What does "->" mean in objective-c ? [duplicate] - iphone

I've seen this operator pop up quite a few times in example code in "Learn Objective C on the Mac."
I believe it's an operator in the C language which Objective C inherits.
I tried Googling and searching Stack Overflow and oddly nothing came up.
Does it have an English name?

It has to do with structures.
When we have a struct available locally on the stack, we access its members with the . operator. For example:
CGPoint p = CGPointMake(42,42);
NSLog(#"%f", p.x);
However, if we instead have a pointer to a structure, we have to use the -> operator:
CGPoint *p = malloc(1*sizeof(CGPoint));
p->x = 42.0f;
NSLog(#"%f", p->x);

-> is not specific to Objective-C. It's a C operator.
Now that's cleared, it's the member access operator, equivalent to a pointer dereference and then using the dot operator on the result.
Say you had a struct like this:
typedef struct Person {
char *name;
} Person;
Person *jacob = malloc(1*sizeof(Person));
So this statement:
jacob->name = "Jacob";
Is equivalent to this statement:
(*jacob).name = "Jacob";
Of course, don't forget the free:

In C
is a shortcut for
which is for dereferencing of members of a struct that is pointed to.
This is useful, because of . binds stronger than the dereferencing operator * . So by using -> you avoid having to use these ugly parentheses.

It's a member selection (or access) equivalent to a pointer de-reference (as pointed out in comments)
a->member is equivalent to (*a).member in C/C++

The same thing that it means in C. It can be used to access the instance variables of objects directly, but generally this is not the best practice. The dot notation you're referring to is a property, not the usual C dot notation.

It's the "indirect member access operator". It's a C operator, which both Objective-C and C++ inherited.
is equivalent to:
but is less typing. (The parens are necessary in the expanded form due to precedence of * and ..)

a->b is equivalent to (*a).b, and designates member b of the object pointed to by a.
In the C standard, it is called the "structure/union pointer operator," which isn't really the catchiest name.

It's all been said, it is a shortcut for accessing members of a struct pointer, but just a note to add that you can access ivars using the same syntax due to the way the Objective-C runtime works:
#interface Foo : NSObject {
NSString *something;
/* ... SNIP ... */
NSLog(#"something = %#", foo->something); // Where foo is an instance of the Foo class
This is handy when you need to access ivars that aren't exposed by methods; specifically when you need to implement copyWithZone: on your objects.


What is a twigil in Perl6?

I'm reading this fantastic introduction to Perl6 and came across a rather interesting term:
Note the ! twigil means “this is private to the class”.
class ScoreKeeper {
has %!player-points;
I know what sigils are in Perl5. But what's a twigil?
Is it just a fancy way to say that there are two sigils prepending the attribute/variable name?
The design documents S02 and S99 both talk about twigils. (Emphasis mine).
Ordinary sigils indicate normally scoped variables, either lexical or
package scoped. Oddly scoped variables include a secondary sigil (a
twigil) that indicates what kind of strange scoping the variable is
subject to: [...]
So it is a secondary sigil or rather a second sigil. Declaring $*foo will not declare $foo.
my $*foo = 1;
say $foo;
This will yield Variable '$foo' is not declared at....
It seems to be related to variable scoping:
Twigils influence the scoping of a variable...
Twigil Scope
------ ----------------------------------------------
none Based only on declarator
* Dynamic
! Attribute (class member)
? Compile-time variable
. Method (not really a variable)
< Index into match object (not really a variable)
^ Self-declared formal positional parameter
: Self-declared formal named parameter
= Pod variables
~ The sublanguage seen by the parser at this lexical spot
From the documentation on twigils:
Attributes are variables that exist per instance of a class. They may be directly accessed from within the class via !:
class Point {
has $.x;
has $.y;
method Str() {
"($!x, $!y)"
Note how the attributes are declared as $.x and $.y but are still accessed via $!x and $!y. This is because in Perl 6 all attributes are private and can be directly accessed within the class by using $!attribute-name. Perl 6 may automatically generate accessor methods for you though. For more details on objects, classes and their attributes see object orientation.
Public attributes have the . twigil, private ones the ! twigil.
class YourClass {
has $!private;
has #.public;
# and with write accessor
has $.stuff is rw;
method do_something {
if self.can('bark') {
say "Something doggy";

