java3d eclipse problem on mac - eclipse

Part of the responsibilities of my job is maintaining an old java application that was developed by my predecessor. I am a php developer with minimal java skills. The java application is developed with java3d and I work in eclipse on my macbook pro. I know that the version of java3d on my mac (and all other macs out there) is 1.3 which is very old. My application needs at least 1.5. I run "jar" on the command line to create a jar with all the png's and class files, then I sign the jar, and then I put it on my website and deliver it with jnlp. It works perfectly on windows. It will load on macs, but when I try to select a point it crashes with a NoSuchMethodError error. Selecting a point requires which wasn't in java 1.3 which came stock on my mac. I have two questions/requests:
(1) How do I configure eclipse to make my application work locally?
(2) How do I bundle my jar such that my online viewers with macs don't have any problems?
I have tried many things to get this to work. I have moved a bunch of the jars in /System/Library/Java/Extensions (that is where the java 1.3 jars are). I have downloaded a fresh java3d which contains a few jars. I put them in ~/Library/Jars/. And I put those jars in the Java Build Path:
I've spent a lot of time on this issue and I've done all the things that other posts have mentioned. What is wrong with my environment? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Did you download the Java3D 1.5 JARS for MacOSX from here?:
In the Mac OS binary, there are instructions on how to install and configure Java3D for an OSX system
Have you tried following those steps?
My guess is that the 1.3 JARS are still on your classpath somewhere and are being loaded before the new 1.5 jars. Try searching your system for all possible instances of the JARS would be a good start.


can't run ScalaIDE in a XP without networks

Recently I would like to move my dev env into my company's standard virtual XP without internet connection. But my Scala dev env is broken. I test ScalaIDE from typesafe by unzip and copy into virtual XP. And, I tried install scala plugins on a pure Eclipse and copy it into that virtual XP. Both of these two approaches were broken.
Anyone know why?
My notebook with internet run ScalaIDE very well. I have test in a virtual XP with internet , thru virtualbox. The ScalaIDE works well. But in that virtual XP without internet, it seems that all scala plugins are disappear from Eclipse but files in plugins/features. I can't open Scala perspective, can't fint scala in preferences.
What happens?
[update] the TypeSafe's ScalaIDE can't run in an environment without any networks, intranet or internet.
From what I gather of your question, you have an installation problem rather than a build problem. Building may be problematic if you have dependencies that are unavailable offline, but installing Scala IDE should work.
The Scala-IDE website offers a zipped update site for download for every release. The direct URL for the latest version is here.
You need to make this file available to the offline OS you're using. If you unzip it, you should be able to point to the decompressed result as a local update-site and choose the plugins you may want to install. More simply, you can also try to drag and drop that zip into the installation dialog of Eclipse.

Plugin can not be seen by rcp application

i habe a plugin written in Eclipse which used to work on a given rcp application just by adding the .jar file to the "plugin"-folder of my rcp application. Now i have a new machine (win7 64bits, JRE 1.6) and tried to export a new .jar after making minor changes to the project. Now my rcp application can not "see" my plugin any more. The old machine used to have JRE 1.5 amd was 32bits. I would appreciate it if somebody could give me a hint. I have been trying to solve this issue for 5 days without much success. Thank you very much!
Probobly the problem is with the lunch configuration or with the JRE!
May be you need to update your eclipse with deltapack to support 64bit/32bit Platform related jars.

Cross-Platform Single-Instance IDE Setup

I like to carry software around with me on a USB flash drive. I also like to work in both Windows and Linux. Finally, I like to develop software using powerful tools.
Bringing these three things together, I want to be able to carry an IDE around with me. My favorite choice is Eclipse.
So, I tried to get an Eclipse install working on a thumb drive. Not surprisingly, it's just fine if I pack in a JDK. But Eclipse without plugins just doesn't do it for me. After installing my plugins of choice, I had a hefty 300ish MBs of data.
Then I realized that I'd only installed for Linux. And that I was going to have to duplicate everything to get a Windows install. That's not good.
I've searched the web. I found a guide on creating .link files which looks like a hack from the early 80s. I found documentation on the new Eclipse p2 provisioning which I couldn't even understand. I checked Pulse, and they don't support Helios yet.
I remember in old Eclipse days you could just install a plugin to an alternate directory, and share that dir across different Eclipse installs. Today, I couldn't manage to find anything of the sort.
I did manage to get Netbeans up and working properly in a cross-platform manner in around 30 minutes. But I prefer Eclipse.
Could anyone give me a hand? What I'm looking for is:
One install of the platform-independent portions of the Eclipse internals
One install of each plugin I desire
The ability to run this unified Eclipse from both Linux and Windows
I know I'll need a JVM for each platform. I know I'll also need an SWT lib and launcher for each OS. That's fine.
You need to have separate Eclipse installations for each platform and a shared plugins directory for both installations. There are many questions on the subject on StackOverflow. For example, see this comprehensive answer.
Start with the standard Eclipse packages. Complete your shared dropins setup. Once you are up and running, you get probably move plugins from each standard installation to the shared dropins directory to save space (for example, JDT).

