The iPhone app does not run in my old xcode - iphone

i made project in Xcode 4.1 in lion OS and when i run the same project in snow leopard 10.6.5 xcode version 3.2.4 i get lot's of error. what's the problem? is it possible to do any changes in project when i run in xcode 3.2?

In xcode 4, Select your project and look for Project format on the right hand side. Try setting it to xcode 3.2 compatible.


Run a iOS App on version 4.3 on Mountain Lion

I'm using XCode's latest version on Mountain Lion and would like to test my Apps for iOS 4.3.
How can I adjust the simulator or install previous versions of XCode to test for iOS 4.3 in stead of testing for 5.1 only?
Within my XCode preference -> Downloads I'm not able to see the 4.3 simulator
I manually copied the folder of the iPhone 4.3 SDK from an old iMac which had an old XCode running to my working computer. Turned out that this fix only worked for device testing and not for testing in the simulator. So I needed to have an old device with iOS 4.3 installed, this eventually worked.
You need to install the 4.3 simulator.
Go to "Preferences" in Xcode and then the "Downloads" tab and you may see this:
I made this screenshot on my 10.7 machine but looking at the (supposedly) identical Xcode install on 10.8, I only see the 5.0 simulator as an installable option. It may be that you have to install the 5.0 simulator before the 4.3 one appears, or 4.3 is only supported on Lion.

Xcode 4.1 issue

I have installed just installed MAC OS Lion and Upgraded Xcode to 4.1. But now I can't build my projects to devices, because Xcode doesn't even see them. All worked fine in Xcode 4.02 and Snow Leopard.
Sometimes it might be just about creating a scheme. Just try to add a new scheme.

How to build Xcode 4.2 + ios5.0 beta application in in Xcode 4.0.2 or Xcode 3.2.5?

i have installed new Xcode 4.2 with ios 5.0 beta . Now I have open my old applications and change targate to Latest 5.0 build for simulator.
Now when I try to run this project in Xcode 3.2.5 in other Mac is crash in starting all time.
I think this is because of Architectures Armv7.
Is there any way that I can Make application which run in all versions of Xcode.
You can't target 5.0 from anything before XCode 4.2. You need to change it to target a version that XCode 3.2.5 recognizes, like 4.0 or 4.3.2.

upgrading Xcode 4.0.1 to 4.1 giving compilation error for iPhone sdk

I have new changed the Snow leopard with Lion OS x and Xcode 4.0.1 with 4.1. The iPhone code was working fine on Xcode 4.0.1. Now in Xcode 4.1 it giving errors mostly related to LLVM GCC 4.2. I have tried with changing the compiler's different options available. Can body know the issue and help me out of this.
I think you want to change the compiler version on the target and double click it then you have to change it from there.Try it,i may solve your problem.
check this url
I know that when I upgraded to Lion and Xcode 4.1, the update via App Store removed iOS SDK 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2, leaving only 4.3.
This gave me compile errors because my base SDK was 4.0, it required the 4.0 SDK files to compile, I was lucky enough to have everything backed up and I copied my SDKs back over to Lion into
This was the only issue I had with the upgrade, hope this helps.

Why can't I use my older Xcode version after an upgrade?

I had been using Xcode 3.1.3 on Leopard, but I just upgraded to Snow Leopard (10.6.4) and upgraded my Xcode to 3.2 with the iOS 4.0 SDK. Now I'm not able to go back to my older Xcode version to build projects for an older OS version.
How can I build applications that target my original model iPhone, which doesn't support iOS 4.0?
There was options to install xCode version at the time of installing xCode Please also select xCode 3.1.3 and 3.0 at the time of installing.