Xcode 4.1 issue - iphone

I have installed just installed MAC OS Lion and Upgraded Xcode to 4.1. But now I can't build my projects to devices, because Xcode doesn't even see them. All worked fine in Xcode 4.02 and Snow Leopard.

Sometimes it might be just about creating a scheme. Just try to add a new scheme.


Programming for iOS with older Xcode

I'm pretty new to coding for iOS and i have a question about setting up my development components.
I have MacBook Air with 10.5.8 Leopard on it. So we question is: will I have no problems writing apps having iPhone SDK 3.1.3 with XCode 3.1.4 for Leopard (10.5.7)? Will the created app work on all iphone versions? There is a possibility to upgrade to mountain lion and use newest xcode, but is it worth it ? Considering that I firstly have to upgrade to snow leopard and then to mountain lion.
Thank you for your answers in advance.
If you want to send them to the app Store, the apps have to be compiled with the latest iOS (right now iOS6), so you can't compile them with xcode 3.1.4.
You need lion to download xcode 4.5 that includes the iOS 6 sdk
It looks like the configuration of your MAC Machine is not compatible for latest Mountain Lion OS. Even if it supports Lion OS, that itself will be a great deal.
Anyways, Using leopard, you can develop applications only upto iOS ver 3.2. So you would not be able to submit your applications to App Store untill you compile it with latest SDK.
For this you need atleast Lion OS (Better if you upgrade your hardware compatible with Mountain Lion). So that you can install latest XCode (Currently Ver 4.5). It will allow you to develop fully featured iOS application with latest features as well as upload them to Apple App Store.
Hope it helps. Let me know if anything else required.

Issue faced on IOS6

I have recently updated with ios6. After that when I am connecting my device Xcode is not finding it, and it is saying like mismatch in version, I am using Mac 10.7.3. Can I use the same version to debug on device? Any idea ???
You updated your device but not Xcode, to use your iOS 6.0 device for development with Xcode, you require Xcode 4.5, you should check on the Mac App Store and update your Xcode.
Xcode 4.5 will run on both Lion and Mountain Lion. However, on Lion you will also be able to make use of the iOS 4.3 simulator, whereas on Mountain Lion you can't... Just good to know.

Run a iOS App on version 4.3 on Mountain Lion

I'm using XCode's latest version on Mountain Lion and would like to test my Apps for iOS 4.3.
How can I adjust the simulator or install previous versions of XCode to test for iOS 4.3 in stead of testing for 5.1 only?
Within my XCode preference -> Downloads I'm not able to see the 4.3 simulator
I manually copied the folder of the iPhone 4.3 SDK from an old iMac which had an old XCode running to my working computer. Turned out that this fix only worked for device testing and not for testing in the simulator. So I needed to have an old device with iOS 4.3 installed, this eventually worked.
You need to install the 4.3 simulator.
Go to "Preferences" in Xcode and then the "Downloads" tab and you may see this:
I made this screenshot on my 10.7 machine but looking at the (supposedly) identical Xcode install on 10.8, I only see the 5.0 simulator as an installable option. It may be that you have to install the 5.0 simulator before the 4.3 one appears, or 4.3 is only supported on Lion.

Xcode 4.2 (Snow Leopard) and iOS 5.1 [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
ios 5.1 with xcode 4.2 for iOS development
I updated my iPhone to iOS 5.1.
My operating system is Snow Leopard.
Now I need the sdk 5.1 to develop, with xcode 4.2.
Where can I download it?
Any suggest?
Downgrade to ios5.0 or update to Lion
To get Xcode 4.2 on Snow Leopard to run code on a device running 5.1 you can do this:
If you have another Mac running Lion + XCode 4.3.1 you can copy the files from:
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/5.1 (9B176)
to the equivalent place on your SL Mac: probably
and also copy version.plist from the Lion machine in the iPhoneOS.platform folder to the SL machine.
Re-start XCode on the SL machine and re-connect the devices and it seems happy enough.
[Edit: If you don't have access to a machine with Lion+4.3.1 you can get the files out of the 4.3.1 DMG which can be downloaded from Apple here: http://adcdownload.apple.com/Developer_Tools/xcode_4.3.1_for_lion/xcode_4.3.1_for_lion.dmg
then mount the DMG, Show Package Contents on the XCode icon and drill down to
/Volumes/Xcode/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport to
find the files mentioned above.]
In steps:
Stop XCode on SL machine
Disconnect your iphone
Mount the Xcode 4.3.1 image (.dmg that you can download from Apple dev site)
Show package contentes of the Xcode 4.3.1
copy XCode/Xcode/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/5.1 (9B176)
to <HD>/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport
copy XCode/Xcode/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/version.plist
to <HD>/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/
Start Xcode
connect your iphone and it should work.
You can't.
You need to update to Mac OS 10.7 Lion in order to get the latest version of Xcode with the 5.1 SDK.
The last installable version of Xcode on Snow Leopard will be 4.2. Apple really wants developers to keep up to date on everything, whether MacOS or iOS.
If you want to stay on Snow Leopard, download the iOS 5.0.1 firmware of your device on this link : http://www.iphonefirmware.com/firmwares-download.
And do a manual restore on iTunes.
I did it today (March 8, 2012) on my iPad 2 and it works, Apple still seems to sign this iOS version.I guess not for a long time, so do it quickly.
iOS 5.1 is only avalaible in xCode 4.3.1, and its only avalaible in Lion, sorry.
YOu can try changing the version of your mac and faking it to install 4.3.1, but I cannot assure you its going to work...

The iPhone app does not run in my old xcode

i made project in Xcode 4.1 in lion OS and when i run the same project in snow leopard 10.6.5 xcode version 3.2.4 i get lot's of error. what's the problem? is it possible to do any changes in project when i run in xcode 3.2?
In xcode 4, Select your project and look for Project format on the right hand side. Try setting it to xcode 3.2 compatible.