When to use . parameter and when to use [ ] to call a function in IOS

In iOS I have some confusion when calling a function.
-(void) function:(NSString*) str
selectedstring = str;
When calling the function.
When should I call like:
self.function = #"My name";
[self function:#"My name"]
What is the difference between (.) parameter and [ ]
in iOS function calling?
myVar = self.property is equivalent to myVar = [self property]
self.property = anotherVar is equivalent to [self setProperty:anotherVar]
Which you use is a matter of style.
Some people will tell you that the dot syntax should only be used for things that are actually defined as properties (with #property). I disagree with this. My opinion is that the dot syntax should be used whenever you're calling something that gets or sets a value, with minimal other side effects. Whether you have written the method yourself or synthesized a property to auto-generate it is not important: the important thing is whether it is related to getting and setting a value.
So myArray.count is fine, despite it not being a #property in the header file. But myURLConnection.start is not, since that doesn't return a value and is related to performing an action.
People do disagree with this. Some people don't like using dot syntax at all, since it could be confused with accessing the members of a struct (which also use .). Others are happy to use dot syntax for #propertys, but not for other methods.

Is this C# casting useless?

I have two methods like so:
Foo[] GetFoos(Type t) { //do some stuff and return an array of things of type T }
T[] GetFoos<T>()
where T : Foo
return GetFoos(typeof(T)) as T[];
However, this always seems to return null. Am I doing things wrong or is this just a shortfall of C#?
I know I could solve this problem with:
However, I would prefer to do this wothout any allocations (working in an environment very sensitive to garbage collections).
Bonus points if you suggest an alternative non allocating solution
This raises an interesting question. The MSDN docs here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa664572%28v=vs.71%29.aspx say that the cast will succeed if there is an implicit or explicit cast. In this case there is an explicit cast, and so the cast should succeed. Are the MSDN docs wrong?
No, C# casting isn't useless - you simply can't cast a Foo[] to a T[] where T is a more derived type, as the Foo[] could contain other elements different to T. Why don't you adjust your GetFoos method to GetFoos<T>()? A method only taking a Type object can easily be converted into a generic method, where you could create the array directly via new T[].
If this is not possible: Do you need the abilities an array offers (ie. indexing and things like Count)? If not, you can work with an IEnumerable<T> without having much of a problem. If not: you won't get around going the Cast<T>.ToArray() way.
There is no possible cast from Foo[] to T[], the description in your link is the other way round - you could cast a T[] to a Foo[] as all T are Foo, but not all Foo are T.
If you can arrange for GetFoos to create the return array using new T[], then you win. If you used new Foo[], then the array's type is fixed at that, regardless of the types of the objects it actually holds.
I haven't tried this, but it should work:
T[] array = Array.ConvertAll<Foo, T>(input,
delegate(Foo obj)
return (T)obj;
You can find more at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/exc45z53(v=VS.85).aspx
I think this converts in-place, so it won't be doing any re-allocations.
From what I understand from your situation, using System.Array in place of a more specific array can help you. Remember, Array is the base class for all strongly typed arrays so an Array reference can essentially store any array. You should make your (generic?) dictionary map Type -> Array so you may store any strongly typed array also while not having to worry about needing to convert one array to another, now it's just type casting.
Dictionary<Type, Array> myDict = ...;
Array GetFoos(Type t)
// do checks, blah blah blah
return myDict[t];
// and a generic helper
T[] GetFoos<T>() where T: Foo
return (T[])GetFoos(typeof(T));
// then accesses all need casts to the specific type
Foo[] f = (Foo[])GetFoos(typeof(Foo));
DerivedFoo[] df = (DerivedFoo[])GetFoos(typeof(DerivedFoo));
// or with the generic helper
AnotherDerivedFoo[] adf = GetFoos<AnotherDerivedFoo>();
// etc...
p.s., The MSDN link that you provide shows how arrays are covariant. That is, you may store an array of a more derived type in a reference to an array of a base type. What you're trying to achieve here is contravariance (i.e., using an array of a base type in place of an array of a more derived type) which is the other way around and what arrays can't do without doing a conversion.

