hold down button to delete - iphone

Well, I cannot seem to find this anywhere on the site. So here is my question.
I have a test app which creates multiple buttons and gives each one a unique name via "+" in the toolbar. So far so good.
I am trying to find a way to press down on a button to get that Apple Jiggly effect and then delete that button and all subViews and data related to it.
Can anyone Please show me the way here?

Look at three20's TTLauncherView for an example of how this is done.
API: http://api.three20.info/interface_t_t_launcher_view.html
Code: http://github.com/facebook/three20 (specifically, the TTCatalog which has the TTLauncher in it)
You would have to implement deleting the subviews and data yourself after they hit the delete X box.


Function across multiple view controllers

I am trying to make a function so that I request a 'manager override' where it presents a screen for a manager to enter their password and press an approve button. How should I do this? Will it have to be in multiple functions? Is there a way that I can call one function and it present the information back? Would a completion work for what I need? I have no ideas where to start for this.
My set up is as follows:
A view controller asks for manager approval, then a screen slides up with text boxes and an approve button. I want the approve button to trigger authenticating and dismissing the screen
Assuming you don't want a Framework target (that sounds like overkill for what you want) simply mark the function as "public" and move it outside of any class. I just tried in a sample project and it works.
It looks important - remember to keep it in a file already in the project. (My sample project didn't work with menu option File|Add|New|File.)
Now, if you really want portability, check out how to create a Framework project.

How would one implement a sliding 2 button menu like this from Lift?

Can't post the image on the site but there it is.
I have been trying to find if this is a template or a separate nib file ala the page turn animation. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
That is called a UIActionSheet. It is created entirely in code, so it's limited to some pretty simple stuff (i.e. a few buttons, one of which is the cancel button, and one of which can be marked "destructive"). Just consult the documentation for the UIActionSheet class; it tells you all there is to know about it.
Also, here's the discussion in my book:

Springboard-like menu to select other views in storyboard

I use a storyboard and I want to make a springboard menu like that http://static5.businessinsider.com/image/4d657896cadcbbd948120000-590/this-is-what-badoos-iphone-app-looks-like-when-you-first-launch-it-just-one-of-many-ways-to-use-the-service-smartly-you-can-do-things-without-registering-lets-look-at-people-nearby.jpg with only one page and nine icons.
I found the library Three20 but it is complex and I have problems to import it to my project.
Any suggestion?
Just for the people who are looking for the answer (it's hidden in the comments below the question);
What exactly is the purpose of this springboard? Does it have to be dynamic? Do people drag things around? Can you delete stuff on it? If the answer is no for all of the questions; just place a few buttons on an empty page.. If the answer is yes on some of the questions; it's just as easy to write one yourself as it is to understand some open source framework (three20 has long passed its expiration date i.m.o).
Ángel Carlos del Pozo Muela:
Not dragging things or deleting, only select icon to go to another
view. Any advice to do it using storyboard? Thanks a lot.
I think dragging buttons onto your view in a grid-like manner, and
connecting the touch events to new views, should do the trick. Even in
I can confirm that the old version of the Badoo app actually used three20. ;-) So I guess you're stuck with implementing that, although I wouldn't add three20 to any new project.

The best way to create an "instruction view" for my app?

Im planning on adding a instructions view to my app. Whats the best way to do it? Load a PDF into a webview or..?
Please suggest anything I might find helpful.
I also want it to look good for the user, not to plain.
You might want to consider using a UIWebView to load content that resides on your web server. The downside is that the user needs network connectivity to see the instructions and you need to know your way around at least some web development. However, you'll be able to use HTML+CSS+Javascript to create interesting content and you'll be able to change/update/correct that content without going through the hassle of releasing the app again.
I've seen a few apps put screenshots into a scrollview with a paging control. I really like that design, and there are plenty of tutorials online that explain how to do this.
You can implement instruction view different ways:
1) Just put textview and make scroll. (very simple)
2) Design the HTML instruction, and load it to the webview. (medium in look vise)
3) Create attractive design for instruction pages and implement scroll view with pages. (very attractive)
Please review above point and let me know in case of query.
I would use a info button (the lowercase "i" button, can be accessed by inserting "Round Rect Button" and changing type to one of the "Info" buttons or in code you could init a button with type: "UIButtonTypeInfoDark" or "UIButtonTypeInfoLight") on your main or first view controller. Inside that view you could put an UITextView with editing OFF and that would contain all your instructions that the user could scroll through and get to quickly, easily, and intuitively

Providing un-intrusive messages on an iPhone

This is kind of a silly question, but I cannot find the answer as I don't know the terms with which to search for it.
I am looking for a simple way of giving a 'status' message like 'Data updated' to the user without necessarily interrupting what he/she is doing (but have a option I guess in some instances to tab it an perform an action).
For example; some Apps give a rounded square semi-transparent with 'Lock screen/rotation' when an iPhone is rotated, I am look for something similar (or like the square box 'Build Complete in Xcode 4').
Is there an easy way of doing this?
Thanks a million in advance!
MTStatusBarOverlay adds very subtle text to the phone's status bar. If you're looking for something a little more noticiable, try:
As #kubi has pointed out, MTStatusBarOverlay is a good one, and I've passed Apple reviewer inspection with it. However I just found something that looks fraking awesome...
Tweetbot-Like Alert Panels (Blog), and the repository is MKInfoPanelDemo at Github.
Create a view that shows your message nicely, add it to the window, and start a UIView animation which makes it fade away. In the animation ended handler (delegate or block) remove the view.