How do I post to Facebook a group of Links? - facebook

I know how to use Facebook Open Graph to create a wall post on any chosen member, however, I don't know how some applications post something like this:
The 'description' parameter contains 3 different urls. At first I thought they were posting HTML into the 'description' but it turned out Facebook blocks them in the first place.
Is there some hidden undocumented features of the Facebook API they are using? May be the old API had this but the new Open Graph doesnt?
The facebook app:
Facebook Post entity:

Are you just looking to use HTML? The "default" Wall is plain text. As far as I know you need to install an app to add HTML to your FB wall. Check out the app Advanced Wall to get HTML functionality.


Load comments from open graph object into Facebook comments social plugin

I have created a website connected my facebook app. Users can login and post a custom action connected to a custom object with open graph, javascript sdk. This will also post with 'fb:explicitly_shared' set to true so it will generate a post on the users timeline. So these custom objects have their own url and on those pages i want to have the comment plugin. And i want that object page (with the comments plugin) and the post on the users timeline to share comments.
I have tried setting a lot of different things in the "href"-property on the comments plugin but nothing seems to work. However i have managed to get the comments of the timeline post with a call to '/objectid/comments' with FB.api(). I can use that to build my own comments ui, but i rather use the comments social plugin. Is there any way to make it happen?
The Post ID and the Open Graph Object ID are different, so I do not believe that they can share comments. Comments are based off a single Facebook ID. Also, it is not currently possible to write comments to an Open Graph Object from the API (comments plugin only) so you can't really create your own comments plugin for an OG object.

Comments social plugin for Action post

I have an app app1 which defines a custom Facebook action act1.
When a user performs this action to an entity (ntt1) in my app, I post to API /me/app1:act1 with URL to ntt1 as its param, so that a post is generated on user's wall saying User act1'ed ntt1 where ntt1 is a link to ntt1's view page (with open graph meta data on its header).
Users can comment or like on this wall post regularly.
Now I want to show users' comments on ntt1's web page as well to share the comments and likes between the Facebook wall and ntt1's view page.
I tried using the Comments social plug-in, but don't know what to put in the data-href to point to the action_instance_id of the wall post.
I know I can simulate a comments box on my page using the graph API (and I've already done so), but this is not making a good ux, because the users need to authorize to my application to view this page (so that the java script API can fetch the comments from the Facebook).
Have you tried just pointing the data-href attribute to{user_name_or_id}/activity/{action-instance-id}
…? The docs for using actions say this is the URL you can use to “preview” the news feed story that this published action will generate (or rather has already generated, because without publishing the action first, you would not have an action-instance-id).
If you click on the “x minutes/hours/… ago” link for the feed story for one of your published actions, it should take you to a link that’s build using the same scheme.

Post an OpenGraph action for Like and Comment without using Like and Comments plugin

I am using GraphAPI to send comments and likes to a facebook photo from my site. The problem is I want to post the action to the user's wall, one which should be viewable from their friends' news feeds like "ChrisB liked a link" and "ChrisB commented on a link", where link is the photo's url on facebook. Of course I expect the photo thumb and name and description to appear on the post as well.
I have attempted to use custom OpenGraph actions and objects for these, but og:url won't accept facebook links now (which is odd because it still works for facebook pages). The error I'm getting from the linter is "Facebook urls cannot be crawled".
Is there any way to get the result that I want?
Instead of using a Facebook URL directly, try using links or some way of automating the redirection from your site to Facebook. For example, I would use the apache module mod_rewrite to create a page on my website, but have it redirect to Facebook.
E.g. 'fake page' would be{photo_id}.jpg, but have mod_rewrite redirect to{photo_id}

How to embed a Facebook page wall, into a website, with all actions of "Like", "Comment" on posts?

Is there a way to embed a Facebook page wall into a website? Without using Graph API?
I want to have the wall exactly as styled from Facebook, with all actions to Like, Comment and Share but from my website.
I'm sorry but there is no way to easy reproduce your wall on your website. You can easily get contents (but it will not reflect the facebook's wall as some content is filtered), using facebook's javascript sdk or graph api, but you won't be able to add universal like button using javascript sdk for every posts, as facebook requires to like some objects (like pages) directly with their like social plugin.
You can check a lot of facebook widgets you can easily implement on your website using Javascript SDK on the fbrell application.
Happy facebook programming!
Based on these requirements, would an iframe produce the desired effect? Maybe even a regular frame? (I haven't used those in a long time, so I don't remember if there's some restriction that would prevent loading external content with them).
When you say you want these actions "from your website" what exactly do you mean? Do you just want to wrap the Facebook content with your own (in a frame) or do you want to actually do something locally with these actions, intercepting them somehow?
You will need to use FBML. or custom code from for using Graph API, i dont think you can do it any other way. look up facebook documentaion for details.
There is no way you can embed the same wall, yet you can use paste your wall's contents on your webpage,
If you want Share, Like and comment button to perform action on your webstie then you have to create your own db and user management
Share, Like and Comment buttons which will effect your original wall in facebook is not possible.
double think. I have been working on a Wall Feed for Pages for some time now, what you are looking for can be done, but you would need to use the Graph API to accomplish..
Sample Here Likes, Commenting is disabled.
Emulates the Wall for
I used a combination of Graph API "PHP-SDK 3.1.1", "Javascript SDK". This can be done with pure client side Javascript though.

Get Facebook Page Wall Stream

I want to get the posts (only from the band, not others) from a Facebook Page Wall (its a Band, so no private profile) and publish it on MY own site.
I hoped to get the Posts as XML or JSON and then parse them.
So I wanted to use Facebook as a news System.
But I didn't find a solution - I don't want to have the user to log in with his account to see anything - it should be just a public stream.
The only idea I found was to use twitter as an export mechanism, but that's kind of elaborate.
Does anybody have an idea?
You could use the Facebook php sdk:
It ends up looking like this:
$fb_config = array(
'appId' => $yourAppId,
'secret' => $yourSecret,
$facebook = new Facebook($fb_config);
$feed = $facebook->api("/{$nameOfFaceBookPage}/feed");
That will give you an array of feed stories.
I assume you created a facebook page for your band and it has url in such format:<band_name>/<page_id>
In this case you can read wall posts in json format using Graph API (no login required):<page_id>/feed
If you only want posts from "me", can't you just use the Like Box social plugin and show the stream? This plugin will only show posts from the page owner.
I am developing a similar app and after a lot of searching finally accomplished
enter your page wall id after .com and in the access token get your own access token from Graph - API explorer
Then exchange that token for a longer for a longer lived one that is for 60 days and you are good to go
Some time ago I had your same problem and I was looking for something very simple to publish feeds of facebook pages, but I didn’t find any solution on the web.
What I want to achieve are the post (only from my personal fan page, not the other) of the bulletin board (facebook wall) of a FB page (this is a fan page, not private profiles) and publish it on my site.
I was hoping to get the posts in JSON or XML format and then encode them so as to use FB as a news system. Unfortunately I haven’t found any kind of solution because I don’t want the user has to log in his account to see something so it must be a flow of pubblic feed.
So, I decided to code the plugin. Here the link to the tutorial: