License code entered, but I get a warning when editing users - laravel-backpack

Hi everyone I am experiencing a problem with my Backpack license, I bought the license for a single project, and I have inserted the license into my .Env file as described in the documentation:
And set APP_ENV=production.
The system seems to recognise the licence correctly (no yellow warning is shown when logging in), however when I try to edit my users, the yellow warning appears with the words: "User editing is disabled in the demo version".
What's wrong?
I should point out that I have not activated the cache, but as a test I have also run the command as suggested: php artisan config:clear, but I still get this warning.
Can anyone help me? Thank you.

It sounds like you've created your project starting from the Backpack demo. That's just an example Laravel + Backpack installation, to show off its features, it should not be used for real-life projects. Notice the demo docs page says:
Don't use this demo to start your real projects. Please use the recommended installation procedure. You don't want all the bogus entities we've created. You don't want all the packages we've used. And you definitely don't want the default admin user. Start from scratch.
I recommend you create a new Laravel project, then install Backpack on top of it, then copy-paste your custom code in that new project. That will not only fix the inability to edit things, but many other problems like the ones listed in the quote above.


Xcode Build Fails on Archive, but the Build does not Fail on Run with ResearchKit

What I am trying to achieve is to archive the app and still have a working consent form on the app.
Although this piece of code is deprecated and says to use ORKInstructionStep I haven't found anywhere how to use ORKInstructionStep instead of ORKVisualConsentStep.
Whenever I try to Archive the app I keep getting this problem. Still, I also can't remove the ORKVisualConsentStep because I haven't been able to find anywhere how to add the consentDocument otherwise.
I've looked at so many other tutorials and all of them use the ORKVisualConsentStep and haven't seen anyone that has had this problem show how to still keep the consent form working. I can get the app running on a phone but I can't get it to archive so not entirely sure what is going on.
Any insight would be beneficial thank you
If you don't know how to added all frameworks, libraries and Embedded contents then you can find shown below what I shared and you can remove it. Please check after your local files remove it.
I managed to fix the problem by using cocoapods to install the ResearchKit framework instead of dragging ResearchKit into my project. It now archives however I had to comment out this line of code instructionStep.imageContentMode = .scaleAspectFit for my survey tasks.

Installation of TYPO3 v9.5 fails in last step because of missing PHP library "argon2i"

I am trying to install TYPO3 v9.5.3 for the first time and fail in the last step of the installation routine (after submitting the form with the login details for the admin user).
As far as I could track this issue down, I think the problem is that I don't have the required library for argon2i compiled into PHP.
Now I found a very similar problem description here, but I am not able to change the algorithm in the process of the installation.
Is there a way to use "bcrypt" or "phpass" right from the beginning (during installation)?
According to, PHP 7.2 brings Argon2i support out of the box.
Also, this documentation page also says it falls back to other hashing algorithms if argon2i is not available.
So I guess that your guess about the missing lib is not the real reason.
Your question also does not explain what your actual error/problem is, so there is nothing more we can do here.
Untested but you can try to create typo3conf/AdditionalConfiguration.php before starting the installation process and put this into the file:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['BE']['passwordHashing']['className'] = 'TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Crypto\\PasswordHashing\\BcryptPasswordHash';

Oops, an error occurred - after TYPO3 Upgrade 7.6 to 8.7

I tried manually upgrade TYPO3 from 7.6.6 to 8.7.16 and received: Oops, an error occurred! I can't login to TYPO3.
I apologize for the brief description but I was very tired after a many hours trying to remove the errorenter image description here. The error looks just like the image, but at the beginning there was a white screen ...
Over the years I have not had problems installing TYPO3 (still Versions 3 and 4), but I had a break in use. I do not have access to SSH. I also assume Symlink was mistakenly set by the admin, and that's why I had to do it manually.
Similarly, because I did not have access and I did it manually... I noticed that there are also changes in installation, perhaps a problem.
First step to do after an upgrade is to open the install-tool primary to alter tables for new requirements:
There you have to open the upgrade-wizard and follow the shown steps.
You also get the option shown to install compatibility-7, an extension that adds a compatibility-layer for older extensions. You can enter that step and afterwards still decide if to install it or not. In the wizard the logic is that the option will be shown and no matter about your decision it will be marked as done, so that it won't be shown another time again usually.
In your case it's better to follow the update-instructions rather than the install-instructions:

