Connect Crystal reports with mongoDB - mongodb

I am currently using CrystalREports 2013.
I have following configuration in CRConfig.xml file
I have also copied the mongo-2.10.1.jar file in the lib directory under C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\java\lib folder.
downloaded mongo-2.10.1.jar from
When I open Crystal Reports and open new crystal reports. I try to connect to JDBC(JNDI) through the available Datasources option, upon click of finish, I get following error.. Failed to open the connection. Details: JDBC driver not found.
Some help in configuration in CRConfig.xml would be of great help.

MongoDB is a NoSQL database and therefore does not support JDBC connections, there's no JDBC driver for it. You won't be able to connect a standard reporting tool like Crystal reports to MongoDB.
You have a few alternative options:
I've heard that JasperSoft have tools for reporting against MongoDB
You can write a job that exports your MongoDB data into a traditional SQL database and connect Crystal to the SQL database
You can write your own tool to pull information out of MongoDB using one of the language drivers.

Looks like it worked with UnityJDBC :
Settings in CRConfig.xml file are as follows.
<Classpath>C:\mongodb\jdbcdriver\mongo-java-driver- 2.11.2.jar;C:\mongodb\jdbcdriver\mongodb_unityjdbc.jar;


Problem with configuring crystal report XI with postgre database

We are using Crystal Report XI with DB2 data base for our Application .Now we have new request to develop a report from some other application which has postgre data base.
So same thing we tried with postgre data base that what we did in DB2 data base.
We installed the postgre odbc driver and Test the connection was successfull. But when i tried open from crystal report design, I dont find postgre data source in the list.
What are all the steps needs to do, to connect Crystal Report XI with Postgre database?
Please help me what I am missing here.
Perhaps you configured a 64-bit ODBC DSN.
Crystal is a 32-bit application.
You need to configure a 32-bit DSN.

crystal reports 13 Oracle connection problem

I'm trying to migrate a small .NET application (VS2008, Crystal Report 10, OS Win7 32-bit)
The application has got 2 reports that use some data of an oracle database version 11g Release 2 (
When I upgrade the application (VS2019Pro, latest Crystal Report (CR13SP25), OS Win10 64-bit) the application itself runs as expected and the 2 crystal reports show the proper data.
It's only when I open Database Expert in crystal report designer and try to access the Oracle connection, I receive an error when trying to pull the list of tables of that connection.
I've tried all 3 possible Oracle connections and all of them give a (different) error:
(1) Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle (MSDAORA): "ADO error code: 0x80004005 - Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-01019"
(2) OLE DB for Oracle (OraOLEDB.Oracle): "ADO error code: 0x8000ffff"
(3) Oracle Server (crdb oracle): "Unknown error in database connector"
Now the weird part is that sometimes I do have access to those 3 connections in Database Expert, meaning the list of tables becomes visible.
This happens very rarely and doesn't last for a long time. I've also noticed that when this happens I can access all 3 different connections, so it's "all or nothing".
This behaviour is the same when I create a new solution and add a new crystal report or when I use Visual Studio 2017 Professional instead of 2019.
Anybody has an idea on how to fix this kind of behaviour?
Thanks in advance!
Finally managed to solve this one.
First I opened the old project in Visual Studio 2019, triggering the conversion screens of both the solution itself and Crystal Reports (choose Yes).
Since my original solution was using the (obsolete) Microsoft OLE DB connection for Oracle I’d first created a new connection, in Database Expert (in An existing Crystal Report), that used the OLE DB provider of Oracle situated in OLE DB (ADO).
Next I replaced the old connection by the new one (again in Database Expert).
After applying this to all of the existing reports, everything was working properly!

how we can create an exe file to install jasper report server with our reports and database?

I am trying to create an exe file to install jasper report server with our reports and database. I just want to know how could be integrate my reports and database with jasper server exe file.
Use the import and export tools for jasper server to get your reports from e.g. development into production. This is all documented in the books.
You can bundle the installer for jasper and your database, the database server, the database dump with the reports and anything else you need as well as a script that installs it all together into a bundle. E.g. using Apache Maven with the app-assembler plugin. There are too many different ways to do it. You are basically automating the install and that would vary a LOT based on your needs. E.g. you could also look at puppet or chef or all sorts of installer solutions.
The best example is probably the JasperServer installer itself with the sample reports.. you could just take that and modify it to suit your needs (caveat... not sure about the license situation for doing that..).

Crystal Report - Changing DB location not working

I've worked with Crystal Reports for several yrs but now with a particular report created by another developer, I cannot change the DB connection/location.
He used an OLE DB connection and created the report for use in a Windows App using Visual Studio. The report works "sort of" in Visual Studio but I have a higher version of VS (VS 2010) than the developer but it is causing issues on the formulas he uses.
I am now just trying to open the report outside of VS directly in Crystal and I can't get it to update the db location.
I created an ODBC linc and tried using it to swap out the db location and it says:
"Data Object cannot be opened/accessed" ... followed by "Unknown Database Connector Error"
I don't know how to troubleshoot this further. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
I had the same issue, and was able to resolve it by selecting the SQL Server Native Client 10.0 driver rather than the 11.0 one when setting up the ODBC connection.
You have to delete the original if you want to have the same name.

Ireport - JasperServer: PostgreSQL error (Driver)

I am trying to run my report created on iReport 4 on the jasperserver with a postgresql database (On my localhost).
The report runs perfect on the preview on iReport. Now when I upload it to the jasperServer I get the following error:
1 - org.postgresql.Driver
java.lang.Exception: 1 - org.postgresql.Driver 
at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$ 
at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$
Then I checked my OLAP settings on my jasperServer and noticed it doesn't have a postgresql driver.
And on my jasperreport I use the following driver:
PostgreSQL (org.postgresql.Driver)
I think this is the problem. Does anyone know how I can add this postgresql driver to my jasperserver?
Or is there a different problem?
The PostgreSQL driver jar should go into the lib directory of your application server.
If you are using the bundled version of tomcat that comes with jasperServer, this will be
More detailed instructions are available here.