NumericRangeQuery in NHibernate.Search -

I am creating a search, where the user can both choose an interval and search on a term in the same go.
This is however giving me trouble, since I have up until have only used the usual text query.
I am wondering how I am to go about using both a NumericRangeQuery and a regular term query. Usually I would use a query below:
var parser = new MultiFieldQueryParser(
new[] { "FromPrice", "ToPrice", "Description"}, new SimpleAnalyzer());
Query query = parser.Parse(searchQuery.ToString());
IFullTextSession session = Search.CreateFullTextSession(this.Session);
IQuery fullTextQuery = session.CreateFullTextQuery(query, new[] { typeof(MyObject) });
IList<MyObject> results = fullTextQuery.List<MyObject>();
But if I was to e.g. search the range FromPrice <-> ToPrice and also the description, how should I do this, since session.CreateFullTextQuery only takes one Query object?

you can create a single query that is a BooleanQuery combining all the conditions you want to be met.
For the ranges, heres a link to the synthax using the QueryParser: Searches


Doing subqueries in Mybatis, or query recursively the selected values

I understood that the solution to my problem is doing subqueries, which apply a different filter each time, and they have a reduced result set. But I can't find a way to do that in MyBatis logic. Here is my query code
List<IstanzaMetadato> res = null;
SqlSession sqlSession = ConnectionFactory.getSqlSessionFactory().openSession(true);
try {
IstanzaMetadatoMapper mapper = sqlSession.getMapper(IstanzaMetadatoMapper.class);
IstanzaMetadatoExample example = new IstanzaMetadatoExample();
Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> it = map.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry =;
res = mapper.selectByExample(example);
I need to execute a new selectByExample but inside the while cycle, and it has to query the previus "SELECTED" results....
Is there a Solution ?
I have this table structure
I have to select rows from the table with different filters, specified by the final user.
Those filters are specified by a couple (id_metadato, valore), in example you can have id_metadato = 3 and valore = "pippo";
the user can specify 0-n filters from the web page typing 0-n values inside the search boxes which are based on id_metadato
Obviusly, the more filters the users specifies, the more restriction would have the final query.
In example if the user fills only the first search box, the query will have only a filter and would provide all the rows that will have the couple (id_metadato, valore) specified by the user.
If he uses two search boxes, than the query will have 2 filters, and it will provide all the rows that verify the first condition AND the second one, after the "first subquery" is done.
I need to do this dinamically, and in the best efficient way. I can't simply add AND clause to my query, they have to filter and reduce the result set every time.
I can't do 0-n subqueries (Select * from ... IN (select * from ....) ) efficiently.
Is there a more elegant way to do that ? I'm reading dynamic SQL queries tutorials with MyBatis, but I'm not sure that is the correct way. I'm still trying to figure out the logic of the resosultio, then I will try to implement with MyBatis.
Thanks for the answers
MyBatis simplified a lot this process of nesting subqueries, it was sufficient to concatenate the filter criterias and to add
the excerpt of the code is the following
try {
IstanzaMetadatoMapper mapper = sqlSession.getMapper(IstanzaMetadatoMapper.class);
IstanzaMetadatoExample example = new IstanzaMetadatoExample();
Iterator<Map.Entry<Integer, String>> it = map.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry =;
if (listaIdUd.isEmpty()) {
listaIdUd = mapper.selectDynamicNested(example);
listaIdUd = mapper.selectDynamicNested(example);

How to implement search using Query Builder API for partial search text in CQ/AEM

