Is it possible to get explain plan with bind variables in DB2? - db2

With Oracle, the syntax is:
explain plan for
select * from users WHERE user_name = :user_name AND user_dob = :user_dob
Is it possible to do the same in DB2? The statement below does not seem to work.
explain plan with snapshot for
select * from users WHERE user_name = :user_name AND user_dob = :user_dob
Thank you.

The answer may depend on your DB2 version and platform, which you chose not to share with us for some reason. This works fine on DB2 for LUW (v10.1, but I'm sure it would work with v9.7 and up):
$ db2 "explain plan with snapshot for select * from syscat.schemata where schemaname = :blah"
DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
You may want to try replacing named parameter markers with questions marks.

Apparently, the answer is in the IBM website, but it is not easy to make sense of.
FOR explainable-sql-statement
Specifies the SQL statement to be explained. This statement can be any
valid CALL, Compound SQL (Dynamic), DELETE, INSERT, MERGE, SELECT,
EXPLAIN statement is embedded in a program, the
explainable-sql-statement can contain references to host variables
(these variables must be defined in the program). Similarly, if
EXPLAIN is being dynamically prepared, the explainable-sql-statement
can contain parameter markers.
But it does not tell you what "parameter markers" are, so you have to go and search for it.


What does this select statement actually do?

I'm reviewing log of executed PostgreSQL statements and stumble upon one statement I can't totally understand. Can somebody explain what PostgreSQL actually do when such query is executed? What is siq_query?
select *
from siq_query('', '21:1', '', '("my search string")', False, True, 'http://siqfindex:8080/storediq/findex')
I'm running PostgreSQL 9.2
siq_query(...) is a server-side function taking 7 input parameters (or more). It's not part of any standard Postgres distribution I know (certainly not mainline Postgres 9.2), so it has to be user-defined or part of some extension you installed. It does whatever is defined in the function. This can include basically anything your Postgres user is allowed to do. Unless it's a SECURITY DEFINER function, then it ca do whatever the owner of the function is allowed to do.
The way it is called (SELECT * FROM), only makes sense if it returns multiple rows and/or columns, most likely a set of rows, making it a "set-returning function", which can be used almost like a table in SQL queries.
Since the function name is not schema-qualified, it has to reside in a visible schema. See:
How does the search_path influence identifier resolution and the "current schema"
Long story short, you need to see the function definition to know what it does exactly. You can use psql (\df+ siq_query), pgAdmin (browse and select it to see its definition in the SQL pane) or any other client tool to look it up. Or query the system catalog pg_proc directly:
SELECT * FROM pg_proc WHERE proname = 'siq_query';
Pay special attention to the column prosrc, which holds the function body for some languages like plpgsql.
There might be multiple variants of that name, Postgres allows function overloading.

Does wrapping a query in SELECT protect you completely in Postgres

Given a client library that can only execute one statement in a batch, if you run
query.exec_sql("SELECT * FROM (" + sql + ")")
Are there any vectors where sql can run anything but a SELECT ?
Are there any other ways to temporarily de-elevate a connection so it can only perform SELECT?
Note: It looks like SET ROLE solves this problem, but the the issue I have is that I am unable to create a role upfront in an easy way.
While you can put data-modifying statements in queries by embedding INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE statements in CTEs, they're only allowed at the top level, so that's not an issue.
You can, however, invoke a function, which could contain just about anything. Even if you ran this in a read-only transaction, a function could potentially elevate it to read-write.
But the solution is simple: If you don't want to allow the caller to do something, don't give them permission to do it. Create a user with only the GRANTs they need, and you can execute sql as-is.
Without the ability to define permissions, the closest you're going to get is probably a read-only transaction and/or an explicit rollback after the query, but there will still be holes you can't plug (e.g. you can't roll back a setval() call).
If the sql string came from a third party then it can be used to SQL injection. I'm not sure if that is what you are asking because it is too basic for a 56k points user to ask. Sorry if that is not the case. The string could be:
some_table; insert into user_table (user_id, admin_privilege) values (1, true);

SQL Server OpenQuery() behaving differently then a direct query from TOAD

The following query works efficiently when run directly against Oracle 11 using TOAD (with native Oracle drivers)
select ... from ... where ...
and srvg_ocd in (
select ocd
from rptofc
where eff_endt = to_date('12/31/9999','mm/dd/yyyy')
and rgn_nm = 'Boston'
) ...
The exact same query "never" returns if passed from SQL Server 2008 to the same Oracle database via openquery(). SQL Server has a link to the Oracle database using an Oracle Provider OLE DB driver.
select * from openquery( servername, '
select ... from ... where ...
and srvg_ocd in (
select ocd
from rptofc
where eff_endt = to_date(''12/31/9999'',''mm/dd/yyyy'')
and rgn_nm = ''Boston''
) ...
The query doesn't return in a reasonable amount of time, and the user kills the query. I don't know if it would eventually return with the correct result.
This result where the direct TOAD query works efficiently and the openquery() version "never" returns is reproducible.
A small modification to the openquery() gives the correct efficient result: Change eff_endt to trunc(eff_endt).
That is well and good, but it doesn't seem like the change should be necessary.
openquery() is supposed to be pass through, so how can there be a difference between the TOAD and openquery() behavior?
The reason we care is because we frequently develop complex queries with TOAD directly accessing Oracle. Once we have the query functioning and optimized, we convert it to an openquery() string for use in a SQL Server application. It is extremely aggravating to have a query suddenly fail with openquery() when we know it worked as a direct query. Then we have to search for a work-around through trial and error.
I would like to see the Oracle trace files for the two scenarios, but the Oracle server is within another organization, and we are not getting cooperation from the Oracle DBAs.
Does anyone know of any driver, or TOAD, or ??? issues that could account for the discrepancy? Is there any way to eliminate the problem such that both methods always give the same result?
I know you asked this a while ago but I just came across your question.
I agree, they should be the same. Obviously there is a difference. We need to find out where the difference is.
I am thinking out loud as I type...
What happens if you specify just a few column instead of select * from openquery?
How many rows are supposed to be returned?
What if, in the oracle select, you limit the returned rows?
How quickly does the openquery timeout?
Are TOAD and SS on the same machine? Are you RDPing into the SS and running toad from there?
Are they using the same drivers? including bit? (32/64) version?
Are they using the same account on oracle?
It is interesting that using the trunc() makes a difference. I assume [eff_endt] is one of the returned fields?
I am wondering if SS is getting all the rows back but it is choking on doing the date conversions. The date type in oracle may need to be converted to a ss date type before ss shows it to you.
What if you insert the rows from the openquery into a table where the date field is just a (n)varchar. I am thinking ss might just dump the date it is getting back from oracle into that text field without trying to convert it.
something like:
insert into mytable(f1,f2,f3,datetimeX)
select f1,f2,f3,datetimeX from openquery( servername, '
select f1,f2,f3,datetimeX from ... where ...
and srvg_ocd in (
select ocd
from rptofc
where eff_endt = to_date(''12/31/9999'',''mm/dd/yyyy'')
and rgn_nm = ''Boston''
) ...
What if toad or ss is modifying the query statement before sending it to oracle. You could fire up wireshark and see what toad and ss are actually sending.
I would be very curious if you get this resolved. I link ss to oracle often and have not run into this issue.
Here are basic things you can check for to see what the database is doing after it receives the query. First, check that the execution plans are the same in TOAD as when the query runs using openquery. You could plan the query yourself in TOAD using:
explain plan set statement_id = 'openquery_test' for <your query here>;
select *
from table(dbms_xplan.display(statement_id => 'openquery_test';
then have someone initiate the query using openquery() and have someone with permissions to view v$ tables to run:
select sql_id from v$session where username = '<user running the query>';
(If there's more than one connection with the same user, you'll have to find an additional attribute to isolate the row representing the session running the query.)
select *
from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor('<value from query above'));
If those look the same then I'd move on to checking database waits and see what it's stuck on.
select se.username
, sw.event
, sw.p1text
, sw.p2text
, sw.p3text
, sw.wait_time_micro/1000000 as seconds_in_wait
, sw.state
, sw.time_since_last_wait_micro/1000000 as seconds_since_last_wait
from v$session se
inner join
v$session_wait sw
on se.sid = sw.sid
where se.username = '<user running the query>'
(again, if there's more than one session with the same username, you'll need another attribute to whittle it down to the one you're interested in.)
If the plans are different, then you need to find out why, or if they're the same, look into what it's waiting on (e.g. SQL*Net message to client ?) and why.
I noticed a difference using OLEDB through MS Access (2013) connecting to Oracle 10g & 11g tables, in that it did not always recognize indexes or primary keys on the Oracle tables properly. The same query through an MS Access 2000 database (using odbc) worked fine / had no problem with indexes & keys. The only way I found to fix the OLEDB version was to include all of the key fields in the SELECT -- which was not a satisfying answer, but it's all I could find. This might be an option to try through SSMS / OpenQuery(...) as well.
Besides that... you can try some alternatives to OPENQUERY, such as:
4-part names: SELECT ... FROM Server..Schema.Table
Execute AT: EXEC ('select...') at linked server
But as for why the OLEDB provider works differently than the native Oracle Provider -- the providers are not identical, and the native provider would be more likely to pave-over Oracle quirks than the more generic OLEDB provider would.

PostgreSQL: How do I export a function definition to SQL

I have a function (stored procedure) defined in a database that I would like to edit.
I think one way of doing this is to dump the function definition to a SQL file, edit the SQL file, then replace the definition in the database with the edited version.
Is it possible to do this (dump the definition to a SQL file)?
What I have been doing in the past is to use psql to connect to the database, run /df+ function, copy the output to a text file, massage the text so it looks like a function declaration, but this is time consuming and I'm wondering if there is a sleeker way of doing it.
I am using PostgreSQL 9.1 if it matters.
I accepted Mike Buland's answer because he provided the correct answer in his comment, which was to run \ef function in psql.
This is actually listed in a previous question:
SELECT proname, prosrc
FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_proc p
ON pronamespace = n.oid
WHERE nspname = 'public';
List stored functions that reference a table in PostgreSQL
You should be able to use this on the command line or with a client to read the current text of the proc and do anything you'd like with it :)
I hope that helps
You would also need the function arguments:
SELECT p.proname
, pg_catalog.pg_get_function_arguments(p.oid) as params
, p.prosrc
FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p
WHERE oid = 'myschema.myfunc'::regproc;
Or, to make it unambiguous for functions with parameters:
WHERE oid = 'myschema.myfunc(text)'::regprocedure;
Or you can use pgAdmin to do what you describe a lot more comfortably. It displays the complete SQL script to recreate objects and has an option to copy that to the the edit window automatically. Edit and execute.
I think you need to take a step back and see the root issue here. Which is you're not using version control to version your files (database objects). There are plenty of free ones, Git and Mercurial to name a few. So use psql or the query Mike provided to dump the structure out and put them in version control. Going forward check out from version control and make edits there. You should be deploying code from this version control system to the database server. It is also useful to reconcile that the code you have in version control matches the code in the database in a automated and on a regular basis. In theory though if a strict process is in place code that isn't checked into source control should never make it to the database and you don't ever have to wonder if source control matches what the database has. However I don't trust that people with admin access won't abuse their privilege so I put steps in place to check this. If someone is found to be abusing their privileges that can be dealt with in other ways.

DB2 Equivalent to SQL's GO?

I have written a DB2 query to do the following:
Create a temp table
Select from a monster query / insert into the temp table
Select from the temp table / delete from old table
Select from the temp table / insert into a different table
In MSSQL, I am allowed to run the commands one after another as one long query. Failing that, I can delimit them with 'GO' commands. When I attempt this in DB2, I get the error:
DB2CLI.DLL: ERROR [42601] [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2] SQL0199N The use of the reserved
word "GO" following "" is not valid. Expected tokens may include: "".
What can I use to delimit these instructions without the temp table going out of scope?
GO is something that is used in MSSQL Studio, I have my own app for running upates into live and use "GO" to break the statements apart.
Does DB2 support the semi-colon (;)? This is a standard delimiter in many SQL implementations.
have you tried using just a semi-colon instead of "GO"?
This link suggests that the semi-colon should work for DB2 -
I would try wrapping what you are looking to do in BEGIN and END to set the scope.
GO is not a SQL command, it's not even a TSQL command. It is an instruction for the parser. I don't know DB2, but I would imagine that GO is not neccessary.
From Tips
Although GO is not a T-SQL statement, it is often used in T-SQL code and unless you know what it is it can be a mystery. So what is its purpose? Well, it causes all statements from the beginning of the script or the last GO statement (whichever is closer) to be compiled into one execution plan and sent to the server independent of any other batches.