oracle has 'DESCRIBE' to get all the details of the table like wise does t/sql has any thing - tsql

oracle has 'DESCRIBE' to get all the details of the table like wise does t/sql has any thing.

SQL Server has sp_help/sp_helptext
MySQL has describe

Sql-Server's sp_help is about as close as you get for something built-in. Remeber to put the tablename in as a parameter...:-)
EXEC sp_help 'mytable'
If you're in ssms, you can r-click your query window and opt to output results to text -- it's a little easier to read the output.
Also -- you can write your own using the system tables (sys.objects, sys.columns, ...) I think 'DESCRIBE' just gives you column name, nullable, and type... so not nearly as much as sp_help provides.

SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE parent_obj = (SELECT id FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'table_name') AND xtype='PK'
will show table details.
SELECT * FROM sys.Tables
will list all tables
There is no describe equivalent.
you might find this searching for MSSQL instead of T/SQL. Most people talking about Transact SQL are talking about stored procedures.


Find a table in a schema without knowing in advance

Is it possible to easily see what tables exist in what schemas, at a glance?
So far I have had to connect to a database, view the schemas, then change the search path to one of the schemas and then list the tables. I had to do this for multiple schemas until I found the table I was looking for.
What if there is a scenario where you inherit a poorly documented database and you want to find a specific table in hundreds of schemas?
Ideally I imagine some output like so;
schema1 table1
schema2 table2
schema2 table1
Or even the more standard <SCHEMA_NAME>.<TABLE_NAME>;
The latter output would be even better since you could simply check the table using copy-paste;
my-database=# \d schema2.table1
Ideally I'm hoping I missed a built-in command to find this. I don't really want to create and memorize a lengthy SQL command to get this (somewhat basic) information.
You can make use of pg_tables
SELECT schemaname, tablename,
quote_ident(schemaname) || '.' || quote_ident(tablename)
FROM pg_tables
WHERE tablename = 'test';

Why is SELECT without columns valid

I accidently wrote a query like select from my_table; and surprisingly it is valid statement. Even more interesting to me is that even SELECT; is a valid query in PostgreSQL. You can try to write a lot funny queries with this:
select union all select;
with t as (select) select;
select from (select) a, (select) b;
select where exists (select);
create table a (b int); with t as (select) insert into a (select from t);
Is this a consequence of some definition SQL standard, or there is some use case for it, or it is just funny behavior that no one cared to programatically restrict?
Right from the manual:
The list of output expressions after SELECT can be empty, producing a zero-column result table. This is not valid syntax according to the SQL standard. PostgreSQL allows it to be consistent with allowing zero-column tables. However, an empty list is not allowed when DISTINCT is used.
The possibility of "zero-column" tables is a side effect of the table inheritance if I'm not mistaken. There were discussions over this on the Postgres mailing lists (but I can't find them right now)

How to get data from specific column in firebird using rdb$field_name

how to get data from a specific column in fire bird? something like.
select from rdb$relation_fields
where rdb$relation_name = 'table' and rdb$field_name = 'code'
Your question doesn't quite make sense to me - if you already know the table and field name (as you do in your example) then why not select directly from the table? Anyway, you can create SQL statement dynamically in PSQL as string and then execute it using EXECUTE STATEMENT. The EXECUTE BLOCK might also be of intrest, depends where and what exactly youre tring to achieve.
EDIT after reading the comment
So just build the SELECT statement at the client side, selecting the field currently selected in combobox. You don't mention the language you use but generaaly it something like
query.SQL := 'SELECT '+ comboField.Text +' FROM '+curTableName;
// read the resultset

Is it possible to get explain plan with bind variables in DB2?

With Oracle, the syntax is:
explain plan for
select * from users WHERE user_name = :user_name AND user_dob = :user_dob
Is it possible to do the same in DB2? The statement below does not seem to work.
explain plan with snapshot for
select * from users WHERE user_name = :user_name AND user_dob = :user_dob
Thank you.
The answer may depend on your DB2 version and platform, which you chose not to share with us for some reason. This works fine on DB2 for LUW (v10.1, but I'm sure it would work with v9.7 and up):
$ db2 "explain plan with snapshot for select * from syscat.schemata where schemaname = :blah"
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
You may want to try replacing named parameter markers with questions marks.
Apparently, the answer is in the IBM website, but it is not easy to make sense of.
FOR explainable-sql-statement
Specifies the SQL statement to be explained. This statement can be any
valid CALL, Compound SQL (Dynamic), DELETE, INSERT, MERGE, SELECT,
EXPLAIN statement is embedded in a program, the
explainable-sql-statement can contain references to host variables
(these variables must be defined in the program). Similarly, if
EXPLAIN is being dynamically prepared, the explainable-sql-statement
can contain parameter markers.
But it does not tell you what "parameter markers" are, so you have to go and search for it.

How to select and delete at once in DB2 for the queue functionality

I am trying to implement simple table queue in DB2 database. What I need
is to select and delete the row in the table at once so the multiple clients will not get the same row from the queue twice. I was looking for similiar questions but they describes the solution for another database or describes quite complicated solutions. I only need to select and delete the row at once.
UPDATE: I found on the web db2 clause like this, which look exactly like what i need - the select from delete: example:
SELECT * FROM OLD TABLE (DELETE FROM example WHERE example_id = 1)
but I am wondering if this statement is atomic if the two concurent request don't get the same result or delete the same row.
Something like this:
If you're on DB2 for z/OS (Mainframe DB2) since version 9.1, or Linux/Unix/Windows (since at least 9.5, search for data-change-table-reference), you can use a SELECT FROM DELETE statement:
WHERE COL1 = 'asdf');
That would give you all the rows that were deleted.
Edit: Ooops, just saw your edit about using this type of statement. And as he said in the comment, two separate application getting the same row depends on your Isolation Level.