Facebook FLogin button not working - facebook

I used to have the FLogin button for enabling users to login using Facebook.
Lately , I updated my website to become HTML 5 compliant and made some other changes.
The FLogin is not working since then.
I also updated the FLogin code using the latest code provided by Facebook.
Still the login process is not working.
Can anyone share with me the exact code for FLogin for HTML 5?
My websites are
Loud Letters - www.loudletters.com
Loud Review - www.loudreview.com
The FLogin related code is included in the end.

You’re trying to append a script element for the FB JS-SDK to the element #fb-root, but that doesn’t exists yet, because it comes only later in your HTML code. (Btw., why did you mess with the code for asynchronously loading the SDK in that way, instead of using the code like it’s shown in the docs?)
You should make some use of your browsers error console when developing javascript.


Facebook Messenger bot - sharing in webview not starting

I am creating a bot for Messenger that uses webview with some custom content. The webview works just fine, also closing the webview using Messenger Extensions works well. Now I need to start customized sharing flow from this webview (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/webview/sharing). I call the method MessengerExtensions.beginShareFlow but nothing happens. Neither of success nor error are triggered. I understand that success would be fired after the sharing is complete, but I can't even start it, as the sharing UI does not appear at all.
I have double-checked all points listed here:
What can be wrong? My bot is still not submitted for review (for obvious reasons - it is not finished yet and is missing some functionality) - is that be the problem? I would be happy to contact FB developers support directly, but I can't find a place to do it (btw: this is just hilarious).
In my case the problem was that I was not specifying ImageURL. The call to beginShareFlow just crashed in such case (error handler was not called).

(Freshplanet Facebook-ANE) How to make the login screen in-app

I am currently using the Freshplanet Facebook-ANE and was wondering about something that is bugging me currently.
I want to implement a simple post to wall feature inside my app, and this ANE does exactly what I want, except for one thing. When I do the actual post to wall dialog, it pops up just like I want it, in a WebView inside my app. The login takes me to Safari or the Facebook app if I have it installed, which is what I want to avoid.
Here's the line I'm using to open the session :
Facebook.getInstance().openSessionWithPublishPermissions(POST_PERMISSIONS, OnSessionOpened, true);
That works perfectly for posting, but takes me outside of the app.
I've tried using the same .dialog() function I use for the post, and it worked, but I can't seem to post to the wall afterwards (maybe I'm not correctly catching the access token or something)
Any help would be appreciated. I believe I've set up everything correctly on my Facebook App page, and that my AS3 project is correctly setup.
Thanks for the help !
If you want to strictly stay into the app, you must use StageWebView. It's something like a wrapper of HTML page inside Flash.
First check if you are logged in (this is code from Facebook.as of FreshPlanet):
/** True if a Facebook session is open, false otherwise. */
public function get isSessionOpen() : Boolean
if (!isSupported) return false;
return _context.call('isSessionOpen');
If there is no session - start the web view. Otherwise - continue as usual.
You have to keep in mind that StageWebView is pretty.. how to say it.. bad is the kindest thing I could say :) You must implement your own close button, listen for url changing, etc.
You could look into Facebook AS3 SDK, which at least has some kind of 'platform' for the web view..
Good luck!

Facebook registration cuts off (XFBML)

we offer our users the ability to use facebook to sign up on our site and until recently this was working fine.
Since 2 days ago (October 30th) we noticed our registrations using facebook significantly dropped (from around 50-100/day down to 1!) and when taking a look at the process we found that the registration was being cut off and only a small part was showing.
This is how it looks now: http://i.imgur.com/i4UCkAx.jpg
If I look at the source of the facebook iframe I can see the html tag has overflow set to hidden and if I disable this using Firebug everything looks as it should. But since this is on facebooks end there's nothing I can do about it to prevent it happening to our customers.
Has anyone else run in to this problem and found a solution?
The bug has been reported to facebook here: http://developers.facebook.com/bugs/471852109598483/

Facebook comment plugin doesn't work at all

I inserted the facebook code where required and absolutely nothing happens or shows up. Using dreamweaver cs6 and in live view or when testing in ANY browser, nothing shows up. It's a blank box. ANy thoughts? I read somewhere that the website must be made into an application of facebook? Is this something?
Specifically, after activating the plugin and properly connecting the plugin to the facebook app,which does work and has been used extensively before hand, comments simply fail to load. There is no comment box, no past comments pull in either (note the app has historical comments already).
In the plugin settings area on the right side of the screen where the comments check box exists, there is a read more link that takes you to the facebook developers page where it discusses adding the facebook comments iframe.
If there is some other location where comment settings might also exist (past the three fields that require the 2 keys and the app name) I could not find them and this was not referenced in the plugin setup.

Facebook like button stopped working on my wordpress site

Since 2 weeks ago it worked, and still works for old urls. but now for every new post the like button remain at zero, and if i press the button it blinks 1 but go back to zero immediately.
My site: http://arielmartini.com/
An old url that (still) works: http://arielmartini.com/2011-06-30-bixiga70
A new url that no longer works: http://arielmartini.com/2011-07-02-romulo
Even if I put the url here it doesn't work (try with the 2 url above - "URL to Like" field).
It appears that you're using both the old Facebook "Share" and the newer Facebook "Like" buttons. However Facebook Share (via static.ak.fbcdn.net/connect.php/js/ is the old SDK and is being deprecated).
You'll just want to use the new SDK (which you are correctly including) at http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js.
I believe removing the conflicting "share" button will solve your problem.
Looking at the url you posted, there is a javascript console error (see image) which is causing the javascript code from continuing execution.
To fix it, remove this line of code from your wordpress site, or disable the plugin that is adding this line:
<script type='text/javascript' src='http://arielmartini.com/wp-content/plugins/fbconnect/fbconnect.js?pluginver=99&ver=3.1.4'></script>
You can't load both the deprecated fbconnect.js file as well as the new Facebook javascript sdk .js file that you load on line 435. If anything is relying on the old deprecated library, I would suggest upgrade as soon as possible because Facebook is killing deprecated functionality all the time.
The problem was that i didn't had open graph tags on my page. Using this plugin fixed it. You can also analyse the page using this link.