I have a requirement to fetch search results based on partial text match. For example, if there is a node under products say "apple-iphone-6" and the user enters "iphone" text in the searchbox, I should still be able to fetch the result.
I tried the below query on querybuilder and it worked:
But, how to implement this programatically for the *iphone* part? I am creating a query using the predicates as follows
String searchTerm = "iphone";
map.put("path", "/etc/commerce/products");
map.put("type", "nt:unstructured");
map.put("nodename", searchTerm);
Query query = queryBuilder.createQuery(PredicateGroup.create(map), session);
SearchResult result = query.getResult();
But I do not get any results, reason being, the node name(apple-iphone-6) does not exactly match the search term (iphone).
But the same thing works fine in case I append * to the nodename value which then implements partial text based search in the querybuilder example. What change should I do in the code to get results based on partial node name matches?
You already have found the solution on your own, the NodenamePredicateEvaluator accepts wildcard arguments, so you would need to surround the search term with wildcards, for example like this:
String searchTerm = "iphone";
map.put("nodename", "*" + searchTerm + "*");
in this case "like" opration can be used:
EX-> patial text serach for jcr:title
map.put("group.1_property", "fn:lower-case(#jcr:content/jcr:title)");
map.put("group.1_property.value", "%"+fulltextSearchTerm + "%");
map.put("group.1_property.operation", "like");
For just the nodename the answer posted is correct, but if you want to search inside properties as well then :
map.put("fulltext","*"+searchTetm +"*");

How to sort elasticsearch results by distance?

I'm using elasticabundle for symfony2 and I want to sort results I'm seeking by distance
I'm new to elasticsearch and I don't know how I can start
the query I'm using :
$c = $this->container->get('fos_elastica.finder.cities_index.cities');
$nameQuery = new \Elastica\Query\Match();
$nameQuery->setFieldQuery('tokens', $city);
$nameQuery->setSort(array("distance" => "asc"));// I want to achieve this
Thanks for your time
here is what I did following the example as provided by Dimitris Tsarouhas
The following setup allows to filter by keyword, order by id, and add all sort of other filtering using the $boolQuery ->addMust($yourfilter) formula.
We fetch the keyword as posted by a form. This is $data['query'] and by default we use it to perform a _all search, thus searching throughout all the fields listed in our config.yml file. To perform this search, we use the QueryString object, as this allows us to use wildcards.
We then look if exists the variable $data['status'], which comes through a dropdown select box (please note the use of strtolower(), without which the query wouldn't work - either that or you set up your own case-insensitive analyzer). If so, we use it to filter our results.
By default, we also want to narrow down our search and pick up only active users.
$data = $form->getData();
$finder = $this->container->get('');
$keyword = $data['query'];
$status= $data['status'];
$keywordQuery = new QueryString;
$keywordQuery->setQuery('*' . $keyword . '*');
$query = new Query();
$query->setSort(array('id' => array('order' => 'asc')));
$boolQuery = new Bool();
$active= new Term();
$active->setTerm('active', true);
$boolQuery ->addMust($active);
if (!empty($status)) {
$statusQuery = new Term();
$statusQuery->setTerm('status', strtolower($status->getName()));
$boolQuery ->addMust($typeQuery);
$entities = $finder->find($query);
And of course do not forget to import the necessary libraries:
Remember that to be able to perform actions on fields (searching, sorting, etc) these haveto be included in your config.yml. Of course, this would cause the field to be automatically picked up when searching generally onto a certain entity. So, if you need to avoid this, but you still need certain fields to be available to elastica. just define it as showed below:
name: ~
surname: ~
status: ~
active: { include_in_all: false }
id: { include_in_all: false }

Count in jpa without getting result [duplicate]

