Converting emoji from hex code to unicode - unicode

I want to use emojis in my iOS and Android app. I checked the list of emojis here and it lists out the hex code for the emojis. When I try to use the hex code such as U+1F600 directly, I don't see the emoji within the app. I found one other way of representing emoji which looks like \uD83D\uDE00. When using this notation, the emoji is seen within the app without any extra code. I think this is a Unicode string for the emoji. I think this is more of a general question that specific to emojis. How can I convert an emoji hex code to the Unicode string as shown above. I didn't find any list where the Unicode for the emojis is listed.

It seems that your question is really one of "how do I display a character, knowing its code point?"
This question turns out to be rather language-dependent! Modern languages have little trouble with this. In Swift, we do this:
$ swift
Welcome to Apple Swift version 3.0.2 (swiftlang-800.0.63 clang-800.0.42.1). Type :help for assistance.
1> "\u{1f600}"
$R0: String = "😀"
In JavaScript, it is the same:
$ node
> "\u{1f600}"
In Java, you have to do a little more work. If you want to use the code point directly you can say:
new StringBuilder().appendCodePoint(0x1f600).toString();
The sequence "\uD83D\uDE00" also works in all three languages. This is because those "characters" are actually what Unicode calls surrogates and when they are combined together a certain way they stand for a single character. The details of how this all works can be found on the web in many places (look for UTF-16 encoding). The algorithm is there. In a nutshell you take the code point, subtract 10000 hex, and spread out the 20 bits of that difference like this: 110110xxxxxxxxxx110111xxxxxxxxxx.
But rather than worrying about this translation, you should use the code point directly if your language supports it well. You might also be able to copy-paste the emoji character into a good text editor (make sure the encoding is set to UTF-8). If you need to use the surrogates, your best best is to look up a Unicode chart that shows you something called the "UTF-16 encoding."

In Delphi XE #$1F600 is equivalent to #55357#56832 or D83D DE04 smile.
Within a program, I use it in the following way:
const smilepage : array [1..3] of WideString =(#$1F600,#$1F60A,#$2764);

JavaScript - two way
let hex = "😀".codePointAt(0).toString(16)
let emo = String.fromCodePoint("0x"+hex);
console.log(hex, emo);


Is it possible to type in Furigana (and Ruby characters) using Unicode?

I am currently making a Corona app where I would like to include Japanese text. For those of you who do not know, it appears that Japanese has multiple languages to write in text (Kanji, Hiragana, etc.). Furigana is a way to have Kanji characters with Hiragana in what looks to be subtext (or Ruby characters). See the Ruby slide on this page for an example.
I am looking for a way to use Furigana in my app. I was hoping there was a way to do it using Unicode. Well, I stumbled upon the Interlinear Annotation characters and tested them out (using unicodeToUtf8 and the LastResort font) in Corona as follows: :
local iaAnchor = unicodeToUtf8(0xfff9)
local iaSep = unicodeToUtf8(0xfffa)
local iaTerm = unicodeToUtf8(0xfffb)
local options = {
parent = localGroup,
text = iaAnchor .. "漢" .. iaSep .. "かん" .. iaTerm .. iaAnchor .."字" .. iaSep .. "じ" .. iaTerm,
x = 285,
y = 195,
font = "LastResort",
fontSize = 24,
local testText = display.newText(options)
Unfortunately, I had no success and ended up getting something like this:
So, my question is, is it possible to get Furigana (and Ruby characters) to work using Unicode? Or is this not an actual usable feature in Unicode? I just want to make sure that I am not wasting my time trying to get this stuff to work.
I checked out the Interlinear Annotation Characters section in this Unicode report, but the jargon is a bit too thick for me to understand what they're trying to say. Are they implying at all that such characters should not be used in regular practice? If so, then the previous resources on Unicode Ruby Characters is a bit misleading.
Interlinear Annotation Characters are a generic tool for annotating text (like Furigana, Bopomofo, or other phonetic guides), but the Unicode Standard doesn't specify how they should be interpreted or rendered. That is, you will probably have to implement rendering support for them yourself because most libraries do not know what to do with them.
It might be easier to use a higher-level protocol that already supports rendering Ruby text. For example, if you have access to an API that can render HTML, you can use the <ruby>/<rt> tags—which have well-defined rendering semantics.

