How can I display super script number in text view iphone sdk? - iphone

I want to display super script number in a simple text view can any one help me for that?

UITextView can't handle rich text so if you want to have superscripted numbers you have to build up a string using the unicode characters for superscripted numbers, e.g.
NSString *super0 = #"\u2070";
Gives you a superscripted zero. You can find the rest of the numerals here on wikipedia. You'll have to build up the string yourself from the individual digits but that will be a nice programming exercise.

Under the Edit menu in Xcode there is a Special Characters option.

int no=1;
NSString *str=#"xyz";
*yourtextView*.text=[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%d",str,no];


Converting emoji from hex code to unicode

I want to use emojis in my iOS and Android app. I checked the list of emojis here and it lists out the hex code for the emojis. When I try to use the hex code such as U+1F600 directly, I don't see the emoji within the app. I found one other way of representing emoji which looks like \uD83D\uDE00. When using this notation, the emoji is seen within the app without any extra code. I think this is a Unicode string for the emoji. I think this is more of a general question that specific to emojis. How can I convert an emoji hex code to the Unicode string as shown above. I didn't find any list where the Unicode for the emojis is listed.
It seems that your question is really one of "how do I display a character, knowing its code point?"
This question turns out to be rather language-dependent! Modern languages have little trouble with this. In Swift, we do this:
$ swift
Welcome to Apple Swift version 3.0.2 (swiftlang-800.0.63 clang-800.0.42.1). Type :help for assistance.
1> "\u{1f600}"
$R0: String = "😀"
In JavaScript, it is the same:
$ node
> "\u{1f600}"
In Java, you have to do a little more work. If you want to use the code point directly you can say:
new StringBuilder().appendCodePoint(0x1f600).toString();
The sequence "\uD83D\uDE00" also works in all three languages. This is because those "characters" are actually what Unicode calls surrogates and when they are combined together a certain way they stand for a single character. The details of how this all works can be found on the web in many places (look for UTF-16 encoding). The algorithm is there. In a nutshell you take the code point, subtract 10000 hex, and spread out the 20 bits of that difference like this: 110110xxxxxxxxxx110111xxxxxxxxxx.
But rather than worrying about this translation, you should use the code point directly if your language supports it well. You might also be able to copy-paste the emoji character into a good text editor (make sure the encoding is set to UTF-8). If you need to use the surrogates, your best best is to look up a Unicode chart that shows you something called the "UTF-16 encoding."
In Delphi XE #$1F600 is equivalent to #55357#56832 or D83D DE04 smile.
Within a program, I use it in the following way:
const smilepage : array [1..3] of WideString =(#$1F600,#$1F60A,#$2764);
JavaScript - two way
let hex = "😀".codePointAt(0).toString(16)
let emo = String.fromCodePoint("0x"+hex);
console.log(hex, emo);

Star symbol too small in a dialer-like view

I'm trying to create a dialer-like application:
I'm using [UIFont systemFontOfSize:33]. The problem is that the Asterisk symbol is too small in comparison to the numbers and '#'.
I printed 123*# in all 61 available iOS6 fonts and the star is smaller than other chars in all of them.
Does somebody have an idea how to solve this?
One thing I tried is changing font size only for * button. That works, but when I hit this button it appears small [off course] in the input above...
Hope my Question is clear.
Use a different character for the display. In Xcode, click on the Edit menu and select Special Characters. When the character viewer appears, type "asterisk" into the search field. Try one of the many other related symbols.
Depending on how you do this, you may need to replace the used symbol with a proper asterisk internally to use the result in a tel URL.
You can use attributedString and change the font size to big enough of all asterisks

Remove characters from string iOS

I have an XML which I am using to parse news. News have a description. I'm using NSString to show that description in UILabel.
But, the description comes like this:
Bad news for Windows’ the researches show that Windows’ for years....
And it is being showed with those unwanted characters in UILabel. The numbers are changing in every string. They are not the sames.
I want to remove the characters that begins with &# and the numbers that follow. How can I do that? Which string encoding format should I use?
Thanks a lot.
EDIT: I don't have just one string. If I remove &#8217 from this one, there might be &#7610 in another one. It won't be removed.
I can remove &# characters and numbers too. But when I do that, In a string like that "In 1980, Jobs told us to&#2540 do something" the output will be "In , Jobs told us to do something" 1980 will be gone too, but I don't want that. That's a problem either.
These are ASCAII symbols so you need to use utf-8 string.check this link
so use this line of code
NSString *resultString = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:myAsciiString];

Does IOS support all Unicode emojies?

