Suggestions on adding a comments section(not feedback) to my iPhone app? - iphone

My app is about sharing content and i want to give users the ability to share their comments about the content in the app... not a review or feedback to me but for sharing with other users.
I'm not sure on the exact word for it but I mean something like a talkback or a wallpost or a response like there is an option leave a comment here in stack overflow.
Anyway my question is if anyone knows of a way to do that?
I thought about using the Facebook graph api but never seen something like this before.
found a great blog about disqus platform that shows how to add a comment section to an app using the disqus platform
thanks to superjessi for the idea..

You may want to look into the Disqus API. They're widely used for a commenting system and don't require users to make a new account, Disqus accounts work anywhere Disqus is used. I have seen other apps use it, and it seems to work beautifully.

What prevents you from storing those comments in your own database? Then you just have to design a standard UIView to enter the comments and show the comments in a WebView or an UIView.


How to open FB APP on phone to certain section of the app?

I am trying to send a link to the review section on the FB app so someone can leave a review for the business page.
This link opens the businesses app page but would like to structure it so it automatically opens the leave review section.
Any suggestions to ad something to the end of this URL to make this happen?
Much appreciated
Ps.. I would like to do this for Yelp also if possible
This is not supported. People have found ways to work around this, but it's not guaranteed to work and not officially supported.

collect picture from comments in facebook page status

I currently need to collect pictures-comment (someone comment by pasting a picture) from facebook page group
I have done some research and find that
1.Support for this hasn't yet been added to the Graph API and as with many of the other messaging APIs, it's currently only avaialable for testing (i.e you must be a developer of the app to use it presently)
View attachments in threads
2.You have to use the old php SDK until graph supports attachments
Posting Attachment Facebook Graph API
could any one provide some codes to me?
I need to know
Are the two approaches really works?? If yes, then... If no, I guess i will need to write/find a crawler (but it again sounds difficult as facebook group page is dynamic web)
What should I do if I want to follow 1st approach?
Should I register as developer and set up an app and...? (I have no experience in setting up facebook app and would appreciate any useful step-by-step tutorial)
If I am going the 2nd approach (php SDK), are there are tutorial as I have no idea what should I do next.
I know java, c++ and little js but facebook apis are something really new to me.
Really appreciate any help.

Facebook UIActionLinks on Facebook app elements

I'm currently developing a Facebook app and I came across a "weird" client request. The app itself is pretty simple. The user can write a story. This story is then saved into a custom database and then displayed on the app's front page along with all the other stories. The request from the client is that we - for each story - implement the "standard" Facebook links which normally go beneath a Facebook wall post (Like, comment, timing). Is this possible and if yes, how on earth....?
I've been reading a great deal about the new custom Actionlinks which can be applied to an app - but this seems more like custom functionality and not the basic Facebook functionality. It also seems like there are no Comment and timing....
Well any answer is much appreciated - also if the answer is: Go with the normal Social plugin LIKE/SEND/COMMENT functions :-)
Thanks very much

Facebook API/Dialogue for Un-Friending people?

I'm aware a similar question has been asked before, but I believe my request is slightly different so I'm going to go for it anyway.
Existing Questions/Findings
I have read the following articles on SO already:
Unfriending someone through the Facebook API?
Any way to unfriend or delete a friend using Facebook's PHP SDK or API?
Previous queries have focussed mainly on silent/programatic un-friending of a user. I don't necessarily need it to be silent and would be quite happy to use a prompted dialogue box.
Is there anything even close to this, or some hack around I could use?
In one of the articles above, an app is mentioned Burger King 'Whopper Sacrifice' which did unfriend I believe. The reason for it being shut down appears to be the privacy invasion/publicising of the un-friending (which seems a bit harsh!) rather than the un-friending itself.
Example idea/Summary
I am looking for some way to simply (either using or not using a prompt) help the user unfriend someone.
As an example, do you think it would be possible to use some kind of call to an iframe to bring up the dialogue?
No, there's no API or Dialog for this functionality. Users can use Facebook's own interface to remove friends but not via 3rd party apps.
Side note, the user can unfriend someone from that person's timeline, if you want one of your users to unfriend someone for some reason, just link them to that timeline and give them the 'unfriend' instructions
There is only way to add user as friend (Friends Dialog) but not terminate friendship, there is no such functionality in API or SDK-s Facebook provide.

Facebook UI documentation

I am trying to create a bookmarklet to process some Facebook data about my contacts, what will possibly require to load another profile pages and see who my friends are.
I am trying to know which urls should I query to get this information. And also how to interact with FB's UI libraries and/or elements.
Is there any documentation for this?
You probably are looking for Facebook JavaScript SDK.
Here is documentation on the FB.ui():
EDIT: it's updated by user contributions and lately it hasn't been changed much