wxTextCtrl OSX mutated vowel

i am using wxMac 2.8 in non-unicode build. I try to read a file with mutated vowels "ü" to a wxtextctrl. When i do, the data gets interpreted as current encoding, but it is a multibyte string. I narrowed the problem down to this:
This is the result:
Note that the character count has doubled - printing the string in gdb displays "\303\274" and similar per original char. Typing "ü" or similar into the textctrl is no problem. I tried various wxMBConv methods but the result is always the same. Is there a way to solve this?
Best regards,
If you use anything but 7 bit ASCII, you must use Unicode build of wxWidgets. Just do yourself a favour and switch to it. If you have too much existing code that was written for "ANSI" build of wxWidgets 2.8 and earlier and doesn't compile with Unicode build, use wxWidgets 2.9 instead where it will compile -- and work as intended.
It sounds like your text editor (for program source code) is in a different encoding from the running program.
Suppose for example that your text entry control and the rest of your program are (correctly) using UTF-8. Now if your text editor is using some other encoding, then a string that looks fine on screen will actually contain garbage bytes.
Assuming you are in a position to help create a pure-UTF8 world, then you should:
1) Encode UTF-8 directly into the string literals using escapes, e.g. "\303" or "\xc3". That's annoying to do, but it means you just don't have to worry about you text editor (or the editor settings of other developers).
2) Then check that the program is using UTF-8 everywhere.

Getting first symbol from a glyph

Related (in fact, perhaps a duplicate of): how to extract characters from a Korean string in VBA
The linked question doesn't give me satisfactory answers and it's 2 years old so I'm making a new question.
I want to find the first symbol in a Korean glyph, ie. "한" -> "ㅎ" or "가" -> "ㄱ". I also want to recognize inputs that are already single symbols, such as "ㄱ".
I'm working with NSString, which I believe uses UTF-8. Do I have to convert the string to EUC-KR, then start reading bytes, or what?
As a disclaimer, I have no experience in working with iphone or NSString, except for what I've read in the documentation in order to answer this question. I'm addressing the question mainly as a unicode problem.
In order to find the first symbol (jamo) from a Korean glyph, you have to perform a decomposition as described in my answer to how to extract characters from a Korean string in VBA (it's a new answer so you didn't see it when you posted your question). To apply my answer (which is derived directly from the Unicode standard), you have to work with the Unicode code points (numerical values) of the Korean syllables. It looks like calling the method dataUsingEncoding passing NSUnicodeStringEncoding as a parameter should do the trick.
In order to identify single symbols, you have to check whether the Unicode code point of the character you are checking is in any of the following ranges:
1100-11FF (Hangul Jamo). I think this should cover most of the real life cases.
A960-A97F (Hangul Jamo Extended-A)
D7B0-D7FF (Hangul Jamo Extended-B)
3130-318F (Hangul Compatibility Jamo)
FFA0-FFDC (Halfwidth Jamo)
Check the Unicode Code Charts for a complete reference.

How to convert unicode escape code to character in Objective C (on iPhone)

I have a string that contains unicode escape codes, eg. #"D\u017cem" (\u017c is code for ż). I would like to convert that string to the one containg actual characters. In the example that would be #"Dżem".
Is there any method in SDK or library that can do such replacement AND work on iPhone?
(Obviously I can do the replacement myself, changing characters one by one, but it is rather cumbersome)
According to Apple,
It is not safe is to include high-bit characters in your source code
Note that the "universal character name" \u017c is replaced at compile time with an implementation-defined value which in practice is the UTF8 representation, so the end result is the same as you would get if you (correctly) did the replacement you are talking about. If you're having a problem with some other source-processing tool, you might be better served by teaching that tool to recognize C99 universal character names.
I suggest to start using NSLocalizedString()

