How to create an image app for iphone? - iphone

I was wondering how to go about creating an image app for the iphone. I know how to create an iphone app. I was just wondering what the best way to make an image app is. I want the user to be able to import an image, and then the app will add an effect to it like blur it or tint it or warp it. How can I do this? I've been searching forever. Please help.

I encourgae you to look into a few image processing libraries for iOS that are out there. A search on Google will return a few options..
Here's one >
You should also look into the sample code provided by Apple on GLImageProcessing >
Regarding importing pictures into your app; there are several examples out there on how to do so through the UIIMagePickerController. Here's one >


iOS Delete Button - Objective C

I was wondering where does one get access to iOS delete button. This is the button that Apple uses to close the iAd window, and for deleting iPhone apps from the home screen, and also the Twitter App uses it to delete the photo that you add to a tweet. Do they just download this image somewhere or is there an option for it somewhere like for the info button, and the detail disclosure.
I also found that Growl uses this icon along with Lion's Mission Control...
You can use UIKit Artwork Extractor to extract about any iOS artwork that is not public. Just search for close and you will find several close button png images.
Apple doesn't make that image available, unfortunately.
This iPad template has the icon you want, though, in a PSD:
If it's actually an image and the iOS Simulator displays it, it should be hidden somewhere inside the Simulator frameworks or support files.
What, you mean the circle with an X in it? It's pretty easy to make your own, either in an image editor or just drawing it in code. I can guarantee you that's what the Twitter app did.

Zoom support while page curling effect present in pdf reader app

I am developing an ipad Magazine app where I need to display pdf files.I am using leaves project for page curl effect.This works great.
But in landscape page fits to height(768px) and it becomes difficult to read the font.
Thats why I want to support zoom in/out on this view.
I am a newbie to Core Graphics.I think in leaves project they parse pdf to show image of each page.But I dont know why zoom is not supported if it is an image.
There are some more branches of leaves project for implementing this feature but all of them are not perfect.
Shall I continue using leaves or UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp/Down will help me for both the problems?
here is the code for your requirement. check out this
You can refer this tutorial. Provided by APPLE
Hope it helps.

Photo Slider Iphone

I want to make a slider just like CNN's iphone application has.
i search all over but i didn't get any help even any clue. If some one has any idea than please share it with me, so i will make this slider.
That way of displaying images is called Coverflow - see the question discussing open-source libraries for iphone with cover-flow implementation.
To the libraries listed there I would also add Tapku library.

What is the iPhone API or Class that does picture scrolling with the cool reflection effect?

For example, in CNN's iPhone app, if you rotate the phone into landscape mode, it shows all the stories as pictures that you can scroll with your finger. It looks really polished with even a "reflection" effect. I've seen another app also do this, leading me to believe that it is a standard iPhone SDK API.
Here is a link to a screenshot from the CNN app so you can see what I'm talking about:
Anyone know what Class this is?
Try this: Open source CoverFlow library for iPhone
Also do a google search for Coverflow. I think that might do what you want or something close to it.

iPhone button images

I use for images in my iPhone apps. However, button images are always lacking in the SDK. Are there any good resources for iPhone button images? These are different from the large number of iPhone app icon images that are available everywhere.
you mean like ?
Another good resource is
I just found and it's perfect for my beginner applications.