I like the idea of Named Queries in JPA for static queries I'm going to do, but I often want to get the count result for the query as well as a result list from some subset of the query. I'd rather not write two nearly identical NamedQueries. Ideally, what I'd like to have is something like:
#NamedQuery(name = "getAccounts", query = "SELECT a FROM Account")
Query q = em.createNamedQuery("getAccounts");
List r = q.setFirstResult(s).setMaxResults(m).getResultList();
int count = q.getCount();
So let's say m is 10, s is 0 and there are 400 rows in Account. I would expect r to have a list of 10 items in it, but I'd want to know there are 400 rows total. I could write a second #NamedQuery:
#NamedQuery(name = "getAccountCount", query = "SELECT COUNT(a) FROM Account")
but it seems a DRY violation to do that if I'm always just going to want the count. In this simple case it is easy to keep the two in sync, but if the query changes, it seems less than ideal that I have to update both #NamedQueries to keep the values in line.
A common use case here would be fetching some subset of the items, but needing some way of indicating total count ("Displaying 1-10 of 400").
So the solution I ended up using was to create two #NamedQuerys, one for the result set and one for the count, but capturing the base query in a static string to maintain DRY and ensure that both queries remain consistent. So for the above, I'd have something like:
#NamedQuery(name = "getAccounts", query = "SELECT a" + accountQuery)
#NamedQuery(name = "getAccounts.count", query = "SELECT COUNT(a)" + accountQuery)
static final String accountQuery = " FROM Account";
Query q = em.createNamedQuery("getAccounts");
List r = q.setFirstResult(s).setMaxResults(m).getResultList();
int count = ((Long)em.createNamedQuery("getAccounts.count").getSingleResult()).intValue();
Obviously, with this example, the query body is trivial and this is overkill. But with much more complex queries, you end up with a single definition of the query body and can ensure you have the two queries in sync. You also get the advantage that the queries are precompiled and at least with Eclipselink, you get validation at startup time instead of when you call the query.
By doing consistent naming between the two queries, it is possible to wrap the body of the code to run both sets just by basing the base name of the query.
Using setFirstResult/setMaxResults do not return a subset of a result set, the query hasn't even been run when you call these methods, they affect the generated SELECT query that will be executed when calling getResultList. If you want to get the total records count, you'll have to SELECT COUNT your entities in a separate query (typically before to paginate).
For a complete example, check out Pagination of Data Sets in a Sample Application using JSF, Catalog Facade Stateless Session, and Java Persistence APIs.
oh well you can use introspection to get named queries annotations like:
String getNamedQueryCode(Class<? extends Object> clazz, String namedQueryKey) {
NamedQueries namedQueriesAnnotation = clazz.getAnnotation(NamedQueries.class);
NamedQuery[] namedQueryAnnotations = namedQueriesAnnotation.value();
String code = null;
for (NamedQuery namedQuery : namedQueryAnnotations) {
if ( {
code = namedQuery.query();
if (code == null) {
if (clazz.getSuperclass().getAnnotation(MappedSuperclass.class) != null) {
code = getNamedQueryCode(clazz.getSuperclass(), namedQueryKey);
//if not found
return code;

MongoDB C# offic. List<BsonObject> query issue and always olds values?

I have not clearly issue during query using two criterials like Id and Other. I use a Repository storing some data like id,iso,value. I have created an index("_id","Iso") to performs queries but queries are only returning my cursor if i use only one criterial like _id, but is returning nothing if a use two (_id, Iso) (commented code).
Are the index affecting the response or the query method are failing?
use :v1.6.5 and C# official.
//Getting Data
public List<BsonObject> Get_object(string ID, string Iso)
using (var helper = BsonHelper.Create())
var query = Query.EQ("_Id", ID);
//if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Iso))
// query = Query.And(query, Query.EQ("Iso", Iso));
var cursor = helper.Db.Repository.FindAs<BsonObject>(query);
return cursor.ToList();
"_id": "2345019",
"Iso": "UK",
"Data": "Some data"
After that I have Updated my data using Update.Set() methods. I can see the changed data using MongoView. The new data are correct but the query is always returning the sames olds values. To see these values i use a page that can eventually cached, but if add a timestamp at end are not changing anything, page is always returning the same olds data. Your comments are welcome, thanks.
I do not recall offhand how the C# driver creates indexes, but the shell command for creating an index is like this:
Notice the '1' which is like saying 'true'.
In your code, you have:
Perhaps it should be:
helper.Db.Repository.EnsureIndex("_Id", 1);
helper.Db.Repository.EnsureIndex("Iso", 1);
It could also be related to the fact that you are creating indexes on "_Id" and the actual id field is called "_id" ... MongoDB is case sensitive.
Have a quick look through the index documentation: