Apache Tomcat 7 and Eclipse Juno EE integration (Ubuntu 12.04) - eclipse

I am currently setting up a Web Service environment for developing SOAP Web services in a linux box (Ubuntu 12.04). I want to use Eclipse EE Juno with Apache Tomcat 7. I successfully install tomcat (using the sudo apt-get install) and configure it as a Server runtime environment in Eclipse. When, I deploy a web service in order to test it, everything works fine. However, when I type the URL to my browser, nothing works. It seems that Apache tomcat is up and running, but no web services are deployed (in fact i receive an HTTP Status 404 from tomcat). Being curious, I go to "/var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/" directory in order to check if any web application is deployed, and there are no web applications.
What may be the matter? How can I configure correctly my tomcat in order to work with Eclipse and be able to deploy and test my web applications through the IDE?
Thank you.

Problem solved by configuring to IDE to have all the pribileges on the server.


How do I deploy to Websphere developer server 8.5 via Eclipse Mars?

How does one deploy a web app from Eclipse Mars to a local install of IBM Websphere Application Server Developer 8.5 ?
I installed the app server from IBM's Installation Manager, upon completion it says its location is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01
I tested the app itself using the "First Steps" window which popped up after install, and it looks like it is running fine.
Now, I want to test creating a simple hello world web application in Eclipse Mars, and be able to deploy it to this installed Websphere instance and be able to debug (stop at breakpoints). However, I can't seem to figure this part out.
When I go to my Servers tab in Eclipse and attempt to add a Websphere server, I didn't have any options. So I started downloading some IBM Websphere Developer Tools that I could find. I managed to now have these options for adding server:
"WebSphere Application Server Liberty"
"WebSphere Application Server traditional V8.5"
I tried using both, but they don't seem to be compatible with my installed version of WebSphere, because I keep getting the error of "The WebSphere Application Server traditional installation directory is not correct." when I try to plug in the Installation directory.
I suspect I should have a separate option for
"WebSphere Application Server developer V8.5"
or such, however no matter what I search for online, in the Eclipse marketplace, in the Eclipse sites, I can't find anything to install that gives me that option.
You have to use "WebSphere Application Server traditional V8.5" and point it to the installation root not the profile root - so to C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer in your case.
For the future, it is not recommended to install WebSphere in the Program Files (x86) folder, I'd suggest something simpler like c:\IBM.
I used the below link Eclipse Mars WAS Plugin . Not sure it still works. For Oxygen working version use Eclipse Oxygen WAS Plugin

How do i deploy my wicket project?

i am new to web development and i created a wicket app on my local computer. i have a server running apache 2.0, maven and open jdk. Its an ubuntu server with only command line.
Any help would be wonderful.
Thank you
You cannot run the wicket app by itself; like any java servlet it has to be run on a servlet container.
There are many containers to choose from, the ones I most commonly come across are
You need to install one of containers like that to convert the HTTP requests into java. Once you have one of them installed and running, you can deploy your wicket web-app in it.

Deploy and debug application on OC4J in eclipse

I have a tomcat webapp project checked out in eclipse (call it 'xyz'). I use eclipse tomcat plugin with Devloader. Everything runs fine. etc, etc, happy.
Now I want to run the same project on OC4J app server and debug in eclipse. For that, I have downloaded and installed standalone OC4J server. I created a OC4J server instance in eclipse. Question is how do I deploy the earlier checked out project 'xyz' to run on OC4J server in eclipse.
Additionally, is there any plugin for OC4J similar to tomcat in eclipse, that makes life easier.
Thanks in advance for your replies.
Package your application in an EAR file and deploy it to OC4J
Start OC4J with VM arguments that enable remote debugging (See http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/tooldocs/solaris/jdb.html)
Create a Debug Configuration of type Remote Java Application in Eclipse, and use that to connect to the running VM

How to develop Liferay project in Eclipsce juno and built it on on Jboss

I have downloaded the Liferay 6.1 with jboss 7.1.1 Bundle and Liferay IDE(Eclipsce Juno).All I have to do is to develop Liferay Project and running it on Jboss server.
I can able to run and open liferay portal in localhost:8080/
I am having issues in developing Liferay portal project.As default server adapter for Liferay in IDE is Tomcat 7.0 and I couldn't able to find Jboss server adapter.I tried by running and deploy it on Tomcat and running the Jboss server by running standalone.bat file.
Please advise and help in develop and running Liferay project on Jboss
There's guide in Liferay Wiki about developing with non-Tomcat Liferay bundles. There you can read about the disadvantages of that kind of development and how to do it if you still want.
But I agree, developing with Tomcat is definetely the better idea.
Liferay IDE is meant for development with Tomcat only since tomcat's start-up time, its simple structure and comparatively easy configuration makes it ideal for a development environment.
If you are development plugin projects like themes, portlets, hook, layouts etc then if it works on tomcat it would work on any other server running with Liferay, so during development you can use tomcat and then when you have completed your development iteration (i.e. when your project is ready to be deployed for testing or for stage environments) you can deploy the WAR to Jboss for testing and can do some testing to see if it works fine.
Since the plugins are made in such a way as to be independent of the underlying Server, there should not be any issues developing them on Tomcat and then running them on Jboss.
Hope this helps.
I achieved it through a work around, steps mentioned # https://www.liferay.com/community/forums/-/message_boards/message/17864836
Benefits of Liferay IDE plugin+ JBoss as runtime configured in IDE.
Only issue is you'll need to use any other eclipse based IDE which supports JBoss AS 7.1.1 as normal server/runtime (like JBoss Developer Studio).

I am downloading Eclipse. But what else do I need to develop Java EE applications?

I am downloading this version of Eclipse. I want to know what else I should download and install before I can start working on Java EE applications.
Previously I used to work with NetBeans. Back then, I used to install these:
Then I could develop Java EE applications.
Is the same set of steps required when I download that Eclipse too? Or do some of the things come bundled with it? Please help me out with setting up the development environment.
Eclipse doesn't bundle JRE/JDK or app servers. Make sure you download "Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers" package (as others will not have the plugins you need). You will need to download JDK and Tomcat separately. Note that there is no need to also download a JRE as JDK install has a JRE in it.
Note that Eclipse does have en embedded Jetty server that can be used for previewing your app without a separate app server, but most non-trivial apps still require downloading and installing the specific app server you intend to deploy in production on.
Take a look at the official website:
I had installed my enviroment from these website and work properly, the server is up and running.
Tomcat is a software implementation, you need to install it separately. Take a look at the official tomcat's website at: http://tomcat.apache.org/
If you're working on a web site, my suggestions would be:
JRE/JDK, Apache Tomcat Application Server, Freemarker templating language (for page-building), Apache Web Server (for proxying, rewriting, mod_jk to load balance tomcat worker(s)), Varnish or Squid Cache, MySQL (to host UGC data (user generated content), and some kind of open source CMS system (Drupal or others) to host data that's web site editor created.