How get business in area when user give end and start point's latitude and longitude? - iphone

I want to make project in which user submit starting and ending points' latitude and longitude on first screen. After submitting user get list of all business in between those points on next screen.So that i get latitude and longitude from user. And after getting how show list of all business? Which API provides these two events? I have required method how i show list of business of between these points.

There is no built-in api for this type of information. You would have to get it from a third-party provider/server.


Is it possible to fetch all the regions an user can visit in a given travel time in Bing locations api

Is is possible to fetch / mark all the regions the user can cover from the current location given the travel time using bing maps api
like this - [][1]
It sounds like you are asking about the isochrone API:,designated%20starting%20point%20within%20a%20set%20time%20period.

How do I fetch the facebook events of a particular location

I would like to fetch all the facebook events by passing a latitude or longitude or a place, As FQL support is no more, I've tried the following query
But the results I get are from syria, India, USA, Hungary and all, why I'm not getting the events from only that location I've specified. Is there any legal issues in fetching the public events from facebook, How many number of eevnns I can fetch at a time??
There is no way to directly search for events in a specific area. The center and distance parameters are only available for Places, as you can read in the docs:
More information:
How can I query public facebook events by location/city?
About "how many events can i fetch", those are the API rate limits:
API results usually have a limit of 25 entries for one API call. But you can set it higher:
Legal issues depend on what you want to do with the data, impossible to say without knowing the details for your App.

Geographic Map Selector

I am developing an application that provides services based on the location/region chosen by the user.
One way is to just give him/her a drop down list of countries.
I was wondering if I could give the user an interactive map where the user can click/select a particular country.

How to get doctors lists from google places api

Now, I want to develop app that find hospitals and doctors around me by using Google Places Api.
Google Places Api is perfect to find hospitals.
But for doctors, i want only to get humans's information.
Right now, when I try to search doctors by using google places api , I always get health service center or hospital;s information with human doctor's.
Following is url that I used for it.,-118.2427778&radius=300&types=doctor&name=&sensor=false&key=AIzaSyBKFKov5f5YoSDRnWrT3y7MFf9DfsdRgCg
So, any idea to filter them so i can only get human doctor's information? (not establishment information).
If anyone knows about it then, would you please help me?
Best regards.

How to get address and phone numbers using MKReverseGeocoder in iPhone

Is this posible to get the users current location with address and contact information(phone number).
I have used CLLocationManager to get the current location of the user and the tried to get the address and other detail using google API, in the response I am getting current location's detail. But there is no contact information.
Like if user is currently visiting walmart or any other famous location then we can get their store's phone numbers or not?
Please tell me that, Can we get the phone numbers using google API or not?
If you can, it would be passed to you in the MKPlacemark that is sent to the MKReverseGeocoder delegate you have specified.
There is an "addressDictionary" property, which contains dictionary entries that conform to the "Address Book". If a phone number is available it would be in there.
If not, it either isn't available for your location or Google doesn't return that data to the reverse geocoded API.
Based on Google's JSON/REST based docs ( I'd assume this data won't be returned, as it doesn't seem to be returned by the native API either.