scala generating jar file from scala-io to include in eclipse - eclipse

I am trying to use the library scala-io in my Eclipse environment, does anyone know how do I generate a jar file, or which folder to include in my eclipse so that I can have access to the scala-io library from my project ?
Q: How to incorporate an external library into scala IDE?
A: Two possibilities:
Leverage SBT to build your project; that is generating jar files and maintaining dependency
Including the generted jar files directory in the IDE, project -> Properties -> Java build paths.
EDIT #2:
I found this great plugin to generate all of your dependencies in one jar file sbt-assembly!/getting-started
shows how to start with sbt or maven or with prebuild jars provided by links.
You should try to get familiar with a build system like sbt. Its cumbersome to always manually add dependencies to eclipse, especially if you have dependency chains: scala-io needs scala-io-core and arm and file etc...


how to keep jar dependancy while checking in code

I have a scala project built with dependancy on a locally built jar file (java code). Once I need to check in my scala code into a different environment for building and deployment, what's the best way to keep my jar file in the dependancy?
I know that if I use the sbt dependancy from online modules, I don't need to worry, it will download the version and build, but what if I want to use my own jar file for this purpose?
This is in OSX, and code will be checked into linux machines, I am using intellij and sbt to manage my scala project. I also used intellij to build my external java lib into jar file and added dependancy of this specific path.
I hope there should be some generic solution, but I am new in JAVA and SBT
I got it figured out. Add the jar files under the lib directory right under the project will solve the problem. SBT will pick it up automatically and you can certainly check in the jar files like source code.

scala sbt cache x eclipse build path

I'm added a dependence to my build.sbt (casbah). I did a sbt update, I did check my ~/.ivy2/cache directory and all jars are there. Do I have to add this ~/.ivy/cache directory to my Build Path and add the casbah as external Jar to my project? If no, probably no because I did try it, what should I do to be able to use this jar in my scala project?
I found this instructions that helped me, but still a hack
Establish a simple project (general/project) named "IvyCache"
located at your ".ivy2/cache" folder just for library reference
Establish a Scala project located at your "project" folder.
Add the following libraries to the Scala project by means of "Add
JARs" to the "Java Build Path":
3.a) All jars from "/IvyCashe/org.scala-tools.sbt" filterred by
"*2.9.1-0.11.2" or any other Scala/SBT version numbers.
3.b) A single sbinary_*.jar from "/IvyCache/org.scala-tools.sbinary".
3.c) A single test-interface*.jar from "/IvyCache/org.scala-
Now your build files should compile within Eclipse.
The easiest way to manage this is to use the eclipse plugin for sbt. Then you can just say sbt eclipse on the command line any time you change the dependencies in build.sbt, and the Eclipse files will be automatically updated for you.
Doing it this way means that you will never have to manually configure your Eclipse build path. After all, sbt already knows how to construct the build path, so there's no reason you would have to do it manually.

Why is the Eclipse jar file generating compile errors when the application does not have errors?

I'm trying to produce a jar file of my project using Eclipse and when I try to use it it is giving me errors as certain files are not being included in the jar file. I recompiled the project again and after generating the jar file it states that "Jar file export finished with warnings" and certain files are exported with compile warnings.
Is there another way to generate a jar file ? I tried using netbeans but its not allowing me to import the project
You can check in the project properties for the dependencies that you're using in your project environment (Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path).
If all the necessary dependencies are not included in the JAR file that you're creating and also not available on the classpath of the target system, then such errors will occur.
You can either pack the required dependencies in your JAR or deploy them separately to your target system - which method you use really depends on whether the dependencies are 3rd party libraries (they should be deployed separately) or home-grown components that are part of the system itself (they should be packaged together).

Intellij repackage dependencies in jarfile?

I am a big fan of jetbrains products, and am an intellij (community edition) user for all my java development. However there is one feature from eclipse that I REALLY miss. In eclipse, if I had a bunch of jarfile dependencies, I could repackage them in my runnable jar file so all dependencies were contained in one jar file.
I can not find anything that will get this done in intellij, so I am forced to export my projects to eclipse format from intellij, fix the project configuration in eclipse (since intellij doesnt do such a great job on the export) and then build my jarfiles from eclipse.
Have you taken a look at the build artifact component of IntelliJ? It allows you to define a JAR build artifact (executable or non-executable) that can include the dependencies either extracted within the target Jar or as a link within the Jar's Manifest file. See this blog entry for the details:

What's the best way to manage dependencies with CounterClockwise/Eclipse?

I have a dependency on clj-record in my CounterClockwise project. What's the best way to manage this? Copy the source code or compile to a JAR and add it as a referenced library?
There are tools to help you: <- project based <- dependencies not project based <- alternative build tool
Assuming your dependencies are available in a Maven repo (like central or clojars), you have a couple of options.
First, if you're using Leiningen, there is an eclipse plugin for it now that will manage project dependencies for you, based on the dependencies you define in your project.clj file. The plugin is in beta now, but has been working great for me so far. (Note that it uses Leiningen 2.0 under the covers, though that detail won't matter for many (most?) simple cases.)
If you're using Maven, the m2eclipse plugin makes it so that the dependencies you declare in your Maven pom.xml are automatically added to your eclipse project's build path, and are therefore available in CCW REPLs and such.
there seems to be no pattern for specifying dependencies apart from hacking the code into your project or building a jar externally.
Of course you can, just as with any java project. While dependency resolution isn't tied into eclipse (yet), once you retrieve the deps (via one of the command line tools nickik listed), you can specify which jars are to be included in the java build path of your eclipse project:
Retrieve the deps via cake, leiningen, etc.
Refresh the eclipse project so you see the deps (usually in the lib directory)
Highlight the jars you want eclipse to know about
Right-click, select Build Path > Add to Build Path
That's it. You can fiddle with the build path by going to the Java Build Path section of the project's properties window.