Facebook Sharer or Dialog - Share an Image - facebook

I did a lot of research about this, and i can't find a proper answer for my question. FB API changed this year, and most of the answers about this topic are outdated.
My problem is: I want to share a photo on facebook, but by foto i mean, the file itself, not an URL to a photo, because the look is different, and the engagement with the post is also different.
Basically, i'm asking if there's a way to do something like "sharing" an image to facebook from iPhone Gallery, but on Web:
The expected behaviour is exactly the same as the image: When user click on share, open a dialog on user's facebook with the photo pre-loaded to be shared. It's not an automatic share.
Anyone knows if this is even possible, and if possible, whats the way to do it ? I'm not expecting a full code answer, just a point to the right direction.

User Profiles: You can only share an URL that includes an image, but not an image itself. At least not anymore.
Pages: You can use the /page-id/photos endpoint to post photos to a Page: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/page/photos/
There is no way to do this with a dialog.


Unity facebook SDK, can not post picture with FB.Feed

In my Unity IOS game, I am unsuccessfully trying to use FB.Feed to share a screenshot on the user's wall.
Facebook documentation uses FB.Api to publish the screenshot, but this method does not display a share dialog, it simply uploads the pic to Facebook.
Answers I have found so far:
Upload the picture using FB.Api, and then parse the FBResult for the picture URL, and feed that to FB.Feed Link to answer.
This method triggers an error, since it is not possible to use a Facebook URL as source for a picture.
Save the picture locally and prepend "File://" to the picture path. Link to question. This does not seem to work either, and the Facebook documentation does not seem to have any information on URL formatting.
My question:
Is this the correct (and only) way to display a share dialog when publishing a picture? Or am I looking in the wrong direction?
FB.Feed only allows you to post link to images. It doesn't upload the images to Facebook. Therefore, these images need to hosted somewhere on the net and not locally.
The best way to make it work is either upload the images to FB (with privacy property set to EVERYONE) using FB.API, and then share the link to that picture via FB.Feed. If you don't want to create duplicate stories, i.e. one from posting the picture and another from FB.Feed, make sure that you set no_story to true.

Facebook Tab App Sharing issue with Image

I'm having issues when a user tries to share the URL to a Facebook tab app that I have setup.
When they paste the URL to the tab in their share window and then post their status update, the tab image is shown when viewed on their profile, however there is no image shown on the newsfeed version of the same post.
I've tried adding open graph meta tags to the app, but I believe that it is being ignored since it is located inside of the iframe, and the facebook open graph meta overrides it.
Does anyone know how to ensure an image is maintained when the tab URL is shared directly?
I've burnt a lot of time trying to solve this issue as well. The best I've come up with is that Facebook is going to chose to display the 111x74 app icon. Sharing this on a page's news feed makes it very pixelated and oddly offset, as it should be using a 1200x630 minimum image size, as dictated by the OG tag best practices, but Facebook has not allowed us to have that option in the app configs. It may be that your app icon is being offset enough to not appear like it's visible in the news feed.
So, from my research, we're out of luck until Facebook decides to fix this issue. Until that time, I don't think it's even worth trying to get the any image to work.
Someone feel free to prove me wrong.

Facebook thumbail issues when sharing blogger links

I write movie reviews and share them on Facebook. At first the facebook thumbnails would show the pictures I wanted for my reviews, like the movie poster. However, now they only show my blogger profile picture every single time I post a link. It's very frustrating because I want to be taken seriously and I don't want my blogger profile picture showing up every time I post a link. I tried the facebook developers debugging tool and it did nothing. Does anyone have any other suggestions?
I don't know to what extent you can modify the HTML code of a Blogger blog, but you can use Open Graph tags to define the exact image you want Facebook to show, for example the tag you want is the following:
which must have a 100px x 100px size at least. Note that this tag goes into the Head section of the site.
It has taken some time, but I think I have worked out what is happening, thanks to Facebook Debugger. Put the post URL in and then scroll down to "OPen Graph Warnings That Should be Fixed". You may see something like this -
Provided og:image could not be downloaded or is not big enough. Please use an image that's at least 200x200px and is accessible from Facebook.
Chances are your image is too small and that is why it is grabbing the profile image. I played around with my posts until I got it right, checking it through Debugger each time. It was a pain, but it worked.

Facebook not fetching all images?

I have wordpress blog with twentyeleven theme setup. I have facebook button and I beleive all facebook garph api codes are exist in head part. Now the problem is there are more than 4 images exist on the page, but facebook like button only fetching one image everytime. And trust me that is a huge problem for me.
Can someone help me fix the issue.
here is the link if you wanna take a look at: http://j.mp/GSfWKb
While I can't confirm this is how Facebook approaches it, the og: meta tags only appear to work for actual like buttons, not Facebook sharing buttons (which are depreciated anyway).
According to this question you can try and put in a link tag and that may work for the share button you have. Facebook Post Link Image

Like buttons and posting the correct photo on Facebook

I have an online bachelor catalog and I want people to Like a bachelor and have it appear on their FB feed.
I set up the Like button using the Social Plugins feature on FB. All bachelors are on the same page and they have anchors http://gothamrfc.org/drupal/?q=2012catalog#waldmann and the Like button refers to each anchor.
My problem is when the user clicks on Like, it posts the same picture of one bachelor, not of the one that they liked. I didn't see anything in my js file. I also added the og button but that didn't work.
How do I adjust the code so Like button corresponds to the correct photo?
I'm sure it's something simple. Thank you for your assistance.
Im having the same issue really... My current solution is to hard-code the URL of the image in the like button ref code.
The only issue with this is that it will show that image ONLY, on a blank page when someone clicks the liked image on a user's facebook page.
I'm still looking for answers since the only alternative I've found is to create individual pages for each image (each blog post, in my case) and link to THOSE pages. Not ideal and much more work than I'd like.
have a look at my blog page on my website to see what I mean: MarinePix Blog