difference between object.variable and object->variable

What is the difference in using object.variable and object->variable? When should I use object->variable?
As Objective C is a superset of C when using '->' syntax (which is similar to (*obj).var) you are accessing the instance variable (ivar) like in C-structure (well, classes in ObjC are just fancy C-structures).
Thus using the '.' implies that you're accessing the property. Properties is the feature that was added in Objective C 2.0 and allows you access your ivars via setter/getter methods, that could be created automatically (using #synthesize) or you can provide your own implementation. BTW it is absolutely not necessary for properties to have corresponding ivar. For example in #interface you declare:
#interface Ololo : NSObject {
//NOTE: there is no ivar named someText or _someText or whatever you want
#property(nonatomic) NSString* someText;
Then in #implementation:
#implementation Ololo
#dynamic someText; //we're using this to tell compiler that we will provide getters/setters ourselves and it doesn't need to generate them (though it is not necessary to do that)
-(NSString*) someText {
return [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile: #"some_file_path"]; //we actually get value from file
-(void) setSomeText:(NSString*) str {
[#"asdas" writeToFile: #"some_file_path" atomically: YES];
Actually you can do whatever you want in those methods. So using '.' is just shortcut for [obj setSomeText: #"hello"].
If you use . you are accessing a property of the class which you defined using #property and created with #synthesize. If you use -> you just access an instance variable, but its not really something you should use a lot. And the use is very limited. So don't make it difficult for yourself and use properties with .
The indirection operator (->) is inherited from C and can be used as a shorthand for accessing fields in a structure, to which you have a pointer.
As an example...
typedef struct IPhone {
int serialId;
} IPhone;
Here I have a traditional C struct which I can instantiate as follows...
IPhone *phone = (IPhone*)malloc(sizeof(IPhone));
Now to access its fields I can either do it the long way...
*(phone).serialId = 1123432324;
Or I can use the shorthand indirection operator...
phone->serialiId = 1123432324;
At the heart of every ObjectiveC class is a C struct. So what you're doing when you use the indirection operator is to jump back to old C syntax to backdoor into the underlying representation. It works, but it's not the prescribed ObjectiveC way.
object->variable is direct access to the variable. object.variable is a method call to the getter accessor method '-(id)variable'or setter accessor method '-(void)setVariable:(id)value' depending on context. You must write the accessor methods yourself or use #synthesize to generate them in order to use dot syntax.
Good programming practice dictates you always use accessor methods to access an instance variable from another instance. ie, dont use ->

What type of variable do I use to store mathematical operator?

I'm trying to put buttons that have operators on them, like / * +, etc. I want to store the operator in such a way that I can use it in an expression, like 1 var 2 = 8
I would like to avoid having to use a different method for each operator, so an operator var would be my best option, I think. Objective-C for iPhone
The usual OO way to do this is to create a class "mathOperator" that has a method "performOp" taking two parameters, then inherit different classes from it that represent the different operations. I'm not an expert in objective-C, so my syntax is probably a bit off, but I think you'd write something like:
result = [var On:arg1 And:arg2];
for example
result = [var On:2 And:3];
would set result to 5 or 6 depending on whether var was set to add or mul. The implementation would look like (again, very roughly):
#interface Add: mathOperator
-(int)On: (int)arg1 And: (int)arg2;
#implementation Add
-(int)On: (int)arg1 And: (int)arg2 {
return arg1 + arg2;
and of course similar for the other operators:
#implementation Mul
-(int)On: (int)arg1 And: (int)arg2 {
return arg1 * arg2;
Read ch 5 in Cocoa Design Patterns. The approach used is to define "Command" classes that will perform each operation defined as a class method "execute". Then you can dynamically perform the operation by obtaining the appropriate class by using the following
commandName = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"MY%#Command", [commandString capitalizedString]];
commandClass = NSClassFromString(commandName);
result = [commandClass executeWithXValue:x yValue:y];
The way i'd do it is to make methods for each type of arithmatic and pass the numbers into them. Then instead of all that with the variable call the function.
There's no such thing in C. You'll have to use a selector which invokes a method to do what you want.