Hello All,
I have a problem regarding Unicode characters. I'm able to append Apple Art Work Unicode Characters in UITextView.
Like this : -
self.textView.text = #"\ue00A";
It is Okay.
But now i have many Unicodes Characters which're not in Apple art work.
One of them is U+1F3C7
Now I'm trying to show it in UITextView.
self.textView.text = #"\u1f3c7";
Then it is showing me an Special Character instead of Emoji.
This is the Emoji Icon of this Unicode But it is showing me á¼¼7.
Apple doesn't support all Unicode Characters ?
How can I add my own emojies in my application ?
Let me know if my question is not clear for you.
Doesn't Objective-C use UTF-16 internally, like Java and C#?
If so, then U+1F3C7 wouldn't be "\u1f3c7", but the surrogate-pair, "\uD83C\uDFC7".
Otherwise, there has to be some way to indicate a higher character, because "\u1f3c7" is the same as "\u1f3c" + "7", which is á¼¼7 (capital iota with psili and oxia, then 7).
Edit: After some discussion between the OP and myself, we figured out that the way to do this in Objective C is one I know as the C++ way:
(\uXXXX with a small u and 4 hex digits works if it fits in thos 4 hex digits, \UXXXXXXXX with a capital U and 8 hex digits works for everything, but is longer to type).
Now our friend just needs to deal with the matter of font support, which alas is another problem in getting this to actually look as he wants.

Superscript, Subscript text with Core Text iPhone

Can anyone explain me, How to draw superscript and subscript alphabets with Core Text?
I noticed that this question is a bit old, I hope you still require assistance in this matter and that this post will help you.
you can use NSAttributedString (or its mutable counterpart NSMutableAttributedString) to assign different attributes (such as font, both name and size) to specific ranges of a single string.
Superscript and subscript are not natively supported by core text and to make them look good you might need to do quite a lot of work. Fortunately there is an open source project developed by Oliver Drobnik from cocoa genetics that allows you to easily convert HTML into NSAttributedString (or NSMutableAttributedString), feed it into a custom textview and show superscripts and subscripts (along with many other HTML and CSS) as they would appear in a UIWebview, but without the need to use a UIWebview. You can download the project from here.
While a lot of effort has been put into this project, there are two caveats:
The computations can be at times very performance intensive.
Not all HTML tags and CSS features are supported yet.
IF NSAttributedString is an acceptable solution you can create a superscript / subscript effect with NSAttributedString rather than Core Text. This is how I did it:
NSMutableAttributedString *str = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:myString];
// Everything except the first character is rendered with the regular size / position
[str addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName
range:NSMakeRange(1, [amountString length]-1)]; // Everything except the first character is rendered with the regular size / position
// First character is 5/8 normal size
[str addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName
value:[UIFont fontWithName:initialFont.fontName
range:NSMakeRange(0, 1)];
// Set the baseline offset to push the first character into a superscript position
[str addAttribute:#"NSBaselineOffset"
value:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:initialFont.pointSize*1/3]
range:NSMakeRange(0, 1)];
The key lines are the last two, which make the size of the super/sub script text smaller and change it's vertical position. It's worth noting that I'm using a string (#"NSBaselineOffset") instead of a defined attribute name constant (NSBaselineOffsetAttributeName). From what I was able to gather I believe that NSBaselineOffsetAttributeName is defined in the libraries for Mac but not for iOS (which I was developing for when I came up with this). As I result I used the name string itself rather than a constant for the attribute name.