What's the best way to find the most frequently occurring value in MongoDB? - mongodb

I'm looking for the equivalent of this sort of SQL query.
SELECT field, count(*) as counter from table order by counter DESC
What's the best way to achieve this?

Use Map-Reduce. Map each document by emitting the key and a value 1, then aggregate them using a simple reduce operation. See http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/MapReduce

I'd handle aggregation queries by keeping track of the respective counts separately, i.e. in their own collection. This way, you can simply query the "most frequently occurring" collection. Downside: you need to perform another write whenever the data changes.
Of course, you could also update that collection from time to time using Map/Reduce. This depends a bit on how accurate the information must be and how often it changes.
Make sure, however, not to call the Map/Reduce operation very often: It is not meant to be used in an interactive fashion (i.e. not in every page view) but rather scarcely in an offline process that updates the counts every hour or so. Hence, if your counts change very quickly, use a counters collection.


How to efficiently query MongoDB for documents when I know that 95% are not used

I have a collection of ~500M documents.
Every time when I execute a query, I receive one or more documents from this collection. Let's say I have a counter for each document, and I increase this counter by 1 whenever this document is returned from the query. After a few months of running the system in production, I discover that the counter of only 5% of the documents is greater than 0 (zero). Meaning, 95% of the documents are not used.
My question is: Is there an efficient way to arrange these documents to speedup the query execution time, based on the fact that 95% of the documents are not used?
What is the best practice in this case?
If - for example - I will add another boolean field for each document named "consumed" and index this field. Can I improve the query execution time somehow?
~500M documents That is quite a solid figure, good job if that's true. So here is how I see the solution of the problem:
If you want to re-write/re-factor and rebuild the DB of an app. You could use versioning pattern.
How does it looks like?
Imagine you have a two collections (or even two databases, if you are using micro service architecture)
Relevant docs / Irrelevant docs.
Basically you could use find only on relevant docs collection (which store 5% of your useful docs) and if there is nothing, then use Irrelevant.find(). This pattern will allows you to store old/historical data. And manage it via TTL index or capped collection.
You could also add some Redis magic to it. (Which uses precisely the same logic), take a look:
This article can also be helpful (as many others, like this SO question)
But don't try to replace Mongo with Redis, team them up instead.
Using Indexes and .explain()
If - for example - I will add another boolean field for each document named "consumed" and index this field. Can I improve the query execution time somehow?
Yes, it will deal with your problem. To take a look, download MongoDB Compass, create this boolean field in your schema, (don't forget to add default value), index the field and then use Explain module with some query. But don't forget about compound indexes! If you create field on one index, measure the performance by queering only this one field.
The result should been looks like this:
If your index have usage (and actually speed-up) Compass will shows you it.
To measure the performance of the queries (with and without indexing), use Explain tab.
Actually, all this part can be done without Compass itself, via .explain and .index queries. But Compass got better visuals of this process, so it's better to use it. Especially since he becomes absolutely free for all.

Query and sort on nultiple collections based on time

Our application is planning to use MongoDB for reports.
Our reports are time-based (where the raw data is different events).
We were thinking of creating a separate collection for each day, so we will not need to query a whole large collection when we need to query,aggregate and sort events for a specific day only.
One question is whether this design makes sense.
Another question is what will happen if we need to aggregate and sort event over more than one collection - for one week for example.
Does MongoDB supports this? If it does - how should it be done so it will be efficient n terms of performance?
We were thinking of creating a separate collection for each day, so we will not need to query a whole large collection when we need to query,aggregate and sort events for a specific day only.
One question is whether this design makes sense.
While using proper indexes, mongoDB should not have problems with a very big collection.
You could read more here: MongoDB indexes
Another question is what will happen if we need to aggregate and sort event over more than one collection - for one week for example.
Does MongoDB supports this? If it does - how should it be done so it will be efficient n terms of performance?
If you want to go your way, you could use aggregation pipelines and $facet to run multiple queries at once. However this could become a little tricky because you have to generate the collection names from your query parameters. Infact, i think this could be slower and more prone to errors. So i don't recomend this approach.

Does providing a projection argument to find() limit the data that is added to Mongo's working set?

