writing your patch for that "little" tweak. And soon you find that there is a whole entrail of "little" tweaks. You experiment and research and try untried means.
Finally, you discover that you might just as well had used vanilla GWT for which you would have taken less time to get the behaviour you want. Vanilla GWT is tried and proven.
Do not be tempted by the showcases of SmartGWT or GXT. Learn CSS and learn how to integrate CSS into vanilla GWT, which would make your widgets just as attractive as SmartGWT or GXT.
Then you would not regret because you would not face any impediments toward using other GWT features.
What is good enough for Google is good enough for me.
Hi HJO there are many solutions to problem depends on what you want. The GWT-EXT, EXT-GWt and SmartGWT libraries all have editable data grid implemented. Or you can make your own with FlexTable,ScrollPanel,TextBox and add a few event handlers. Both GWT-EXT and SmartGWT are in LGPL license and I believe EXT-GWT is GPL license. If you not doing it for production then any will do, but if you are doing it for big production environment I suggest to really test each of their performance first. I suggest to choose something light weight and robust instead of simplicity or appearance on production environments. At the end, the less data/widget loaded + less handlers = performance and happy user.
Take care,
I do not recommend to use GWT DataGrid for production (in GWT 2.4), unless you like coding workarounds for several bugs (most of them on Internet Explorer):
I use CellTable instead of DataGrid and wait for bugfixing from GWT team.

Good idea / Bad idea (/other ideas ?)

I have recently been asked to make an Eclipse Rcp view that would be "pretty".
In that purpose I had fist looked at Java2D (after my boss advised me so) before the client's query turned to be more like
"It would be smooth if you could do some flash or something ..."
From there JavaFx seemed appealing to me however I never had a chance to use it before. I then were wondering if before to dive "head first" anyone (who would have preferably used it seriously) had any advice, warning or any constructive comment to do about using this product in an RCP view (so based on SWT).
I really long to know if JavaFx meets it's promises.
Thanks in advance and have a good day !
[EDIT]I dont want an Eclipse Fancy skinning or to make views appear with light effects or in a CompizFusion way,
What I want is to display fancy animations and pretty visual effects within a specific view that will be called sometimes. (Sorry I wasn't clear in the first place :s)[/EDIT]
*I'll pass on the "What's pretty and what's not ?" and other "Tastes are a personnal thing" debates, here "pretty" simply means to qualify a view containing convoluted transparancies and subtle animations ...
Eclipse RCP can also be customized in the way it looks, e.g. when you dont want to have the Eclipsi-L&F. Its called Presentation API, I saw a quite amazing UI once in a presentation but I cannot find it right now. Anyway, I just want to point you the direction, since I personally havent used this API (yet).
There are also some "skins" available for download.
MP3 Manager
EDIT: Just found the slides. It goes quite into detail, but when you have a look at the last doesnt look like the Eclipse you know :-)
JavaFX uses Swing as default layout engine, so you'll gain nothing using it rather than Java2D.
On the other hand, using either your home-grown toolkit or Swing is generally a bad idea when working with Eclipse, as it already embeds the SWT toolkit. The main advantage of SWT over Swing is that it use the OS native widgets. Using another toolkit will lead to the following issues:
Poor integration with Eclipse look&feel.
Poor integration with Eclipse views and editors management.
The answer is simple. No, you can't use JavaFX yet. The problem is that JFX script can't be embedded into Swing nor Eclipse SWT. We already know about such an issues. (The is some kind of hack how to embed JFX into Swing APP only.)

Is Dreamweaver worth getting if I probably won't use its WYSIWYG editor?