Accidentally published CompositeC1 with precompile on

I accidentally published Composite C1 from Visual Studio with "Precompile during publishing" when I first set it up and have now come to realize that several plugins do not work with precompile turned on. Unfortunately I have no idea how to reverse this. I've tried several things to no avail. I usually end up with a 500.0 error. If I go to the admin interface everything is working properly, and I can even preview the pages, but from the customer side all I get is a 500.0 error.
Of course I could republish from the Visual Studio project I have, but that project has the default template on it. I've tried copying what appears to be changed on the server to the original project but I end up with a 500 error. I've tried removing all the precompiled stuff on the server but I end up with a 500 error. I'm pretty lost.
At this point I'm willing to do anything. Is there a doc explaining how to copy the content to a newly downloaded copy, kind of like an upgrade doc but "side-grading"? I am using the most current version at the time of writing this 4.2 Update 1
Thank you
Solved use the PackageCreator suggested by wysocki's answer. It was not exactly straight forward to create the package. The errors can very cryptic at times. So here are some of the issues I encountered and how I got past them:
wysocki was correct to suggesting starting with a bare bones installation even though my original project was started with the Venus theme. I tried both ways.
I encountered issues with the MasterLayout and the Page Template Features which are currently not supported by the PackageCreator, although they may be supported in future versions. The solution was to add the missing elements to the fresh C1 project from the original C1 installation in the App_Data/PageTemplates and App_Data/PageTemplateFeatures folders.
A few times I ran into an issue where I added the same page or function twice to the PackageCreator. This was obviously my fault, but it should be mentioned that you can add the same site element twice which throws and error on import. Make sure you are careful to only getting one of each when creating the package to be exported.
If you are getting and error and it uses and Id like "4061397b-ee9e-4512-984d-f2b2d41eb654" I've found that it was very helpful to extract the zip file you are trying to import and then search the extracted folders for that Id. The lines with the Id usually have more information on them that will help you to identify exactly what content page or whatever the error is being generated from.
If you are using installed packages in your project like SimpleSearch for example, make sure you don't add it's functions to the PackageCreator. Install them separately.
I had an issue where I somehow had an element in the Data section that didn't have a "type". The error simply "The type cannot be empty". This was obviously tough to find so I suppose the lesson is, less is more. If you think your project might have a few elements that are unnecessary, don't add them at first and see if the project you import them into complains about missing them. It's much easier to troubleshoot missing elements than it is to figure out which element is causing the issue that you really didn't need.
Is there a doc explaining how to copy the content to a newly downloaded copy
You can try and export content / templates / anything else related to a "package" via Composite.Tools.PackageCreator.
Its latest version gives you quite a lot of flexibility in what you can export ("package") - please its user manual.
Once the package is made and downloaded, you can go on and install it on a new website. If you export / import a lot of content / templates etc, it makes sense to have a "Bare Bones" site as the new one.
All the starter sites like "Neptune", "Venus" are installed as a bunch of packages in specific order during Composite C1's initial setup.

Configuring VB6 with VSS 2005

I have configured VB6 with VSS 2005, following functionality working fine :
Check In and Check Out of code
Get Latest Version
Showing error when code Check Out by another user.
Showing error if use try to edit code without Check In ( only when user takes latest version)
Difference I am finding in VB.Net and VB6 configuration with VSS are :
Code not getting Check In automatically when user try to edit code, without Check In Code.
Not allowing user to save changes and Check In code later after 1 or 2 days. User require Check In code before closing code.
Showing "Path/File access error:" for .vbp file.When user tries to save code on machine.
Allowing user to edit code without Check in when user opens the code first time.
I did all the settings mentioned in this link.
As MarkJ mentioned the vbp file is always saved when the application runs. You can cancel out of the dialog to run the project anyway but this is more hassle than just right clicking on the project root and checking out.
I am using Team Foundation Server with my VB6 projects and there is no auto check out in this either. I'm afraid you will have to live with it until you port the code the .NET
As I mentioned heredead link: WayBack version there is also a problem when you have some files or documents not in SourceSafe.
Specifically (as I still document here), when some of the files of a project are not associated with SourceSafe often no files have their SourceSafe status glyphs displayed.
The workaround I found was displaying the Add Files dialogue and then cancelling it. I offer my public domain add-in that automatically implements this workaround.
And BTW, make sure you install the latest VSS Service Pack.