Facebook UI documentation - facebook

I am trying to create a bookmarklet to process some Facebook data about my contacts, what will possibly require to load another profile pages and see who my friends are.
I am trying to know which urls should I query to get this information. And also how to interact with FB's UI libraries and/or elements.
Is there any documentation for this?

You probably are looking for Facebook JavaScript SDK.

Here is documentation on the FB.ui(): http://fbdevwiki.com/wiki/FB.ui
EDIT: it's updated by user contributions and lately it hasn't been changed much


collect picture from comments in facebook page status

I currently need to collect pictures-comment (someone comment by pasting a picture) from facebook page group
I have done some research and find that
1.Support for this hasn't yet been added to the Graph API and as with many of the other messaging APIs, it's currently only avaialable for testing (i.e you must be a developer of the app to use it presently)
View attachments in threads
2.You have to use the old php SDK until graph supports attachments
Posting Attachment Facebook Graph API
could any one provide some codes to me?
I need to know
Are the two approaches really works?? If yes, then... If no, I guess i will need to write/find a crawler (but it again sounds difficult as facebook group page is dynamic web)
What should I do if I want to follow 1st approach?
Should I register as developer and set up an app and...? (I have no experience in setting up facebook app and would appreciate any useful step-by-step tutorial)
If I am going the 2nd approach (php SDK), are there are tutorial as I have no idea what should I do next.
I know java, c++ and little js but facebook apis are something really new to me.
Really appreciate any help.

Show Facebook wall on website

Is there a way to show your facebook wall on a website? I have been looking for days and all I can find is methods of showing ones OWN messages. Im looking for something(script/code) that will show the complete wall including what friends are posting. Is this even possible or is it prohibited by Facebook? I did search there 'developers api site' but couldnt find an anwser to this.
It's possible but you need to build your own custom version as officially facebook doesn't provide any pre-built plugins or code.
You'll have to code a lot of back-end and front-end stuffs. If you're really interested in building something like that, you might wanna consider looking at this script Facebook Wall Script 3.0 with PHP and Jquery
If you want to save time, you might buy that script, do the necessary changes and integrate facebook graph API so it shows data from your fb profile, but if you want build more advance version and have lot of time, then you can build a custom version from scratch.
i don't see the point of show your facebook wall on a website since can have that easily by pointing the user back to your facebook account.
i would suggest you to display a facebook page plugin instead as you can earn some like and it is free of charge.
could you let me know why you want to do that?

Facebook Comments via Javascript

Does anyone know if it's possible on a FB app to insert the comments via javascript so I can access the elements via jQuery instead of using the <fb:comments> which inserts an iFrame which means I can't touch any of the elements.
The pre-made Facebook plugin has some big limitations, and this is one of them. You can write your own comments tool (I have in the past for a file storage app I wrote many years ago allowing people to leave comments about files other people uploaded). See: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/ for how to interact with the Graph API.
Decided just to build my own comments system and not worry about trying to use the Facebook comment system.

Is the Like Button the only currently supported method for posting a webpage to Facebook?

The Like Button seems like a very specific, and not very elegant in my opinion, solution to allowing users to post a web page to their Facebook profile. You have two options: 1) Use the iFrame solution, which allows very little flexibility in functionality, integration or appearance or 2) the XFBML solution which requires loading the entire Facebook javascript SDK just for one little "share this" button.
Is the Like Button the only way that is currently supported by Facebook to allow sharing of content to a user's Facebook profile? It seems to be the only method mentioned anywhere in the Facebook developer documentation, and I've had trouble finding any alternatives elsewhere on the internet.
There was a service called Facebook Share:
http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=<your url>&t=<your title>
I guess it's still working but I'm seeing people having troubles using it and Facebook is forcing developers to use the Like Plugin.
Most likely your visitors will have the Facebook JS Library cached on their browsers
Facebook uses CDNs and their servers are super fast
Even if it doesn't fit in your design, don't forget that users are used to it
You can create a Facebook Application and use the Graph API but it's way more complicated
Don't use their services!
Actually, Facebook share is the simplest and most natural solution to share content on your FB profile.
You may want to read this article.

Facebook ,twitter and Linkedin integration with Full Functionality in iphone

I have experience of integration of facebook and twitter api. But Its just feed post.
I want full Facebook application which shows friends list their messages and events.
And i want same thing for twitter and linkedin.
If any body have idea or code for this please give me link or post that.
the API for Linkedin You can refer this :
You can use UIWebView to load twitter and facebook. It will let you exploit the entire functionality offered by these two Social networking sites. Though It's not impossible to build an application the way you want it to be but using webview will save your time as well as efforts. Since you are already aware of the FB and twitter integration so I am sure you are already aware as to what all we can do from iPhone application..viz.. Setting Status, reading POSTS etc.. I am not quite sure about Linkedin.. Just in case if you come across any solution for this let me also know about that.