In the past I've done web application development using Visual Studio. Initially I'd use the design view, editing the page visually. But over time I learned more and more (X)HTML, CSS, and Javascript. I became familiar with the tags for ASP.NET server controls and their common attributes.
I got to the point where I'd do all the markup by hand (still in Visual Studio though) and then test the site in an actual browser. Of course I'd also still use Visual Studio for programming server side functionality in C#, but never the WYSIWYG page editor. I was able to get work done faster too, getting the site to look just the way I wanted, and the same across different browsers.
Now I'm going to be taking charge of a public facing website (entirely static content - no ASP.NET, PHP, or anything). The website was created and maintained using Dreamweaver, which I don't have and never used before.
I'll be working from home, so the organization is looking into getting me a copy of Dreamweaver. Even though it's not money out of my own pocket ...
Is it worth using Dreamweaver if I probably won't touch the visual editor?
Or should I tell them to save their money and I'll just use Notepad++.
Or am I crazy and should relearn to use a WYSIWYG editor?
I do 95% of my web dev stuff using Dreamweaver's code editor. But, for the other 5%, the WYSIWYG stuff really comes in handy.
Plus, it's not your money anyway. I'd say get it and if the WYSIWYG stuff is too much for you just keep it in source code mode and use it as an editor.
You may not know until you see the code. If they were using things like Dreamweaver templates, unless you are going to extricate them, you may end up needing Dreamweaver for sanity sake.
Dreamweaver is really useful if you maintain a site with templates. If the site is in PHP or ASP, then all you need to do is put the common parts (header, footer etc.) in a separate file and include them in the different pages. If the pages are static then the common parts can't be included. Which means that if you want to change the menu, you have to change it in all pages. With dreamweaver, you can save a page as a template and when you create a new page from a template, dreamweaver stores it in the comments. Next time you update the template, all the pages that use the template are updated. I found this to be the best use of dreamweaver.
I haven't used a WYSIWYG HTML editor in years, all the HTML I produce these days is hand-coded, and it's something I would recommend to anyone. WYSIWYG Editors simply make it far too easy to throw in tons of unnecessary markup, and then you end up with unwieldy pages that are tricky to work with and hard to fix browser compatibility problems in.
However. If you're taking over a large existing codebase that has been produced this way, I'd say you probably want to make sure you at least have access to Dreamweaver or a similar editor (if they were produced in Dreamweaver, that's probably the best choice). Simply because many pages designed in this way are rather verbose, and can be a nightmare to deal with in a text editor.
This depends - you mean old school Dreamweaver or CS4 Dreamweaver?
With all the new additions (code hinting with some of the newer javascript frameworks, a "preview" that is integrated with webkit so you can see your page in action, being able to test AJAX calls and do a "code freeze") I'm tempted to walk away from jedit and try it out.
I believe that DreamWeaver gives you intellisense in the code editor for HTML, so I would use it for that, if you're not paying for it. I wouldn't pay for that myself though :)
If the Visual Studio editor works fine for you, there is no point in switching.
And if you don't like WYSIWIG editing, then there's no point in learning it. I stopped using WYSIWIG years ago, and like you, I've found it to be much more flexible and reliable to edit HTML/CSS by hand.
If you like DreamWeaver more and the organisation is willing to pay for it, then go for it!
FWIW, I do a lot of HTML and javascript coding in dreamweaver's code view- the JSF extensions are nice as well. I got it as part of the CS3 bundle, since I needed to get my hands on photoshop and illustrator as well to carve up graphics. If possible, try to get your company to get the whole bundle, since graphics manipulation is always important when you're maintaining a site- and most designers will be giving you photoshop source files. I never ever go in wysiwyg mode, and it's still useful.
I use dreamweaver, but not for the same reasons as everyone here seem to. I like the syntax highlighting, and I absolutely LOVE the way Dreamweaver handles FTP in the window on the right. If I could find another editor that would offer these two things, I would, but none seem to be that great.
I code my pages by hand usually (I do a LOT of PHP, which dreamweaver 8 obviously can't preview) so I do a lot of things like (1) edit page (2) upload changes (3) preview live on testing server. However, I still use the WYSIWIG editor occasionally, especially if I need to throw something together using tables or form elements. I just find it to be a bit quicker that way than doing things by hand.
That said, I never use Dreamweaver (8, mind) for CSS, as the implementation is buggy at best. I much prefer to do CSS and more complex HTML by hand. I also do not use the standard method of templating, as I prefer to have one "index.php" that calls in the appropriate template and stuffs data into it that it generated before.
All that said though, Dreamweaver offers a nice enough set of tools that I don't really want to leave it, and it certainly won't hurt to learn it, especially if its free. I'd say at least try it out and see if its going to work before making a final decision. It comes down to what you personally prefer to use.
I hand-code but there are times Dreamweaver is incredibly useful:
Making visual-tweaks to someone else's complex HTML. It's much quicker to use the WYSIWYG if you're short on time and the code is a mess.
Dreamweaver has got an incredibly good search and replace. The tag-based searching is the best I've seen anywhere for you whilst the regex seach/replace allows back-references, named groups in the replace field etc.
The code Dreamweaver produces isn't too horrific and it's fairly good at not breaking your own nice code if you ever dip into the visual editor.
I use dreamweaver CS5 for code only on a daily basis, and it's a great tool. It is very effective, and its a great tool even for people who already know how to write code. Some of its' features that make it one of the best editors, in my opinion, are:
Code coloring
Customizable color-schemes
Error highlighting
in-app validation
Autocomplete & Codehinting (works great!)
in-app FTP
New document type dialog (great for quick start)
Search & replace
Code Snippets
There are many more features, like setting up a local server and binding it to a database so you can write queries more easily and use dreamweaver's "help" with server-side code, but I haven't really got into it.
Bottom line:
If you are considering getting Dreamweaver mostly for code editing, then I'd say it's definitely a great deal - even if you aren't going to use some of its' other features.
Dreamweaver's a tad bloated for something which you really can just do in Notepad (++ or otherwise). No WYSIWYG will give you code to the same quality as hand-crafted code. Especially since it's vanilla HTML, just use an everyday programmer's text editor. Having intellisense isn't that important: I mean, there's only about 10 tags you need to know.