Making packages in IntelliJ-IDEA - scala

I usually use .Net but now I'm playing Scala in IntelliJ 10.5.1. It's interesting how can I make a package which I can import to other projects?

If you want to create a jar file you do that through File->Project Structure->Artifacts hit the + sign choose Jar -> from module with dependencies
Then you can choose whether you want all the dependencies inside your jar or not
Then you can create the jar via the Build->Build Artifacts menu
When you have a new project you can reference that jar via the dependencies menu mentioned by Christian


scala generating jar file from scala-io to include in eclipse

I am trying to use the library scala-io in my Eclipse environment, does anyone know how do I generate a jar file, or which folder to include in my eclipse so that I can have access to the scala-io library from my project ?
Q: How to incorporate an external library into scala IDE?
A: Two possibilities:
Leverage SBT to build your project; that is generating jar files and maintaining dependency
Including the generted jar files directory in the IDE, project -> Properties -> Java build paths.
EDIT #2:
I found this great plugin to generate all of your dependencies in one jar file sbt-assembly!/getting-started
shows how to start with sbt or maven or with prebuild jars provided by links.
You should try to get familiar with a build system like sbt. Its cumbersome to always manually add dependencies to eclipse, especially if you have dependency chains: scala-io needs scala-io-core and arm and file etc...

scala sbt cache x eclipse build path

I'm added a dependence to my build.sbt (casbah). I did a sbt update, I did check my ~/.ivy2/cache directory and all jars are there. Do I have to add this ~/.ivy/cache directory to my Build Path and add the casbah as external Jar to my project? If no, probably no because I did try it, what should I do to be able to use this jar in my scala project?
I found this instructions that helped me, but still a hack
Establish a simple project (general/project) named "IvyCache"
located at your ".ivy2/cache" folder just for library reference
Establish a Scala project located at your "project" folder.
Add the following libraries to the Scala project by means of "Add
JARs" to the "Java Build Path":
3.a) All jars from "/IvyCashe/org.scala-tools.sbt" filterred by
"*2.9.1-0.11.2" or any other Scala/SBT version numbers.
3.b) A single sbinary_*.jar from "/IvyCache/org.scala-tools.sbinary".
3.c) A single test-interface*.jar from "/IvyCache/org.scala-
Now your build files should compile within Eclipse.
The easiest way to manage this is to use the eclipse plugin for sbt. Then you can just say sbt eclipse on the command line any time you change the dependencies in build.sbt, and the Eclipse files will be automatically updated for you.
Doing it this way means that you will never have to manually configure your Eclipse build path. After all, sbt already knows how to construct the build path, so there's no reason you would have to do it manually.

How to import playframework sources into eclipse?

After cloning playframework from github and importing java sources into eclipse there are a lot of build errors shown.
Running the goals from ant file in eclipse works fine as well as building from cli directly.
How can i resolve these errors in eclipse?
I took the following steps to import play into eclipse:
new -> other -> Java>New Java Project from Existing Ant Buildfile
select play/framework/build.xml
checking the 'Link to the build file in the file system' checkbox
The errors result from differences between eclipse internal build path
and classpath available for ant at runtime.
First Eclipse only imports rt.jar from system path. This may lead to
missing dependecies in packages (e.g., which is located in jsse.jar. To fix, right
click on project->Properties->Java Build Path->Libraries->Add Library->
JRE System Library.
Second, play has dependencies to classes from ant runtime. To fix, right
click on project->Properties->Java Build Path->Libraries->Add
Library->User Library
There you have to add a new User Library (perhaps call it ANT) and add
all ant-jars from your ant installation (/usr/share/ant/lib/ worked for
me). Then add this user library to play projects build path.
From the Oliver's answer, I had also to add the jce.jar lib in my classpath.
It comes from the $JDK/jre/lib directory.

Adding jars to a Eclipse PlugIn

I try to build a Eclipse plugin that has to use a self written jar which is dependent on other jars, but I don't get the point where to start with handling jars as seperate PlugIns. Anywhere I have to use just the .jar files or am I wrong?
I think I found a proper solution; the trick is that you have to implement all the files via Eclipse. I just copy here the solution which was posted to news.eclipse.platform:
Include the jars in a plugin:
Use Import > File System to import the jar files into your plugin project, say in the <project>/lib directory.
Use Add... button to add the jars to the classpath section of the plugin.xml > Runtime tab.
Use New... button to add "." library back (with no quotes, of course).
Make sure your binary build exports the new jar files on the plugin.xml > Build tab.
On the project, use context menu > PDE Tools > Update Classpath to correctly add the jars to the eclipse project classpath.
What is a self-written jar?
Normally you turn 3rd party jars into bundles using an OSGi MANIFEST.MF (See New>Plug-in Development>Plug-in from Existing JAR archive) or you include them in your plugin.jar and add extra Bundle-ClassPath entries as mentioned by TomaC.
If you mean at runtime your plugin will create a new jar and needs to load it, that's different, though.
Project Properties -> Java Build Path -> Add External jars. Is this what you are looking for?

How can I add the external jar to the eclipse rcp application?

I tried to add the apache vfs jar file as the runtime dependency. Even though it throws the below error:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.vfs.VFS
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClassInternal(
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClass(
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClass(
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.baseadaptor.DefaultClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
at file_explorer.View.setInput(
at file_explorer.View.initialize(
How can i resolve this, thanks in advance.
If you are looking for adding the required jars to your project classpath.Add the required files to lib directory in the project structure.Then from project click the 'run time' tab of plugin.xml and add the required jars from the lib directory to the project classpath.
The best way to include external Jar in Eclipse RCP application is to package it as a plugin and then use classic plugin dependency.
Just create a new plugin containing only your Jar. Then in the build tab of the manifest editor, add your jar to the classpath (at the bottom right) and export all its packages in this same runtime tab. Also be sure to check that you jar is checked in the Build tab.
Nevertheless you should be able to use the jar in a Given plugin source code if you only add it to the classpath as I mentioned previously.
Because some other of your plugins may be interested in using the vfs jar and for separtion of concerns matter I think you should wrap it in its own plugin
The easiest way is to find bundle in an existing OSGI bundle repository.
springsource repo contains apache VFS bundle
Then you need to add the bundle to the target platform (or just copy it to the dropins folder)
In order to properly install bundle into a newer version of eclipse you should use an existing p2 repository and install bundle from p2 repository into your runtime platform. There are two ways: you could use existing one (like orbit p2 repo), or you could create your own using p2 publisher as described at
Eclipse RCP is an OSGi environment which extends the Java dependency model, so you can't simply take a jar file and hope it works. To use an external jar, you have to build it to a plugin first, which p2-maven-plugin can help, you can follow the readme document.
With the plugin ready, you should install the plugin and add it to MANIFEST.MF. Then restart Eclipse to make the plugin work.
A more easily way, you needn't install the plugin, just follow(but build the jar):
go to plugin.xml -> Runtime tab;
click Add at the classpath section, then add the plugin to classpath;
make sure there is . path in the text area, otherwise New it.