Problems adding credit card for app verification - facebook

I'm trying to create a test app, which requires giving Facebook a credit card for verification (or a cellphone, which I don't have). Unfortunately, when I enter my credit card information (and it's all correct and valid), I get the error:
Sorry, we were unable to process your order at this time.
How can I add a credit card and verify an app?

There seem to be two different methods for adding a credit card - The obvious one is directly through the standard Accounts page.
The second, is through another page, but I haven't found where the page comes from. This (hard-to-find) second page worked fine for me. I added my credit card, and was able to create a test app with no further problems.
Update - I finally received a response from the Facebook support team, and they suggested that I use the second link, to fix the problem. While I'm sure the comments are correct, that this is an orphan link - it's still a bit funny.


How to register test number when using WhatsApp Business API

I'm trying to send test message on WhatsApp Business API
it took a day until I was shown a test number on "from" option
now I need to register the test phone but don't know how.
the register link take me to the configuration page,
but there is no option to register
Here is my WhatsApp account:
You can't add any testing phone numbers, Facebook App by default provides one, that you can see in From dropdown,
You can add only productions phone numbers, follow the below ways,
You can find the option in your Facebook App > Getting Started under WhatsApp menu,
Second, you can add from Your Business Setting,
Read more about how to register a phone number in WhatsApp Business,
I also experienced this, it seems to be a bug in facebook itself or some lock in relation verified business, I did a test by creating a new business account and also a new application for this account , I activated whatsapp business and everything worked perfectly. But when I try to do the same procedure with an already verified account, the test number requests some kind of registration and also sends a notification that the test number was not approved. Unfortunately I haven't found any solution for this yet.
notification refused number

Why are my PayPal Checkout buttons not opening a link to the PayPal Sandbox?

I am trying for the first time to implement a PayPal Checkout solution (aka PayPal Commerce Platform for Business) in an ASP.NET Web Application, using Web Forms. I've set up a new REST API for the Sandbox and followed PayPal's Set up server-side SDK guidance to install the SDK in my .NET project. PayPal's button demo now lets me log into the Sandbox with a newly created Sandbox user name and make a test payment, which is confirmed as being successful. So far, so good.
My next step was to create a PayPalButton.aspx page containing exactly the same code as used on Paypal's button demo page. All my updated code was then uploaded to my live site. That's when I hit a problem, as the PayPal buttons don't work on my live site (the PayPal log in window just briefly flashes and then disappears). Being a total newbie to the Paypal Checkout process, it's highly likely that I have made some very basic error.
The only thing I can think of is that my problem might have something to do with the section in Set up server-side SDK that refers to modifying HTTP request headers? I didn't understand what that section was asking me to do.
What routes/paths did you implement the create order and capture order functions at? What data do they return? Update your question with this information. For the create order route, is the data a valid JSON object with a PayPal order ID in the id key?
Have you set the paths in your "PayPalButton.aspx" HTML/JS code to call the aforementioned routes? Your question does not include any specific information about what is going on, i.e. your button code and the result (Response body) of the fetch calls from the browser's developer tools 'Network' tab.
This morning, I managed to resolve the problem with my PayPalButton.aspx page just briefly flashing the PayPal login page. As previously mentioned, it contains a script copied from PayPal's button demo. I then realised that it was different from the sample script provided on the Integrate Checkout page.
I created a new PayPalButton2.aspx page containing this alternative script and, unlike PayPalButton.aspx, it worked fine. In both cases, I had substituted my own Sandbox ClientID.

How can i fix or handle the Generic error "PAYMENT_ALREADY_DONE" with paypal sandbox?

You guys are my last hope... I created a website with WordPress and I'm using woocommerce. I have been doing test transactions in the PayPal sandbox. And it was working, but suddenly started to give this error in PayPal
And each time cancels my orders. I tried to solve the issue by adding a prefix to the order number but still is giving me that error. I am only using one shop.
and I've checked everywhere for hours, for most people it was a problem of forgetting to change the sandbox PayPal account to their real business account, for others it was because they weren't using a prefix and had more than one shop. All the others never got any answer or help.
how can i fix this?
By the way, after the process paypal redirects de user to cancel order page of woocomerce but in the woocomercer order panel appears te order was made.
in the image below you can see the order were created and the random prefix and subfix i added to order numbers.

Unable to use sandbox accounts

I really need your help guys. Since two hours I'm facing with a very strange problem related to Paypal Sandbox. I read lot of answers here on stack overflow but none of them helps me.
I'll try the explain my problem: when I create a new sandbox account (respecting all rules like password strength, load balance etc.) I receive the "success" message, the account is created and visible in the list, but when I open it using "Profile" button I receive this error message (and is really a problem because I need to get the username, password and signature to work in sandbox mode):
Account Details
Your request is still processing, please wait...
No difference between "Buyer" or "Seller" account, it always fail.
I've tried in many ways (using notes, changing email address, using custom numbers into email) but nothing is work for me.
Someone can suggest me what can I do?
Thank you very much.
I think I've found a temporary solution to works with PayPal sandbox.
Instead of create an account using "Create Account" button you have to register a new account using sandbox website.
In details:
Go To:
Register a Business Account
Go To: and click con "Click Here". This link is placed in the Second paragraph of the page:
Want to link existing Sandbox Account with your developer account? Click Here and provide credentials of your sandbox account
You will be redirect to sandbox paypal web site, if you don't do anything it will recognize your previous register account (anyway, if not, you have to login with the new created account), procede with linking process and after you will have, in the list of accounts, a new one with "Profile" button ready to show you informations necessary to works.
I don't understand way paypal release an important tool like this with a lot of bugs. No response received from no one.
BugPal your are luky because we needs you but please, improve your development process! :#
Looks like a general problem on Paypal side. We see same issues with two of our accounts. It was working last friday.

Facebook Developer Account Verify

I created a new Facebook account and verified it with my cell phone. I even see "Your mobile phone has been successfully verified." in address.
So, everything seems perfect.
Then, I became Facebook friends with my friend (he is also verified and already created an Application). We are trying to add ME as an ADMIN for this Facebook Application from HIS account.
Even though both are completely verified by phone, HE canNOT add me as ADMIN for that application. He is getting
Only verified developers can be added as listed developers of this application. Read for details.
message all the time.
We waited more than an hour just in case the Facebook system did not recognize my new verification.
In fact, I even tried removing the phone number and get verified again.
None of above did work and still getting the message which does not allow me to become an Admin of the application.
Could you help me?
Thanks in advance
I've heard of people having all kinds of problems with the developer section of
One resolution seems to be to log out of both accounts and log back in again.
It turns out that, facebook itself does not accept my account and thinks it is duplicate account. And in order to make them believe the Facebook team want me to provide these below:
Our systems indicated that your account may not be authentic based on
a variety of factors. If you believe you are being prevented from
creating apps by mistake, please reply to this email with a digital
image of your government-issued identification. Make sure the
identification you provide meets all of the following requirements:
Must be government-issued (e.g. passport, driver's license)
Must be in color
Must clearly show your full name, date of birth, and photo
If possible, please save this file in JPEG image format.
I dont know why they are making such a huge problem.
In my case, I used phone number to login my account and hadn't any email attached. after adding email as a primary contact I was able to verify my developer account.