old app params configuration in panel - facebook

Facebook is changing all the time. Some params that were in the configuration app panel (now developers.facebook.com/apps) are not there now, and they has been eliminated.
Is there any way to change the value of that params?

you can try to change that programmatically via the old rest api


Flutter web url query parameters removed on initial load

I am hosting a flutter web app, which involves the initial url having query parameters (e.g. https://mysite.web.app/?k=ZF6K5UA7X3Jk9HJanla3). I use the url_strategy package to get rid of the #, however when the site loads, the query params are stripped off, leaving the bare-boned "https://mysite.web.app". I have got around the functionality aspect by storing the param as a cookie variable, however it is not ideal.
Is there any way to re-instate the params programmatically in the url bar of the browser? The reason for this is for both (i) giving the user the option to share the original URL, and (ii) allow them to add the app to their mobile device screen as a PWA (with the original full url).
Any suggestions welcomed.
I resolved this via the implementation of go_router. With the combination of state.queryParams and Router.neglect(context, () => context.go('/?k=$myOriginalParam')) (from any pages that wanted to go back to the original route with no browser back button history), I can retain the query parameter in the browser bar successfully.

How can I update dropdown in CloudFlare App, based on js object?

I have a form-builder application, and now I want to create app in CloudFlare, where user can select needed form in dropdown, and "inject" in own website
So, I need to make ajax-request to my API server, it's not a problem.
But next, when I will have object {form-id: form-name} I need in some way to add this as option to dropdown in sidebar (in CF App)
I've tried to get content of dropdown by document.getElementsByTagName("dropdownName"), but there is an empty NodeList.
This is part of install.json with this dropdown:
I think, there is easy way to do this, because I seen this functionality in other CF Applications.
Answer was found in Hooks page in video: Hooks page
When CF App sent hook request to your server, you can modify incoming object, and respond to CF App with this modified object.

Facebook "Canvas URL" field missing

On Facebook developers under app administration, App on Facebook, there are suppose to be two fields. Canvas URL and Secure Canvas URL. Well, today they are gone.
Were there some changes on Facebook or it's a bug?
Seems that they fixed it.
Apparently one has to enable Unity integration now to get these input fields to show.
Edit: It’s a bug, they are working on a fix.
You can circumvent the bug by enabling unity integration, change your canvas url, open web inspector in chrome and manually set disabled's value property to true and enabled to false.
The screenshot shows the correct changes for both, "Disabled" and "Enabled".
Upon save, your new URL is registered.
Turn on unity integration
Insert your urls
Turn off unity integration
No errors, no inspector.

Is there a way to change the path to an application?

Question in title. When I created the application I left the default instead of a name and the application is now using the app. Id in the URL. Is there a way to change this ?
You should be able to go to your app settings dashboard and change the namespace of the app - this will also represent your app's new URL.

redirect on facebook app install

Upon install of my app on a Facebook Page, I'd like to send the user to an URL with further instructions. I'm starting the installation with http://facebook.com/add.php?api_key=app_api_key&page=page_id, which installs but redirects the user to the Facebook Page itself. It seems like various forms of redirect were available at some point:
Post-authorize callback URL. I can no longer find that in App settings.
The next parameter for add.php. I can't seem to get this to work
I have seen some apps that do redirect upon install, so I believe this is possible. Maybe it's using an old Post-authorize setting that's no longer visible?
Any help or point would be greatly appreciated! I'm also not attached to using add.php, if there's a Facebook Connect method that does this I'd use that instead (I'm looking at profile.addtab though that doesn't seem to work either).
You can set the redirect URL in the app properties. You can no longer set it from the developer control panel in Facebook, but you can still set it using the REST api.
The list of app properties is here: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/appproperties/
To set the "post_authorize_redirect_url" you would use something like this:
I am not completely clear on this, but I believe the url needs to point to a folder, terminated with "/" rather than a specific file.
The callback gets two parameters:
installed = 1 (true)
fb_page_id = the page id when your app was installed
First page that Canvas is point to should have
< script type='text/javascript'>top.location.href = 'REDIRECT-URL';< /script>
So when your app is opened it will automaticaly redirect to REDIRECT-URL
I'm not sure that you can avoid opening of application canvas page after installing application.