In Mongo, suppose I have a collection mycollection that has fields a, b, and huge. I very frequently want to perform queries, mapreduce, updates, etc. on a, and b and very occassionally want to return huge in query results as well.
I know that db.mycollection.find() will scan the entire collection and result in Mongo attempting to add the whole collection to the working set, which may exceed the amount of RAM I have available.
If I instead call db.mycollection.find({}, { a : 1, b : 1 }), will this still result in the whole collection being added to the working set or only the terms of my projection?
MongoDB can use something called covered queries: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/applications/indexes/#create-indexes-that-support-covered-queries these allow you to load all the values from the index rather than the disk, or memory, if those documents are in memory at the time.
Be warned that you cannot use covered queries on a full table scan, the condition, projection and sort must all be within the index; i.e.:
db.col.find({a:1}, {_id:0, a:1, b:1})(.sort({b:1}));
Would work (the sort is in brackets because it is not totally needed). You can add _id to your index if you intend to return that too.
Map Reduce does not support covered queries, there is no way to project only a certain amount of fields into the MR, as far as I know; maybe there is some hack I do not know of. Map Reduce only supports a $match like operator in terms of input query with a separate parameter for the sort of the incoming query ( http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/applications/map-reduce/ ).
Note that for updates I believe only atomic operations: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/isolate-sequence-of-operations/ (excluding findAndModify) do not load the document into your working set, however, believe is the keyword there.
Considering you need to do both MR and normal find and update on these records I would strongly recommend you look into checking why you are paging in so much data and whether you really do need to do it that often. It seems like you are trying to do too much processing in a short and frequent amount of time.
On the other hand, if this is a script which runs every night or something then I would not worry too much about its excessive working set (i.e. score board recalc script).

Create aggregated user stats with MongoDB

I am building a MongoDB database that will work with an Android app. I have a user collection and a records collection. The records documents consist of GPS tracks such as start and end coordinates, total time and top speed and distance. The user document is has user id, first name, last name and so forth.
I want to have aggregate stats for each user that summarizes total distance, total time, total average speed and top speed to date.
I am confused if I should do a map reduce and create an aggregate collection for users, or if I should add these stats to the user document with some kind of cron job type soliuton. I have read many guides about map reduce and aggregation for MongoDB but can't figure this out.
It sounds like your aggregate indicator values are per-user, in which case I would simply calculate them and push them directly into the user object as the same time as you update current co-oordinates, speed etc. They would be nice and easy (and fast) to query, and you could aggregate them further if you wished.
When I say pre-calculate, I don't mean MapReduce, which you would use as a batch process, I simply mean calculate on update of the user object.
If your aggregate stats are compiled across users, then you could still pre-calculate them on update, but if you also need to be able to query those aggregate stats against some other condition or filter, such as, "tell me what the total distance travelled for all users within x region", then depending on the number of combinations you may not be able to cover all those with pre-calculation.
So, if your aggregate stats ARE across users, AND need some sort of filter applying, then they'll need to be calculated from some snapshot of data. The two approaches here are;
the aggregation framework in 2.2
You would need to use MapReduce say, if you've a LOT of historical data that you want to crunch and you can pre-calculate the results for fast reading later. By my definition, that data isn't changing frequently, but even if it did, you can also use incremental MR to add new results to an existing calculation.
The aggregation framework in 2.2 will allow you to do a lot of this on demand, but it won't be as quick of course as pre-calculated values but way quicker than MR when executed on-demand. It can't cope with the high volume result-sets that you can do with MR, but it's better suited to queries where you don't know the parameter values in advance.
By way of example, if you wanted to calculate the aggregate sums of users stats within a particular lat/long, you couldn't use MR because there are just too many combinations of that filter, so you'd need to do that on the fly.
If however, you wanted it by city, well you could conceivably use MR there because you could stick to a finite set of cities and just pre-calculate them all.
But to wrap up, if your aggregate indicator values are per-user alone, then I'd start by calculating and storing the values inside the user object when I update the user object as I said in the first paragraph. Yes, you're storing the value as well as the inputs, but that's the model that saves you having to calculate on the fly.

Can MongoDB run the same operation on many documents without querying each one?

I am looking for a way to update every document in a collection called "posts".
Posts get updated periodically with a popularity (sitewide popularity) and a strength (the estimated relevance to that particular user), each from different sources. What I need to do is multiply popularity and strength on each post to get a third field, relevance. Relevance is used for sorting the posts.
class Post
include Mongoid::Document
field :popularity
field :strength
field :relevance
The current implementation is as follows:
1) I map/reduce down to a separate collection, which stores the post id and calculated relevance.
2) I update every post individually from the map reduce results.
This is a huge amount of individual update queries, and it seems silly to map each post to its own result (1-to-1), only to update the post again. Is it possible to multiply in place, or do some sort of in-place map?
Is it possible to multiply in place, or do some sort of in-place map?
The ideal here would be to have the Map/Reduce update the Post directly when it is complete. Unfortunately, M/R does not have that capability. In theory, you could issue updates from the "finalize" stage, but this will collapse in a sharded environment.
However, if all you are doing is a simple multiplication, then you don't really need M/R at all. You can just run a big for loop, or you can hook up the save event to update :relevance when :popularity or :strength are updated.
MongoDB doesn't have triggers, so it can't do this automatically. But you're using a business layer which is the exact place to put this kind of logic.