Deploy grails application to Eclipse internal server adapter - eclipse

I am trying to deploy my grails application to Geronimo/Tomcat 7/Glassfish 3.1. None of the servers allow me to add the grails application. I get the error "There are no resources that can be added or removed to the server" or "Project facet Grails Application version 1.0 is not supported."
The internal server always barfs with permgen/heap error and increasing it by command line does no favour to it. I just need to have an application server running my grails project to which I can hot deploy.
Any ideas/suggestions?

The Grails tooling in STS has been optimized to support grails apps running on tcServer. This is working. We don't have the resources to test the other servers. Please try running on tcServer (a default instance should have been created for you when you installed STS).


Setting up a Server Environment in Eclipse

I wanted to set up a Tomcat Environment in Eclipse to run my SOAP project . While doing so i get an error called
The Tomcat v6.0 Server server does not support the service project SimpleSOAPExample.
This error generally occurs when your web module version is higher than the one tomcat supports You can try this- lower your web module version, Create new "Dynamic Web Project". In the project wizard you should change "Dynamic web module version" from 3 to lower(2.2, 2.3, 2.4 or 2.5). I generally work with 2.5. Tomcat 6 is not compatible with module version 3. If you however require to work on V3.0 switch to tomcat 7.

Jersey Rest service: 'Resource /Servers is not open'

I am new to Java EE and am trying to learn the same using tutorials and examples online.
I am trying to follow and create a RESTful service using Jersey.
Since this is my first RESTful service, I have basically copy-pasted whatever code is present till
However, when I try to run the service, I am getting an error:
Could not load the Tomcat server configuration at /Servers/Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost-config. The Servers project is closed.
When I tried looking into the server configuration, I see that the configuration path is showing an error for the value: /Servers/Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost-config.
When I try to change any (server) configuration and save it, I get the message: "Error while saving. Resource '/Servers' is not open."
Five differences between my project and what is described in the page:
I am using JDK 1.7, while the page mentions JDK1.6.
I am using Apache Tomcat Server 7.0, while the page mentions Tomcat version 6.0.
The Dynamic web module version is set to 3.0 in my project, while it is 2.5 in the page.
I have a couple of practise spring apps configured on my tomcat server. I am not sure how to remove them. :(
I have updated my web.xml to use web-app_3_1.xsd in the place of web-app_2_5.xsd.
I am not able to understand why this is happening.
If this does not seem to be solvable, I would be thankful, if you can point me to any resource that explains creating a RESTFul service using Jersey using Java EE7, Apache Tomcat 7 and, preferably, Eclipse.
The solution turned out to be simple. When I looked at the Project Explorer, I saw that there was a project called "Servers". Once I "opened" this project, the problem got resolved.
Seems like marking all projects and selecting "Close Project" has a side effect in Java EE Perspective. :)

GWT Deployment to JBoss

I am currently working on a project which has a GWT frontend and a seperate Java module with servlets and a REST interface on the backend. The project when deployed runs on a single JBoss server.
I am running into difficulties though as when I run the GWT app in hosted mode (in eclipse) the jetty server does not have a deployed Java module to interact with.
My idea was to setup a JBoss server which eclipse could deploy into for development purposes, the problem with this is that the installer for the product sets up a JBoss server with a GWT app already embedded in it, so redeploying into this JBoss instance might cause problems?
My other idea would be to create a second JBoss server to host the GWT app, with some sort of url redirect for the rest calls which would redirect to the first JBoss instance. Is this possible?
EDIT: Can I do this with the built in jetty server in eclipse and not have to worry about using a seperate JBoss server. In other words can I somehow get the jetty server in eclipse to redirect particular requests to a different URL?

Apache Tomcat 7 and Eclipse Juno EE integration (Ubuntu 12.04)

I am currently setting up a Web Service environment for developing SOAP Web services in a linux box (Ubuntu 12.04). I want to use Eclipse EE Juno with Apache Tomcat 7. I successfully install tomcat (using the sudo apt-get install) and configure it as a Server runtime environment in Eclipse. When, I deploy a web service in order to test it, everything works fine. However, when I type the URL to my browser, nothing works. It seems that Apache tomcat is up and running, but no web services are deployed (in fact i receive an HTTP Status 404 from tomcat). Being curious, I go to "/var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/" directory in order to check if any web application is deployed, and there are no web applications.
What may be the matter? How can I configure correctly my tomcat in order to work with Eclipse and be able to deploy and test my web applications through the IDE?
Thank you.
Problem solved by configuring to IDE to have all the pribileges on the server.

Tomcat REST services not deployed with Intellij IDEA

I have just switched to Intellij Idea (11) and I'm having possibly simple problem for which I cannot find a solution within Intellij IDE. I have a web application which contains some classes marked with annotations from like eg. #Path("/members") etc and my web.xml file configured for handling REST calls.
The application is build with Maven, when I package the application either from command line or through the Intellij IDE and copy the .war file into tomcat webapps directory manually, all works fine, eg. I can access GET based services from the browser.
If I deploy the application through configured tomcat in Intellij IDE the application works but without the REST portion, so I'm not able to execute any rest based calls (all end up with 404 error). I cannot see anything in logs about deploying rest service classes like I do during manual deployment:
INFO: Adding scanned resource:
so its definitively an IDE configuration option I've missed which prevents tomcat from scanning classes for this annotations.
The question is how should I configure my Tomcat within the IDE to work the same as started manually.
with Intellij you need to expose the classes as web services from Tools > WebServices.
Also check that in Setting > Web Services, the prefix path for web service is correct (by default is /services).
Here you have a nice tutorial about how to create webservices in intellij.
By the way... when you do a deploy from intellij, the application goes to:
This info appears in the console as: "Using CATALINA_BASE": .../path...
Hope this helps,