Adding to scala map within for loop and conditional statement - scala

I'm getting an error message of "error: type arguments [Any] do not conform to trait Cloneable's type parameter bounds [+A <: AnyRef]," which I can't make heads or tails of.
var M = mutable.Map[Int, mutable.Set[Int]]()
for(i <- 1 to 100; j <- 1 to 100) {
if(!M.contains(i)) {M += i -> mutable.Set[Int](j)}
else {M(i) += j}
(I'm actually trying something more complicated, but this is the error generating code tweaked and simplified to a minimum)
And the last line of the above code generates the error message. If I strip it down further
for(i <- 1 to 100; j <- 1 to 100) {
if(!M.contains(i)) {M += i -> mutable.Set[Int](j)}
it works!
How do I make the above code work?

Digal diagnosed the problem (failure to unify the types of the if-else branches) and it looks like a compiler bug. Here's a further simplified case that will give an error in the REPL, after a lengthy compilation time,
if (true) {
null: collection.mutable.Map[Int, Int]
} else {
null: collection.mutable.Set[Int]
In the meantime, you can get your code to compile with an explicit type sprinkled somewhere in the if-else statement,
for(i <- 1 to 100; j <- 1 to 100) {
if(!M.contains(i)) {M += i -> mutable.Set[Int](j)}
else {M(i) += j}: Unit
I filed an issue here:

I've reduced your example even further:
scala> if(!M.contains(1)) {M += 1 -> mutable.Set[Int](1)} else {M(1) += 1};
<console>:9: error: type arguments [Any] do not conform to trait Cloneable's type parameter bounds [+A <: AnyRef]
val res17 =
The problem seem to occur when compiler tries to find common return type for both branches:
The first one is
scala> M += 1 -> mutable.Set[Int](1)
res19: scala.collection.mutable.Map[Int,scala.collection.mutable.Set[Int]] = ...
And the "else" part is
scala> M(1) += 1
res18: scala.collection.mutable.Set[Int] = Set(1)
If I add a return value to the end of this expression, REPL eats it without errors:
scala> if(!M.contains(1)) {M += 1 -> mutable.Set[Int](1)} else {M(1) += 1}; println("hello")
Because the expression's return type is Unit.


Why there is a different error message on using += and a=x+y on a val variable?

I had defined a val variable (t), and an array(m) with Int values and then tried to perform sum of all elements of array using for loop in two ways:
case1. Using += (Error message: value += is not a member of Int )
case2. Using a=x+y way (Error message: reassignment to val )
Error is expected in this case as I'm trying to re-assign a new value to a val variable but why there is different error message in case1 and case2?
scala> val t = 0
t: Int = 0
scala> val m = Array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
n: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
scala> for(e<-m) t+=e
<console>:28: error: value += is not a member of Int
for(e<-m) t+=e
scala> for(e<-m) t=t+e
<console>:28: error: reassignment to val
for(e<-m) t=t+e
Consider the desugared version of t += 42 when t is a val:
Note how there is no assignment happening, instead, it is simply a method call on t. Contrast this with desugared version of t += 42 when t is a var and it does not have += method available
t = t.$plus(42)
Here we see an assignment statement. Therefore, as there is no assignment happening in the case of t+=e where t is a val, the error message does not indicate reassignment to val, instead it is complaining about missing method +=, that is, $plus$eq, on t.

Type Mismatch Unit and String in Scala

I am trying to take from a list of tuples (e.g. List[(String, String)]) some words that have the difference between the number of syllables smaller than 2.
If that is ok, I return them - however, I have some issues: I get Unit found and String expected.
def ecrire():String = {
// Choose deux output: List[(Word, Word)]
// I take every tuple of the list and proceed as the element "b"
for (b <- choose_deux()){
val x = b._1
val y = b._2
val diff = Math.abs(x.syllabes - y.syllabes)
// Check if difference between syllables is smaller than 2
if(diff <= 2)
return x.toString() + "\n" + y.toString()
Now I know that probably I have to do a yield at the bottom, but yield what exactly? The idea is that if the condition shown in the "if" is respected, I write the string made of these two elements.
The error is shown at the for loop: type mismatch; found: Unit; required: String
Could you please help me a bit? I am still new and learning!
Type mismatch error is because your for loop doesn't have else statement and you can't return using if inside a for loop. So for loop is not returning anything so scala compiler assumes the return type to be () i.e. unit() and you have defined the return type as String.
Defining the functions in the following way should solve your issue
def diff(x) = Math.abs(x._1.syllabes - x._2.syllabes)
for (b <- choose_deux() if(diff(b) <= 2)) yield b._1.toString() + "\n" + b._2.toString()

Why is it possible to assign recursive lambdas to non-lazy vals in Scala?

In the following statement the val f is defined as a lambda that references itself (it is recursive):
val f: Int => Int = (a: Int) =>
if (a > 10) 3 else f(a + 1) + 1 // just some simple function
I've tried it in the REPL, and it compiles and executes correctly.
According to the specification, this seems like an instance of illegal forward referencing:
In a statement sequence s[1]...s[n] making up a block, if a simple
name in s[i] refers to an entity defined by s[j] where j >= i,
then for all s[k] between and including s[i] and s[j],
s[k] cannot be a variable definition.
If s[k] is a value definition, it must be lazy.
The assignment is a single statement, so it satisfied the j >= i criteria, and it is included in the interval of statements the two rules apply to (between and including s[i] and s[j]).
However, it seems that it violates the second rule, because f is not lazy.
How is that a legal statement (tried it in Scala 2.9.2)?
You probably tried to use this in the REPL, which wraps all contents in an object definition. This is important because in Scala (or better: on the JVM) all instance values are initialized with a default value, which is null for all AnyRefs and 0, 0.0 or false for AnyVals. For method values this default initialization does not happen, therefore you get an error message in this case:
scala> object x { val f: Int => Int = a => if (a > 10) 3 else f(a+1)+1 }
defined object x
scala> def x { val f: Int => Int = a => if (a > 10) 3 else f(a+1)+1 }
<console>:7: error: forward reference extends over definition of value f
def x { val f: Int => Int = a => if (a > 10) 3 else f(a+1)+1 }
This behavior can even lead to weird situations, therefore one should be careful with recursive instance values:
scala> val m: Int = m+1
m: Int = 1
scala> val s: String = s+" x"
s: String = null x

Scala - Type Mismatch Found Unit : required Array[Int]

Why does the method give a compile error in NetBeans
( error in question -- Type Mismatch Found Unit : required Array[Int] )
def createArray(n:Int):Array[Int] =
var x = new Array[Int](n)
for(i <- 0 to x.length-1)
x(i) = scala.util.Random.nextInt(n)
I know that if there was a if clause - and no else clause - then why we get the type mismatch.
However, I am unable to resolve this above error - unless I add this line
return x
The error is not happening because the compiler thinks what happens if n <= 0
I tried writing the function with n = 10 as hardcoded
Thoughts ?
Your for comprehension will be converted into something like: - 1).foreach(i => x(i) = scala.util.Random.nextInt(i))
Since foreach returns (), the result of your for comprehension is (), so the result of the entire function is () since it is the last expression.
You need to return the array x instead:
for(i <- 0 to x.length-1)
x(i) = scala.util.Random.nextInt(n)
Yet another one,
def createArray(n: Int): Array[Int] = Array.fill(n) { scala.util.Random.nextInt(n) }
Then, for instance
val x: Array[Int] = createArray(10)
You could do something cleaner in my own opinion using yield :
def createArray(n:Int):Array[Int] =
(for(i: Int <- 0 to n-1) yield scala.util.Random.nextInt(n)).toArray
This will make a "one lined function"

Incrementing and getting value

Simple scala question. Consider the below.
scala> var mycounter: Int = 0;
mycounter: Int = 0
scala> mycounter += 1
scala> mycounter
res1: Int = 1
In the second statement I increment my counter. But nothing is returned. How do I increment and return something in one statement.
Using '+=' return Unit, so you should do:
{ mycounter += 1; mycounter }
You can too do the trick using a closure (as function parameters are val):
scala> var x = 1
x: Int = 1
scala> def f(y: Int) = { x += y; x}
f: (y: Int)Int
scala> f(1)
res5: Int = 2
scala> f(5)
res6: Int = 7
scala> x
res7: Int = 7
BTW, you might consider using an immutable value instead, and embrace this programming style, then all your statements will return something ;)
Sometimes I do this:
val nextId = { var i = 0; () => { i += 1; i} }
println(nextId()) //> 1
println(nextId()) //> 2
Might not work for you if you need sometime to access the value without incrementing.
Assignment is an expression that is evaluated to Unit. Reasoning behind it can be found here: What is the motivation for Scala assignment evaluating to Unit rather than the value assigned?
In Scala this is usually not a problem because there probably is a different construct for the problem you are solving.
I don't know your exact use case, but if you want to use the incrementation it might be in the following form:
(1 to 10).foreach { i =>
// do something with i