strange methods showing in First Responder received actions - iphone

I am curious about something that I am seeing in interface builder when I right click on the "First Responder" placemark. My question is when I right click the "First Responder" lists its received actions, amongst theses are 5 methods that are defined in one of my early classes, does anyone know why they are showing up, does it matter, is this normal?
If I right click on [First Responder] on any of the nib/xib files in my project (there are 4) I see the following.
I am just curious why the buttonPressed_XXX methods display in that list (for all the xibs in the project).
First reponder is action of Keyboard to go off after you finish typing.. in above image all these actions uses keyboard so it shows that page when you remove the action(IBAction) thats it...

Did you delete the references from IB? XCode doesn't automatically delete the IBOutlets or IBActions if you hook up objects and get rid of the objects or IBActions. Press x beside the name of the object and the object type to get rid of the IBAction or Outlet. A picture could be helpful.


How come Xcode Stops letting me hook up IBOutlets after two Interface Controllers?

I was setting the IBOutlets for the first few objects of a Watch App.
However, after doing a few IBOutlets it stops once I get to work on the third InterfaceController, closes InterfaceController.Swift, and instead opens WKInterfaceController.h. It does this every time I try to add the label or button to the code.
Why is this? Should I be approaching this code differently if I'm trying to build a hierarchical program?
Thank you!
This is what I want, where I can add in the outlets...
But after a few outlets, it automatically opens this page and doesn't let me add anymore...
Do you mean the right-hand side of the split view showing the code doesn't load the correct class?
If so, it's probably the reasonably common issue of Xcode not automatically knowing which class to load.
You can select the class you want to show manually by clicking in the toolbar above the code (i.e. the "two circles" in the second screenshot right above the code), and selecting the correct file

Swift ViewController does not respond to -getFile, Could not connect action, target class

My code works all fine but there is always two console message every time I run it.
app works fine but the messages just bugs me so much. Could anyone tell me what is wrong with my code and what does these console message means,thanks
2016-06-13 14:31:15.014
LazyHackintoshGenerator[1625:37250] Could not connect action, target class
LazyHackintoshGenerator.ViewController does not respond to -getFile:
Select your ViewController.
Right-click on its “View Controller” icon (the blue circle with a white square inside).
Look for warning icons (yellow triangles).
Hover over them. An explanation of the problem will appear.
As Feldur said, the problem is probably a leftover link from your storyboard to a method that does not exist anymore (maybe you renamed it or deleted it manually). Remove the link by clicking on the cross, and, if needed, re-link to the appropriate method in your code.
Here is an example of what it will look like in Interface Builder.
Likely a control's action in your storyboard is linked to a method getfile that no longer exists

Xcode Meanings. "window"

Hello StackOverflow people :)
I have a simple question regarding Xcode (cocoa) "Apple application maker"
Q : What is the name for the transition between 2 windows?
and do I make another "file" in the resources to make another window?
any extra details is appreciated
The transitions are just animations most of the time, but we can add in extra effects like fading and flipping depending on the type of the new window/view that we want to load. Within Xcode, the terminology to view and see a new window is called a "push" - as you push it onto the view hierarchy. To close it, you "pop" it off the stack.
And yes, you simply make a new file and then choose it's type to make another window - depends on exactly which type you are after, whether it's a code file or interface file etc.
Hope this helps.

Interface Builder shows old Received Actions

When I open my xib file in Interface Builder and click on File's Owner in the Document window, the Connections Inspector is showing far more actions below Received Actions than I have defined in the class as specified by the File's Owner Class Identity.
I have only two IBAction items defined in the class, and both of these actions are shown and hooked up to the appropriate buttons. I am not sure where these other ones are defined, as when I search the project for the text of the action shown, it is not found anywhere in my project. (I believe that the actions shown are from a previous software application that I did on this same computer.)
I cannot find any way to get rid of these, and while the application still works as it should, I would like to try to find a way to get these actions out of there.
I am using the most recently released iOS SDK 4.1.
You may need to just edit the xib file by hand and remove the invalid actions.

hold down button to delete

Well, I cannot seem to find this anywhere on the site. So here is my question.
I have a test app which creates multiple buttons and gives each one a unique name via "+" in the toolbar. So far so good.
I am trying to find a way to press down on a button to get that Apple Jiggly effect and then delete that button and all subViews and data related to it.
Can anyone Please show me the way here?
Look at three20's TTLauncherView for an example of how this is done.
Code: (specifically, the TTCatalog which has the TTLauncher in it)
You would have to implement deleting the subviews and data yourself after they hit the delete X box.