a dual variable not in statement? - left-join

I have the need to look at two tables that share two variables and get a list of the data from one table that does not have matching data in the other table. Example:
Table A
Table B
I need to be able to write a query that will check Table A and find entries that have no corresponding entry in Table B. If it was a one variable issue I could use not in statement but I can't think of a way to do that with two variables. A left join also does not appear like you could do it. Since looking at it by a specific date or place name would not work since we are talking about thousands of dates and hundreds of place names.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help out.

SELECT TableA.Date,
ON TableA.Date = TableB.Date
AND TableA.Place = TableB.Place
OR TableB.yAmount IS NULL

WHERE A.xName = B.yName AND A.Date = B.Date AND A.Place = B.Place AND A.xAmount = B.yAmount)

select xName , xAmount from tableA
select yName , yAmount from tableB


Using EXCEPT and flagging column differences

What Im looking to do is select data from a postgres table, which does not appear in another. Both tables have identical columns, bar the use of boolean over Varchar(1) but the issue is that the data in those columns do not match up.
I know I can do this with a SELECT EXCEPT SELECT statement, which I have implemented and is working.
What I would like to do is find a method to flag the columns that do not match up. As an idea, I have thought to append a character to the end of the data in the fields that do not match.
For example if the updateflag is different in one table to the other, I would be returned '* f' instead of 'f'
SELECT id, number, "updateflag" from dbc.person
SELECT id, number, "updateflag":bool from dbg.person;
Should I be joining the two tables together, post executing this statement to identify the differences, from whats returned?
I have tried to research methods to implement this but have no found anything on the topic
I prefer a full outer join for this
select *
from dbc.person p1
full join dbg.person p2 on p1.id = p2.id
where p1 is distinct from p2;
The id column is assumed the primary key column that "links" the two tables together.
This will only return rows where at least one column is different.
If you want to see the differences, you could use a hstore feature
select hstore(p1) - hstore(p2) as columns_diff_p1,
hstore(p2) - hstore(p1) as columns_diff_p2
from dbc.person p1
full join dbg.person p2 on p1.id = p2.id
where p1 is distinct from p2;

PLSQL query for getting all records with MAX date

I'm working on a table which has more than 10 columns. One of the column name is ASAT which is of type DATE(Format is yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS:mmm).
I'm looking for a sql query which returns all records of max date. Trying to use that query in java for JDBC call.
I tried this:
Select * from tablename where ASAT in (select MAX(ASAT) from tablename).
But it is not returning any records.
Any help is really appreciated.Thanks
How about:
When you self join, I suggest aliasing each copy of the table. Personally I use the table letter with a number afterwards in case I need to track it for larger queries.
Select *
from tablename t1
where t1.ASAT = (
select MAX(t2.ASAT)
from tablename t2
I believe you are looking for something like this if I'm understanding you. First build a CTE containing the primary key and the MAX(ASAT). Then join to it, selecting where the primary key matches the primary key of the row with the MAX(ASAT). Note your "ID" may have to be more than one column.
with tbl_max_asat(id, max_asat) as (
select id, max(asat) max_asat
from tablename
group by id
select *
from tablename t
join tbl_max_asat tma
on t.id = tma.id;
This old post just popped up because it was edited today. Maybe my answer will still help someone. :-)

PostgreSQL JOIN data from 3 tables

I'm new to PostgreSQL and trying to get a query written. I'm pretty sure it's easy for someone who knows what they are doing - I just don't! :)
Basically I have three tables. In the first, I store details about patients. In the second, I store a reference to each image of them. In the third, I store the link to the file path for the image. I didn't design the database, so I'm not sure why the image files table is separated, but it is.
What I want to be able to do is select data from the first table, joining in data from a second then third table so I end up with the name & file path in the result.
So the basic structure is:
Table 1:
person_id | name
Table 2:
person_id | image_id
Table 3:
image_id | `path filename`
What I want to do is in one query, grab the person's 'name' and the image 'path filename'.
I'm happy with a "template" style answer with the join I need. I don't need it to be written in actual code. (i.e. I'm thinking you can just write me an answer that says SELECT table1.name, table3.pathfilename FROM JOIN ... etc...).
Something like:
select t1.name, t2.image_id, t3.path
from table1 t1
inner join table2 t2 on t1.person_id = t2.person_id
inner join table3 t3 on t2.image_id=t3.image_id
Maybe the following is what you are looking for:
SELECT name, pathfilename
FROM table1
WHERE name = 'John';

select distinct from 2 columns but only 1 is duplicate

select a.subscriber_msisdn, war.created_datetime from
select distinct subscriber_msisdn from wiz_application_response
where application_item_id in
(select id from wiz_application_item where application_id=155)
and created_datetime between '2012-10-07 00:00' and '2012-11-15 00:00:54'
) a
left outer join wiz_application_response war on (war.subscriber_msisdn=a.subscriber_msisdn)
the sub select returns 11 rows but when joined return 18 (with duplicates). The objective of this query is only add the date column to the 11 rows of the sub select.
Based on your description, it stands to reason that there are multiple created_datetime values for some of the subscriber_msisdn values which is what prompted you to use the distinct in the subquery to begin with. By joining the sub query to the original table you are defeating this. A cleaner way to write the query would be:
, war.created_datetime
wiz_application_response war
LEFT JOIN wiz_application_item wai
ON war.application_item_id = wai.id
AND wai.application_id = 155
war.created_datetime BETWEEN '2012-10-07 00:00' AND '2012-11-15 00:00:54'
This should return only the rows from the war table that satisfy the criteria based on the wai table. It should not be and outer join unless you wanted to return all the rows from war table that satisfied the created_datetime parameter regardless of the application_item_id parameter.
This is my best guess based on the limited information I have about your tables and what I’m assuming you’re trying to accomplish. If this doesn’t get you what you are after, I will continue to offer other ideas based on additional information you could provide. Hope this works.
Can most probably simplified to this:
r.subscriber_msisdn, r.created_datetime
FROM wiz_application_item i
JOIN wiz_application_response r ON r.application_item_id = i.id
WHERE i.application_id = 155
AND i.created_datetime BETWEEN '2012-10-07 00:00' AND '2012-11-15 00:00:54'
ORDER BY 1, 2 DESC -- to pick the latest created_datetime
Details depend on missing information.
More explanation here.

Need help for Filtering the data in sql

i have a table that contain s.no Id and Amount and accCode.
3--------------- 5---------------20-------------3.1
i need all the record that have a common Amount and accCode and id. In this case i need to show the data of S.NO 2 and 4, and also 1 and 6 as they have similar value. If Possible it would be better the similar data come orderly. Is this one possible through Sql? Please give some hints i am stuck with this one.thaks in advance.
One solution could be, assuming that your table is named "test"
select t1.*, t2.[s.no] as MatchSNo from test t1, test t2
where t1.id = t2.id and t1.amount = t2.amount
and t1.acccode = t2.acccode and t1.[s.no] <> t2.[s.no]
order by t1.id, t1.Amount, t1.accCode, [s.no]