How to get doctors lists from google places api - iphone

Now, I want to develop app that find hospitals and doctors around me by using Google Places Api.
Google Places Api is perfect to find hospitals.
But for doctors, i want only to get humans's information.
Right now, when I try to search doctors by using google places api , I always get health service center or hospital;s information with human doctor's.
Following is url that I used for it.,-118.2427778&radius=300&types=doctor&name=&sensor=false&key=AIzaSyBKFKov5f5YoSDRnWrT3y7MFf9DfsdRgCg
So, any idea to filter them so i can only get human doctor's information? (not establishment information).
If anyone knows about it then, would you please help me?
Best regards.


is there any API in google classroom which returns the google meet address?

I want to get the google meet address as a response after creating the course in google classroom api. I couldn't find any API. If possible please assist.
This is an active feature request
Go over and star it to let Google know that you are interested in it, and that way also subscribe to future updates.
Meet links etc. within Google Classroom aren't exposed yet via the API. Fingers crossed for the near future.

Using international database on Google Books API

I've tested the Google Books API now with servers in a few different countries (Germany, UK, Netherlands; it should be in Europe) and realized that the results depend heavily on the request's origin region. For some German books (I search by ISBN) I get 20 or 30 results using the German server but nothing on the others and vice versa.
Is there any way to access the complete database Google has to offer? Note that I'm not trying to access anything like text excerpts or other critical content in terms of licensing. I only need the general information like Title, Authors, ISBN, ...
Thanks for your help!
I have the same problem. I found a paragraph in the documentation under "Using the API" (for Google books) that might explain it:
"Setting User Location:
Google Books respects copyright, contract, and other legal restrictions associated with the end user's location. As a result, some users might not be able to access book content from certain countries. For example, certain books are "previewable" only in the United States; we omit such preview links for users in other countries. Therefore, the API results are restricted based on your server or client application's IP address."
My workaround is to search while using a VPN - that returned the titles in English like I wanted to. If there's another way to solve it I'd gladly hear that too.

Fetch details about businesses on Facebook

I need to fetch details about businesses, services, etc., from Facebook in order to visualize them on a geographical map.
I have read the policy published by Facebook ( but I did not understand whether the restrictions apply to businesses etc., or only to the accounts of people (terms only mention "users").
Can anybody help me? In particular, do you think that, in order to fetch data about, e.g., a restaurant, I need its consent?
Indeed, is it legal show them on a geographical map?

storing full address from google places api

Users will be able to submit places through my site, providing title, description, address and other info. Info will be later used in mobile app and elsewhere.
Anyway, I was thinking to use autocomplete, powered by google places api. Am I allowed to store the full addres user types in, or selects from autocomplete list?
It is user provided information, the api is used to suggest and display on map, which is on the right from the form. The only thing I need is the full address.
Thanks for your answers.
Probably. Google's Terms of Service are a little vague in this respect, but what they appear to be prohibiting is bulk copying of their database. In your case you're using Places to assist the user. Of course it's impossible to say how Google will choose to change or interpret their TOS in the future, but you should be on safe ground.
Also see: Google Places API mass download?

How do I determine my total app users from a specific country?

I want to find out how many app users I have from a specific country. I know insights will show me how many users I have in each of my top twenty countries, but does anyone know how to find out your total number of app users from a country that is not in your application's top twenty?
Your options are basically:
Check the user's current IP with something like GeoIP
... I did some testing with GeoIP in the past, but the results didn't really convince me
Implement analytics code (I'm currently using Google Analytics)
If, and only IF this information is absolutely critical then you should look into the "user_location" and "user_hometown" permissions.
PS: Remember to update your Privacy Policy if you are going to do anything with the user's IP