App Profile Page not showing up in search - facebook

I have an issue where my app shows up in the searches, but it links directly to the app itself.
I have no idea how to link the App Profile page, there just seems to be no flow given users may never even see it.
How do I get the app page to load first?
The app is
The profile page is at

Search results for an app will go to the App canvas page if there's one specified. There isn't an option to change how this works.
[edit] apologies, i was incorrect earlier, it seems that it only goes to the app's own canvas page if you already use the app, otherwise it goes to the information page for the app [/edit]

Now there is a bug and the search result goes to the app directly even if you haven't used the app before. I created a bug for this you can subscribe.


Facebook page tab prompting for login, but it shouldn't

When a user is not logged in and they navigate to a page tab made with our app, they get an obtrusive dialog asking them to log in:
This has nothing to do with http vs https, the app is not in sandbox mode, there is nothing in the tab asking for a login or user information, etc. I've gone through the app settings at least a half dozen times now, and nothing is wrong there. Aside of urls, the settings are identical to another app I have that does not suffer from this problem. I'm stumped!
Edit: here is an affected tab:
This message is not about login to your app, but Facebook in general.
So my guess would be that the page your app is installed as page tab app on is restricted in some way – by age, location, or for having alcohol-related content. And then of course Facebook asks for login, because otherwise they can not determine whether or not the (as of now still “anonymous”) user qualifies to see the page.
So go check the page settings.
This is actually not app related question.
This is thumb rule!! To access any app on Facebook, you need to log in to Facebook. You can see Facebook page without log in. But for facebook apps, you should be authentic user.
with this issue in my own experience that I came across some years back with a facebook app that I was running, if this doesn't relate to any of your other social networking apps then am aligning two set of possibilities and solution.
The user might have not properly logged out as "written" in the app for the users logout stage.
Solution would be that the user logout as expected before closing the app.
The user might have set up an automatic login prompt which was removed by the app when it was been updated automatically. (If you do get me???)
Solution would be to monitise your app on updates and login informations or better still just login and logout ask intended by the app and for security reasons.
Lastly I would say that automatic bookmark database should be added to the server part so current pages as the user uses the app would be saved after logout or login stage. Thank you, hope this helps and if not let me know what am missing.

Facebook app links broken

Today, on my Facebook app, links appear to be broken. Everytime you click a link (to another page of the application, not external), Facebook returns the user to the login prompt, even if the user has already logged in.. I usually use relative urls, but if I set absolute, the link doesn't work too, but in this case the page doesn't change...
Anyone having same problems? Any ideas? I just can't find solutions..
Edit: for "Facebook app" I mean an iframe application that runs on Facebook site, not the Facebook application for a mobile device
Solved :) The problem was I used on old versione of the PHP SDK. I've updated the SDK with the latest version and also the Login part of the code; now it's ok. Thanks all for your help ;)
Did you tried to reinstall the Facebook app? Also if you use Android you can delete the cache on your phone.
Everytime you click a link (to another page of the application, not external), Facebook returns the user to the login prompt, even if the user has already logged in..
Do you have Authenticated Referrals turned on for your app?
Otherwise, you must be triggering login yourself somewhere in your app. If so, check the conditions under which you are doing so, and if your app recognizes a logged in user correctly, or if maybe there is some kind of cookie problem.
If that doesn’t help you to figure it out on your own, please update your question with relevant code.

Tab App (FB) wont show on Facebook iPhone App

I created a facebook and placed it on my facebook brand page, I also created a post on the wall of that page with the link to the app.
all works well until people started calling me saying that when accessing using FB iPhone app it will redirect to an error page "the page your requested was not found"
I tried adding a link (same page) to the "Mobile Web" link of my app in the FB Developer App.
it still doesn't work..
I need people accessing the app page to get some content.. I know it is possible but cant find how..
thanks for your help
Tabs aren't supported via the app or mobile site. Best you could do is add the query parameter "ref=ts" to prevent the page from going switching to mobile. It helps in the browser but not the app itself.
So add ?ref=ts to the end of your app url and at least mobile users can see it in their browser.

Custom Tab name reverts to original when the app is selected

I have some weird problems with facebook's custom tab name.
I made a sort of app generator and installed two test apps on a facebook page, as tabs.
The custom tab name can be changed from inside the app and it seems to work ok at first. For example, when you access the Facebook page or a tab like Wall, Photos, etc. the tab names for the apps are the custom ones set from inside the app.
However, if you select one of those apps, the custom tab names revert to their original tab names, the ones set inside Facebook's app developer.
I tested this with 3 different browsers (Opera, Firefox and Chrome), with my account as the app administrator, with a test user for the app account and with an account not related to the app (although this account was also a tester for the app, until I removed it).
Everytime it happened the same.
Is this how the custom tab name should work or is it a sort of Facebook bug?
[edit]This is the link to the page:
I don't have a detailed answer for you yet but I've experienced the same and understand from several sources that this is a Facebook bug introduced lastnight with some changes. It appears to be causing grief for a lot of people and Facebook is apparently working on a fix.

How do I get a Facebook app I've created to show up on a Facebook "Page"?

I have successfully created a Facebook application. I have successfully added the application to my Facebook "Page". After I do this, no link for the app shows up in the menu on the left. This seems like something that should be simple to do, yet I can't find any documentation that is up-to-date. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Configure the Page Tab settings in your application settings under Facebook Integration.
Go to the developer page where you get the list of your apps.
Click on the more link next to your app, and choose Application profile.
Once you are on the app profile, on the sidebar menu click on Add to my page and choose the page where you want to add the tab.
Note that you must have your app tab configured properly inside your app configuration in order to get this to work i.e. setting the correct domain and tab file.
If you are logged in as the page, I suggest you either creating a profile ID and log in as it, or the solution that #ifaour pointed out, although it will be difficult to find your app inside the search engine that FB provides.