Public API to Gather Facebook Check-ins by Location - facebook

I hate to just ask a question like this, but the StackOverflow community is just so freaking responsive... I can't resist...
We all know about FourSquare and their API. You can search for checkins by location because foursuare is pretty public. My question is, is there any similar API available for Facebook where I can see anonymous checkin data by location? Checkins/post locations/etc.
I am leaning towards "no", but I thought I'd ping the crowd first.
Thanks in advance!

I am pretty sure this is not available since any checkin object requires the respective permissions to read it.So even if you somehow got a bunch of Checkin object would be unable to retrieve any of the detailed data about them.


What choose Instagram Graph API or old API

I wonder if it is possible to use a new Instagram Graph API only for hobby purpose(small java application). The main aim is to process only user's data that is currently log in on instagram(not other's user data). Generally I'm a beginner on this field and I try to determine my chances for writing this kind of application, because I've read that sometimes it is hard to get permission to API from facebook, so maybe somebody know how it works in practice?
From what I can tell on the docs site, the Graph API is only used if you're making something for Business Accounts. The docs say that if making something for non-business users, to use the old API.
Reference here:
I personaly suggest you to use new graph API, because older API support may be disabled in future and might be deprecated in future.
Moreover, Facebook does not give permission easily but you give proper & exact content if allows you and provide great support.

Use Facebook Graph API to Remove Friend Connections

I have a question about weather something is or is not possible with Facebook's API.
Can a server side script have access to a users account and remove a tag associated with another person? Or remove photos that has a particular friend in it (obviously only if the person has been tagged)?
For instance maybe I want to remove all connections I have with another person, can the Facebook API graph allow me to do so if I specify the individual?
I am not looking for how to do so, I am first trying to find out if this is even possible. I have been pouring over documentation but it is something that I do not completely understand and I will not be the one writing code.
Any help or direction will be great, thanks!
No you can't unfriend a person through the API. Even deleting photos is impossible, unless the app created the photos in the first place. There are numerous other threads on SO about this, as well as forums posts about people that have struggled with problems in the recent past. You can't even delete a tag of a photo through the API even though DELETE methods exist in the documentation and indicate that it should work. When making the calls people receive oauth error results, and there is probably still a pending bug report about this behavior, but no expectation that FB plans to fix it anytime soon.
In general they are happy to let you add a lot of content, but they don't want to let you remove it -- and that goes double for the API.

Find 'posts viewed by user' facebook graph api FQL

I am trying to build an algo which is quiet similar to edgerank algo of facebook. I am kind of missing 'edges' part, which is about user view anyone's post and hence creates an edge in this. Is there a way to get the posts user has viewed irrespective of user liked/commented on them. Apparently I believe this is somewhat not feasible after doing some research on graph/fql. But, did anyone of you came across anything like this?
No, there is no way, via an API or any other method open to developers, to see what posts the user has or has not seen. The only thing you could go by is likes, comments, and shares. That's it.

Is it possible to access insights data on a particular Open Graph story via one of the Facebook APIs?

Given an Open Graph story ID, is it possible to read insights Impression and Referral data on the story via any of the Facebook APIs?
A thorough review of the API documentation suggests it's not (but FB's API docs can get out of date) and previous SO questions have not been promising (but none of the answers seem definitive and anyway times change). Something like the following seems like a reasonable guess for where they might be available:[og_story_id]/insights
Testing queries along those lines does not error, but also hasn't turned up any real data.
As a addendum and potential hack, is it possible to access the comment or like count for an Open Graph story?
It is not possible to update the existing isight using the endpoint the only it allow only the get request post and put is not allowed for this end point

Relationship History

I'm pretty new to Facebook development and am trying to wrap my head around the what you do and don't have access to. I've done some searching through the forums and the googles but haven't found much on getting historical data.
I would like to access two things from an 'authenticated' user:
1) Is a history of relationship status' of their immediate friends. - It doesn't look like Facebook gives out past information, but thought I would put it out there.
2) Once you have user authenticated are you able to access their friends likes/dislikes, interests?
Thanks for all the help in advance its much appreciated!
Facebook friend history is not available. Only current list of friends is, and there is no date available as to when they became freinds. You can get a lot of information about friends by asking for extended permissions such as friends_likes, friends_interests, etc.