How to post photo to WordPress will add it to Facebook - facebook

I would like to endup having this functionality:
When a logged in user of a selfhosted WP-website posts a photo to a gallery, the photo is automatically posted to the facebook page of the website owner. This should of course happen only after admins approval.
Not sure where to start:
Should I find a gallery that is able to do this?
Should I code it myself? If so, where to begin?

There are plugins for image galleries in wordpress, and there are plugins that allow posting to facebook... You might want to start by looking at those, and seeing what already exists, then go from there to start coding your own solution, if they don't fit your need.
Here, for example, is an image gallery plugin.
Here's one for a link to facebook:
After you peruse what's available, try posting any further questions here:, which is a wordpress-specific forum.


Facebook Sharer or Dialog - Share an Image

I did a lot of research about this, and i can't find a proper answer for my question. FB API changed this year, and most of the answers about this topic are outdated.
My problem is: I want to share a photo on facebook, but by foto i mean, the file itself, not an URL to a photo, because the look is different, and the engagement with the post is also different.
Basically, i'm asking if there's a way to do something like "sharing" an image to facebook from iPhone Gallery, but on Web:
The expected behaviour is exactly the same as the image: When user click on share, open a dialog on user's facebook with the photo pre-loaded to be shared. It's not an automatic share.
Anyone knows if this is even possible, and if possible, whats the way to do it ? I'm not expecting a full code answer, just a point to the right direction.
User Profiles: You can only share an URL that includes an image, but not an image itself. At least not anymore.
Pages: You can use the /page-id/photos endpoint to post photos to a Page:
There is no way to do this with a dialog.

Is it possible to use Facebooks Comments Plugin with Graph Object IDs/Graph URLs rather than www URLs?

A little while ago, I built this:
It's kind of an off-Facebook partial replica of a Facebook photo album gallery, the photos in the gallery section are all pulled from Facebook albums on the Page for Little Bray ( enlarging them gives you a kinda full screen view of them with commenting facilties on the right margin, just like Facebook.
You'll notice that, whilst this comment section looks a bit like a Facebook plugin, it isn't, and the reason for this is that if I used Facebooks Comments Plugin, when a user comments on a photo on the website, or comments on the same photo (remembering the photos come from the same source), it will create two different streams of comments, one shown on FB and one shown on the website.
With my method, any comments posted either on the website or FB will appear in both places as they're al directly injected into the FB graph relating to the object ID of the photo.
A bit later on, I created another, similar image gallery but used Facebooks Social Plugin "Comments" in the right hand margin to comment on photos. The difference here though was that these photos were lcoally hosted by the website and not already Facebook album objects, so this other website is the only source for these images and thus creating FB objects when commenting via a URL is fine.
BUT... it got me thinking, is my first example just a lot of work, is it possible to use Facebooks own Social Plugin to post comments on an object which already exists on Facebook in that way?
I tried pasting a graph URL into the Comments example on Facebooks Social Plugins page from a status update of mine, but nothing showed.
Any ideas?
EDIT ---
I have discovered I am not alone in asking this question:
Using social plugins for pre-existing Facebook posts
Load comments from open graph object into Facebook comments social plugin
Neither of those have satisfactory answers though. Perhaps I just need to improve my own code and make my own plugin.
At this time the comments plugin can not be used in that way.

How to setup Facebook Timeline Cover Photo website . is it easy for a basic web developer?

I have seen many website build with wordpress and they have facebook timeline cover photos auto upload.
anyone please help me?
sorry for my bad english
it isn't difficult at all... you can get the cover url for a page/user using the facebook graph api.
ie: querying will return the cover image properties for the cocacola fan page, simply use the 'source' field as your image src. (this is a 720px wide cover image)
as your using wordpress you could make a widget out of it, or hard code it in the template (eww..).
(on another note - you may want to additionally implement some form of caching for the facebook grapi api result so you don't continuously query facebook on every page load for the cover url.)
Majid Khan,
try this, facebook image uploader (for timeline and more.....)
work fine on wordpress and more....but it is not free
Timeline is the New Facebook Timeline covers profile. Tell your life story through photos, friendships and personal milestones like graduating or traveling to new places.

Facebook not fetching all images?

I have wordpress blog with twentyeleven theme setup. I have facebook button and I beleive all facebook garph api codes are exist in head part. Now the problem is there are more than 4 images exist on the page, but facebook like button only fetching one image everytime. And trust me that is a huge problem for me.
Can someone help me fix the issue.
here is the link if you wanna take a look at:
While I can't confirm this is how Facebook approaches it, the og: meta tags only appear to work for actual like buttons, not Facebook sharing buttons (which are depreciated anyway).
According to this question you can try and put in a link tag and that may work for the share button you have. Facebook Post Link Image

meta information not being picked up by facebook

I've asked this question on the facebook and developer forums, but they don't seem to be very busy at the moment. So lets see what you lot can do...
I have included meta tags for title, description and image_src on my site so facebook can pick this information up and display it on users's posts on facebook. I am using to make the post to facebook. The meta data appears to work fine on a 'pages' page on facebook, but on individual user's walls it doesn't show any of the meta data in the post.
Any ideas why this is?
I'm not really a facebook developer, but would like this to work so if there is something that I need to do let me know.
The link that is being posted to facebook is a tinyurl, but as I said it works on 'pages'.
Not sure how you're sharing/posting this on Facebook, but maybe the URL Linter will help? Maybe you can share the URL for the page in question.
I found that it was actually a setting in the users account which was preventing this.