Sending logo type image with text tweet in twitter - iphone

I am newbie to twiiter api with iphone and I am working on project in which I have to post logo type image in text post area in twitter.Like we can do in facebook Share functionality with the help of "attachments". so am asking may we post image as we can do in facebook post and if yes, how it will be done?

Have a look at twitters blog post here:
Heres also a discussion about it with some useful tips:
those tutorials end up with what you want:

Check this Twitter open source Project
Open Terminal - Enter :
i hope it consists of all twitter features.


What technology Facebook uses for links?

Just wanted to know what technology facebook uses while posting links.
I have noticed that whenever i paste a link on screen, i get the link as a page.
For example,when i paste youtube's link...
it displays as a video and i can play it there only.
Can some one please let me know how it can be done.
what all is needed
What they do is probably to parse the link(regular expressions are useful here), get ID of the movie and embed a player using Youtube API. Here's documentation of the API:

Creating a Facebook App

I am building a website for a client. He has a Facebook page for his business. On the homepage of his site, he wants a feed that will pull in all the updates from his business' Facebook page.
Now, I felt this would be very easy to implement (maybe it is) but I have scoured the Facebook API for any simple way to do this. I am having a lot of trouble understanding which way I should do this. I've settled on using JS to access it, but have no idea where to go from there.
Do I need to create an app? If so, which options do I select so I can access the clients facebook page?
How do I get my app that I've created to show up so a user can authorize it? I have so many questions, and Facebook isn't very good at giving me answers.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I would suggest you just use the facebook page's RSS feed.
Take his page URL e.g.
Take the number at the end of the url off, and plug it into the facebook feeds URL e.g.
Voila, you now have an RSS feed you can integrate into the website you are building.
URL Breakdown
The URL is broken down the following way:{feedFormat}&id={PageID}
Vaid feed formats are:
RSS - rss20
Atom - atom10
JSON - json
Other Examples
Take a look at the facebook API, right here:
You can give it a try here:
The like box: also has the latest posts available
The simplest way is to add a Like Button to the page and make sure "show Stream" is checked on as this will show all recent posts. You can customise the appearance also (e.g. width, height etc).
No App or messy API calls needed!
Try it out here and simply paste the resulting code into your webpage:
Not an app, but the Facebook Social Plugins over here at Facebook For Pages

Facebook "Instagram-Style" Take Photo Action

I've just noticed this following , relatively new thing on Facebook, when you upload a photo to Facebook, it shows it as the following with the text "Name took a Photo with Instagram", plus the "View on Instagram" link at the bottom. Is that something new ? I couldn't find any reference of this, but maybe I wasn't looking good enough :)
Thanks in advance for any assistance :D
To get the nice big photos, you'll need to mark them as user-generated.
See here:
This is an open graph enabled application where the action is "took" and the object is "photo". You can create your own open graph application using your own custom actions and objects.

Iphone Posting on wall with FBConnect

I am using the latest facebook sdk.
Everything works fine even the post on wall feature.
Thing is that the post to wall dialog contains minimal information. Just a textbox and a small label reading "... via app-name".
I have used the sample code snippet which provides things like 'caption' and 'description' but these are NOT shown in the post to wall dialog.
I have seen other apps with captions, descriptions and even a large image attached to the post.
How can I show these objects (caption, description, image etc..) using the facebook sdk ?
I don't use the Facebook SDK so I just send POST requests with the necessary values. Similar to this:
Posting on Facebook Tutorial
There's another tutorial on the same blog that does use the SDK:
Posting with the Facebook SDK

Facebook API for iPhone: including html link in the post

i'm using the Facebook API on an iPhone application but can't figure out how to include a clickable link in my the description of my post. Tried to put the in it but it's removed from the message.
Any idea?
Hey!! there is no way to give a clickable link in the description part but you can achieve the same thing by using the "properties" attribute of the attachment, following links will be helpful : and multiple properties for facebook feed publishing attachment