Iphone Posting on wall with FBConnect - iphone

I am using the latest facebook sdk.
Everything works fine even the post on wall feature.
Thing is that the post to wall dialog contains minimal information. Just a textbox and a small label reading "... via app-name".
I have used the sample code snippet which provides things like 'caption' and 'description' but these are NOT shown in the post to wall dialog.
I have seen other apps with captions, descriptions and even a large image attached to the post.
How can I show these objects (caption, description, image etc..) using the facebook sdk ?

I don't use the Facebook SDK so I just send POST requests with the necessary values. Similar to this:
Posting on Facebook Tutorial
There's another tutorial on the same blog that does use the SDK:
Posting with the Facebook SDK


Embedding soundcloud to facebook only returns image and not an iframe

Since a few days sharing any souncloud to facebook only returns an image.
Before it shows an iframe.
Posted this bug on facebook and they answered
This issue is not a bug and is By Design. The issue appears to be on
SoundClouds side. From looking at the OG tags on their side they are
not specifying a video/audio source so there is no way for us to embed
the player
I made a test facebook post https://www.facebook.com/testingcf where you can see the issue
I cannot get the source field from the facebook API so only an imgae will be shown

Is it possible to use Facebooks Comments Plugin with Graph Object IDs/Graph URLs rather than www URLs?

A little while ago, I built this:
It's kind of an off-Facebook partial replica of a Facebook photo album gallery, the photos in the gallery section are all pulled from Facebook albums on the Page for Little Bray (fb.com/littlebray) enlarging them gives you a kinda full screen view of them with commenting facilties on the right margin, just like Facebook.
You'll notice that, whilst this comment section looks a bit like a Facebook plugin, it isn't, and the reason for this is that if I used Facebooks Comments Plugin, when a user comments on a photo on the website, or comments on the same photo (remembering the photos come from the same source), it will create two different streams of comments, one shown on FB and one shown on the website.
With my method, any comments posted either on the website or FB will appear in both places as they're al directly injected into the FB graph relating to the object ID of the photo.
A bit later on, I created another, similar image gallery but used Facebooks Social Plugin "Comments" in the right hand margin to comment on photos. The difference here though was that these photos were lcoally hosted by the website and not already Facebook album objects, so this other website is the only source for these images and thus creating FB objects when commenting via a URL is fine.
BUT... it got me thinking, is my first example just a lot of work, is it possible to use Facebooks own Social Plugin to post comments on an object which already exists on Facebook in that way?
I tried pasting a graph URL https://graph.facebook.com/FB_OBJECT_ID into the Comments example on Facebooks Social Plugins page from a status update of mine, but nothing showed.
Any ideas?
EDIT ---
I have discovered I am not alone in asking this question:
Using social plugins for pre-existing Facebook posts
Load comments from open graph object into Facebook comments social plugin
Neither of those have satisfactory answers though. Perhaps I just need to improve my own code and make my own plugin.
At this time the comments plugin can not be used in that way.

Facebook API share a Facebook Video in post

I'm trying to post on a users' wall through the Facebook Opengraph API and the PHP SDK.
All is working fine - except the video I'm attempting to include in the post (hosted on Facebook videos) is failing to show up on the wall/timeline of the user being posted to.
I'm setting the URL to the video as the 'source' value in the $attachment data sent to /me/feed. Also setting 'type' to video.
On the wall I get a placeholder thumbnail and the rest of the post as specified.
Any ideas?
You should be able to link to the video as a link. For other types of shared content, you should check out: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/guides/attachments/. Let me know if this isn't what you were trying to do.

Howto publish an embedded video with Facebook's latest PHP SDK?

I know this question has been rised quite a lot of times, but then they constantly change things at Facebook and none of the numerous ways I've discovered on the web, works for me. Maybe it worked before, but not anymore.
I have a web page with a video playing in our skinned jwplayer. All the og tags are beautifully set, so that when a visitor likes the page, it's title, description, thumb and custom flash player are nicely shared on the users wall. Video even plays right there on the wall, in the embedded and customized flash player. So everything works as expected.
But!.. We would like to auto-post our new posts onto the website's page on Facebook and we want them to look exactly like when they are shared. One would probably expect that it'd be enough to simply post a link through PHP SDK and facebook will do the rest. But it doesn't. It seems to not pay attention at og tags in latter case.
What would be the right way to do this? Is it possible to force facebook to look at og tags? Or how to publish a post with a video in a similar way, but through PHP SDK?
One would probably expect that it'd be enough to simply post a link through PHP SDK and facebook will do the rest. But it doesn't.
What exactly are you posting – just a link, or a post containing a link?
(For difference between the two types of creating a feed object see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/user/#posts vs https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/user/#links)
Is it possible to force facebook to look at og tags?
Normally it does without any further action neccessary.
Have you tried, though, putting your new posts URL through Facebook debugger before posting it?

How do I post to Facebook a group of Links?

I know how to use Facebook Open Graph to create a wall post on any chosen member, however, I don't know how some applications post something like this:
The 'description' parameter contains 3 different urls. At first I thought they were posting HTML into the 'description' but it turned out Facebook blocks them in the first place.
Is there some hidden undocumented features of the Facebook API they are using? May be the old API had this but the new Open Graph doesnt?
The facebook app:
Facebook Post entity:
Are you just looking to use HTML? The "default" Wall is plain text. As far as I know you need to install an app to add HTML to your FB wall. Check out the app Advanced Wall to get HTML functionality.