Relationship History - facebook

I'm pretty new to Facebook development and am trying to wrap my head around the what you do and don't have access to. I've done some searching through the forums and the googles but haven't found much on getting historical data.
I would like to access two things from an 'authenticated' user:
1) Is a history of relationship status' of their immediate friends. - It doesn't look like Facebook gives out past information, but thought I would put it out there.
2) Once you have user authenticated are you able to access their friends likes/dislikes, interests?
Thanks for all the help in advance its much appreciated!

Facebook friend history is not available. Only current list of friends is, and there is no date available as to when they became freinds. You can get a lot of information about friends by asking for extended permissions such as friends_likes, friends_interests, etc.


Facebook Graph API Get feed/posts is missing wall posts

I am building a basic app for a research project. Basically, we want to see if brain surgery alters behavior based on user's facebook posts and interactions. In other words, we are trying to read all wall posts from specific users.
My initial ideas was this: As long as the researcher is friend's with the subject, I can call and A combination of those two should give me all relevant posts.
This works perfectly for some users, but for others, I'm only getting some random posts while missing many others. For some users, I'm not getting anything at all. I cannot find any pattern as to when posts are shown and when not. Does anyone have an idea what the problem could be and how to solve it?
I'm using the read_stream permission.
The most likely answer is that the user's friend disabled API platform access in their settings or locked down the privacy in some of their posts.

Public API to Gather Facebook Check-ins by Location

I hate to just ask a question like this, but the StackOverflow community is just so freaking responsive... I can't resist...
We all know about FourSquare and their API. You can search for checkins by location because foursuare is pretty public. My question is, is there any similar API available for Facebook where I can see anonymous checkin data by location? Checkins/post locations/etc.
I am leaning towards "no", but I thought I'd ping the crowd first.
Thanks in advance!
I am pretty sure this is not available since any checkin object requires the respective permissions to read it.So even if you somehow got a bunch of Checkin object would be unable to retrieve any of the detailed data about them.

Share to multiple friends walls on Facebook from my website

I will try to be as clear as I can with my request but as I am still unsure as to what I am looking for I might come across as vague.
I was hoping I could get some help understanding the best approach to allowing a user to post a link with an attached image to the walls of a selection of their friends on Facebook. There are lot of approaches and answers out there but I am having trouble determining what is best.
Thanks for helping me see straight
Its really up to the user if your using the JS toolkit.
Click share under your question. Then when dialog pops up you get the option of where to share it.
So solution 1) leave it in the hands of the user.
If you want to force them into share on friends wall you will need to find something that does this or
The DIY approach would be to have your site /app do oAuth authentication. Pass that to an oauth library and then list a users friends maybe with
Then issue the appropriate graph request to post to each one's time line.
The choice is yours but those are the 2 approaches I know of.

Retrieving friend's likes from the Facebook Graph API

Howdy- I have been tooling around with the Facebook Graph API and successfully retrieved back a list of my likes, and a list of my friends (once I authenticated using OAuth). But what I really want to achieve is pulling back my friend's likes. When I try and do that, obviously using the same URL that I use to pull back my own likes but subbing the friend's user id for "me", I don't get anything back, unless they have installed the app as well. Then I get them no problem. To be clear, I can only see the likes of friends who have installed my application. So clearly I am running into a security/rights issue of some sort.
I could see where this would be the case; you simply aren't allowed to see your friend's likes unless they have installed the same app. Fair enough, but then how is doing it? I even tried using FQL without much luck. I suspect I am missing something totally obvious. Anyone had any luck with this? Maybe with the Javascript API or one of the other access methods? Thanks in advance for any guidance.
Your application needs the permission "friends_likes".
Check for more info on the different permissions.
This SO answer might help if you're having trouble with the authentication / permission request process.

Merge Twitter Outh and Facebook Connect Friends

Basically what I want to do is download all a users facebook and twitter friends and somehow find a way to figure out which entries represent the same person. I know it's possible because a lot of social search sites like spokeo achieve what I want and more, so does anyone know how they go about doing it or the best way to go about it?
I have a basic idea of the facebook and twitter api calls I need to be making however feel free to add any advice or warnings there as well. I know facebook hashes the emails which seems like it could pose a problem.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I would allow the users to make associations themselves. Then use these associations as suggestions for future users. Over time you'll gather quite a well made associations from your users. Possibly using email addresses and names as suggestion points.
tried using hybridauth, you will get the emails from facebook and twitter which you can use to build the relationships needed