Application Icon For ClickOnce deployment - deployment

When you go to install a application that has been onceclick deployed and you have downloaded the setup file when you click on it it starts checking for a new version and what not. While it does this it has a pretty rubbish icon is there any way to change this.

According to Chester Hong you're stuck with this. Dennis van der Stelt writes that you can disable the automatic update check and code your own. This would give you control over what appears on screen at the time.


License code entered, but I get a warning when editing users

Hi everyone I am experiencing a problem with my Backpack license, I bought the license for a single project, and I have inserted the license into my .Env file as described in the documentation:
And set APP_ENV=production.
The system seems to recognise the licence correctly (no yellow warning is shown when logging in), however when I try to edit my users, the yellow warning appears with the words: "User editing is disabled in the demo version".
What's wrong?
I should point out that I have not activated the cache, but as a test I have also run the command as suggested: php artisan config:clear, but I still get this warning.
Can anyone help me? Thank you.
It sounds like you've created your project starting from the Backpack demo. That's just an example Laravel + Backpack installation, to show off its features, it should not be used for real-life projects. Notice the demo docs page says:
Don't use this demo to start your real projects. Please use the recommended installation procedure. You don't want all the bogus entities we've created. You don't want all the packages we've used. And you definitely don't want the default admin user. Start from scratch.
I recommend you create a new Laravel project, then install Backpack on top of it, then copy-paste your custom code in that new project. That will not only fix the inability to edit things, but many other problems like the ones listed in the quote above.

restore published agent version back to dialogflow

My production agent/action version differs from my draft version in dialogflow. I want to restore my published production version back to dialogflow - I didn't export the zip at the time. Is there a way to get the production version back to current version in dialogflow?
Not sure if you have tackled this but you can probably try this (i haven't personally tried it myself). Go to the gear icon in dialogflow. Under general, turn on enable beta features and api. You will now see an environment tab on top. Click that and there is a link to view all versions. Then for the production version, there is 3 vertical dots link beside it.. click it and select Load to draft.
Hope that helps!

Locate NetSuite Outlook integration plugin download link

We recently installed the Outlook bundle in NetSuite, however the link to actually download the addon for Outlook never displays. Any idea how to get this to show up?
The link should show up in the Settings portlet on your Home Screen.
Here are the direct links to the the download page and installer:
You said:
We attempted using these links after confirming we followed all setup steps correctly and still failed to see the downloads. Unfortunately still ran into an issue with .Net & VB Tools during install. Perhaps there is an issue with Win10?
Did Netsuite move your data center? If so then the link would be:
Replace the ? with your regional data center number. Worked for me.

How to set an app icon in JavaFX

I am programming a JavaFX app for windows and want to see an app icon in these situations
shortcut icon (on desktop, windows start menu)
taskbar icon (even when the app is pinned to the task-bar)
(optional) the .exe-icon
The following code seems to do its job quite nice, but when the app is running and I press right to the taskbar to choose "pin this program" the default coffee cup is shown again. The cup is shown in the moment when the taskbar-item is right-clicked -.-
visibleStage.getIcons().add(new Image(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("JavaFXApp.png")));
I tried to build the app by configuring the Artifact in IntelliJ (JavaFX-plugin) and I also deployed the app with the javafx-maven-plugin...
I also followed some instructions I found in the net and here on stackoverflow, but nothing really helps (see here to get an idea, what I tried).
Building the app by Ant doensnt work right now, IntelliJ gives a lot of errors using this build tool.
Thanks in advance.
It's getting silly.. After zooming in the output folder the correct .ico of the .exe will be shown. Inconstancy at it's best.
Here the half-working config:
Well, to add an icon to the app, you just need as you said to .add() an icon as:
primaryStage.getIcons().add(new Image(getClass().getResourceAsStream("icon.png")));
For your installer, and all, I can't really help, but the way I do it works, I'm using innosetup to generate my exe packages, and it's really easy to set it an icon. You can find informations about it on that site I learned about inno setup:
The whole page is about deployment using ant and inno setup to build the exe

Automatic Online Upgrade

I installed Acrobat Reader 9.0 last month,
Each time I open a pdf document, I get small icon which says some updates are available,
If I say, it goes ahead and install the updates.
Anyone know what is the technology behind this , any paper, details.
Nothing fancy, when you launch the program it "phones home" to Adobe and checks its current version against the latest one available. Typically it's a simple HTTP exchange, although some products may use something besides HTTP/HTTPS.