Configuring Blackberry Eclipse plugin for 4.70 or 5.0 components

I am looking for help in configuring the Blackberry development environment. In fact, it is quite a frustrating process. The blackberry site is pretty useless. Between links that have been moved, details that are assumed and documents that are out of date it is proving very difficult to get anywhere with blackberry development.
Pheww, now that my rant is done. Here is my problem:
I have finally got the JDE for Eclipse working (that is a story in itself). However, my blackberry workspace is only giving me the option of targeting the 4.5 JDE components. How do I update it to use the 4.7 components?
It would be preferable to have step-by-step instructions but I would appreciate any help that can be provided.
Here are the details:
I have Java jdk1.6.0_14
Eclipse version 3.4.1
I have installed the Blackberry JDE 4.7
I have installed the Blackberry JDE Component Package 4.7
I have installed the Blackberry Smartphone simulators 4.7
Totally agreed - it's not at all obvious what to do. I've never had luck using their update site, so I just download and install the component packs manually:
Download the "Eclipse Software Update for the BlackBerry JDE v4.7 Component Pack" from the BlackBerry developer zone (it's a zip file)
From Eclipse open the Help menu and choose Software Updates
Click on the Available Software tab
Click Add Site
Choose Archive and select your zip file
Make sure everything under the JDE 4.7 tree is checked
Click Install and continue through the wizard
You are a life saver!!!!!!!!!!! This worked perfectly. I understand the frustration. If this. If this doesn't work I would recommend deleteing the entire directory and reinstalling eclipse.
You should already have JDK installed:
This is what I downloaded for 64bit windows:jdk-6u16-windows-x64.exe get one that matches your OS. Should be jdk version 6.
I installed this version: Should work for windows x86 and 64bit:
Other versions shouldn't work. has to be 3.4 but not 3.5 (gallileo) and it has to be for java.
Then I installed the plugin. Then I followed the instructions above and it worked. does not work with the 64-bit JDK.
You have to use eclipse-SDK-3.4.1-win32-x86_64 with the 64-bit JDK. Once you use these two things together and install the Eclipse Plugin, the installation works fine, but I always get "Cannot find RIMIDEWin32Util.dll. This is a required component of the IDE." and then "Cannot find RIMUsbJni.dll. Without this dll the IDE cannot connect to USB enabled handhelds. Add RIMUsbJni to java.library.path". Both of the supposedly missing files are located in my workspace path under .metadata.plugins\net.rim.eide.bootstrapper\installDlls. I have placed those two files pretty much everywhere I could think of, even c:\windows\system32, and it still claims to not be able to find these files.
Now for the fix....
You can use with the 32-bit JDK. Make sure you add the JDK\bin to your %PATH% environment variable. You can then install the Blackberry JDK Plugin and Component Pack and everything will work!
Note: In order to "Configure Blackberry Workspace" from the Blackberry menu, you must first create a Blackberry project. Found this out the hard way.

Are there other trusted download sources for Eclipse Ganymede 3.4.2? It's no longer available on! took it off for some reason. When trying to download Ganymede, the server says the files are not there. I need it for Mac OS X Cocoa 32 bit. J2EE or the lightweight version.
Eclipse downloads - file unavailable
The selected file is invalid, or it is
no longer available for download.
This happens when the file is part of
a nightly or development build. If so,
please return to the project's home
page and download a newer version.
Go back.
Now the problem is, it seems no one thought it would be useful to offer eclipse for download, since already does. But they don't. That sucks. You know any other?
If you can't download a package directly from the downloads site, you can use a BitTorrent client to download one of the Eclipse torrents. Torrents are available for most package/platforms. I tried to get the Java EE Cocoa package and it started fine.
The SDK (Eclipse Classic) is available from (I just downloaded the 3.4.2 Mac OS X Carbon SDK from there).
Since I was looking for that exact download today as well (please don't ask why...), anyway, I found it here:
This lists all available downloads for Ganymede SR2 (CPP, Java, Java EE, ...), for Windows, Linux 32, Linux 64 and Mac OS X (Carbon).