wxWidgets and Unicode

i want to use korean translations under in my - quite large - wxwidgets application. The application uses the wxwidgets translation framework, which is based on gettext.
I have working translations for french, german and russian. I want to go unicode anyway, but my first question is:
does my application need unicode support to display korean and japanese languages?
If so, - just for interest - why does russian work without, since they have a cyrillic letterset?
I have thousands of string literals. Do i have to prepend each and every one of them with 'L' ? ( wxString foo("foo") --> wxString foo(L"foo") )
if so, did someone build a regex or sed or perl script to do this in ca. 500 .cpp files ? ( pleeze! =) )
Will this change in wxWidgets 3.0?
Unicode question general: i use these string literals in many descriptive and many technical ways .. as displayed text as well as parts of GLSL shaders as well as XML. These APIs have char* / const char* as function arguments, so my internal wxString representation should not matter in these areas. Theory and practice: is this true? Some experiences to share, anyone?
I do some text processing ( comparing, string finding etc ) - are there any logical differences in unicode vs. ansi?
Is there any remarkeable performance impact in using Unicode?
Thank you!
Addressing some of your questions…
does my application need unicode support to display korean and japanese languages?
If so, - just for interest - why does russian work without, since they have a cyrillic letterset?
Russian fits in a single-byte charset, just like western European languages (though it is a different charset). Korean and Japanese (and Chinese) don't. There are many workarounds for this, but the most elegant I know of to date is to use Unicode so that you don't need to rebuild your application for each locale; just change its message catalog.
Unicode question general: i use these string literals in many descriptive and many technical ways .. as displayed text as well as parts of GLSL shaders as well as XML. These APIs have char* / const char* as function arguments, so my internal wxString representation should not matter in these areas. Theory and practice: is this true? Some experiences to share, anyone?
Only strings that are going to be shown to (non-technical) users need to be localized, so they're the only ones that have to be in Unicode. The most common approach is to use UTF-8 (which is a particular way of encoding Unicode) as that means that ASCII strings – the most common type passed around inside programs – are exactly the same, which simplifies things a lot. The down-side is that you no longer have cheap indexing into the string as not all characters are the same number of bytes long. That can be anything from a non-issue to a right royal hindering PITA, depending on what the program is doing.
I do some text processing ( comparing, string finding etc ) - are there any logical differences in unicode vs. ansi?
Comparisons work fine, as does simple string finding. Other operations (e.g., getting the 20th character of a string, or working out how many characters into a string you've found a substring) are nasty because you've not got constant character widths. The nastiness can be mitigated by using wide characters, but they're less nice to use for external data (they introduce potential problems with endianness unless you go into working with byte-order marks, and that's another matter right there).
Is there any remarkeable performance impact in using Unicode?
Depends on exactly what you do. With UTF-8, if you're mostly dealing with ASCII text in reality then you get very little in the way of performance problems for most operations. With wide characters, you take more memory for every character, which naturally has performance implications (but which might acceptable because it does mean you've got constant-time indexing).
There's a korean .po file on for wxWidget's own strings. If your application displays wxWidget's own strings correctly when using that file, then it does not need Unicode support to display Korean and Japanese languages.
ISO-8859-5 is an 8 bit character set with Cyrillic letters.
Only if 1. does not yield the correct result. But if you want to translate the string, you should have used _().
I don't know.
wxWidgets 3.0 will not have separate Unicode- and ANSI-builds. 2.9.1 doesn't have, either.
It depends on how you use the arguments. C- and C++-functions usually operate on the representation of strings and are unaware of any particular character encoding. Particularly what you perceive to be a character and what the program considers a character might be different things.
See 6.
I do not know, but many toolkits use UTF-16 or UTF-32 instead of UTF-8 because these schemes are simpler. It's a size-speed tradeoff.
1.does my application need unicode support to display korean and japanese
Thanks to Oswald, i found out that you can have a korean translation without using unicode in your wxwidgets application. Change ( under windows, at least ) settings for non-unicode aware programs. But i still have to check out if this is enough for a whole application.
3.I have thousands of string literals. Do i have to prepend each
and every one of them with 'L' ? (
wxString foo("foo") --> wxString
foo(L"foo") )
If you have to use unicode with wxwidgets prior to 3.0, you have to. But do not use 'L' under wxwidgets, use wxT("foo")
4.if so, did someone build a regex or sed or perl script to do this in ca. 500 .cpp files ?
I did, at least a search and replace under Visual Studio:
Search: {"([^"]*)"}
Replace: wxT(\1)
But be careful! Will replace all string literals, #include "file.h" with #include wxT("file.h")
Will this change in wxWidgets 3.0?
Yes. See answer/quote above.